王靖茹, 刘玫*, 茹剑, 曹董玲, 程薪宇, 张欣欣

The structures of tepals and fruits of Polygonaceae in China with a note on their systematic significance
WANG Jingru, LIU Mei*, RU Jian, CAO Dongling, CHENG Xinyu, ZHANG Xinxin
图2 中国蓼科植物果实 示果实结构及石细胞。 A1.沙拐枣薄壁细胞; A2.沙拐枣纤维; A3.沙拐枣果实结构; B1.苦荞麦石细胞; B2.苦荞麦果实结构; C1.篱蓼石细胞; C2.篱蓼果实结构; D1.普通蓼石细胞; D2.普通蓼果实结构; E1.春蓼石细胞; E2.春蓼果实结构; F1.珠芽蓼石细胞; F2.珠芽蓼果实结构; G1.滇边大黄石细胞; G2.滇边大黄外果皮结构; G3.滇边大黄果实结构; H1.直根酸模石细胞; H2.直根酸模果实结构。比例尺:图A1, A3=50 μm;A2, G3=100 μm;B1, C1, D1, E1~2, F1, G1=20 μm;B2, D2, F2=30 μm;C2, G2, H1~2=10 μm。
Fig.2 Fruits of Polygonaceae in China Showing fruit structures and stone cells. A1. Parenchyma cell of Calligonum mongolicum ; A2. Fiber of Calligonum mongolicum ; A3. Fruit structure of Calligonum mongolicum ; B1. The stone cell of Fagopyrum tataricum ; B2. Fruit structure of Fagopyrum tataricum ; C1. The stone cell of Fallopia dumetorum ; C2. Fruit structure of Fallopia dumetorum ; D1. The stone cell of Polygonum humifusum ; D2. Fruit structure of Polygonum humifusum ; E1. The stone cell of Polygonum persicaria ; E2. Fruit structure of Polygonum persicaria ; F1. The stone cell of Polygonum viviparum ; F2. Fruit structure of Polygonum viviparum ; G1. The stone cell of Rheum delavayi ; G2. Epicarp structure of Rheum delavayi ; G3. Fruit structure of Rheum delavayi ; H1. The stone cell of Rumex thyrsiflorus ; H2. Fruit structure of Rumex thyrsiflorus . Scale bar=50 μm in A1, A3; 100 μm in A2, G3; 20 μm in B1, C1, D1, E1-2, F1, G1; 30 μm in B2, D2, F2; 10 μm in C2, G2, H1-2.