茹剑, 刘玫*, 王臣, 程薪宇, 梁莉

Morphological and anatomical features of Lamiaceae fruits in northeasten China and notes on taxonomic value
RU Jian, LIU Mei*, WANG Chen, CHENG Xin-Yu, LIANG Li
图2 东北唇形科果实横切,示果皮结构、厚壁区域分离的细胞形态
Fig.2 The transverse section of fruit of Lamiaceae in northeasten China, showing pericarp structure and separated cell morphology from sclerenchyma region A: 藿香 Agastache rugosa ; B1~2: 水棘针 Amethystea coerulea ; C1~2: 光萼青兰 Dracocephalum argunense ; D: 香薷 Elsholtzia ciliate ; E1~2: 鼬瓣花 Galeopsis bifida ; F: 活血丹 Glechoma hederaceae var. longituba ; G: 细叶益母草 Leonurus sibiricus ; H1~2: 荠苎 Mosla dianthera ; I1~2: 紫苏 Perilla frutescens ; J1~2: 块根糙苏 Phlomis tuberose ; K: 内折香茶菜 Plectranthus inflexus ; L: 夏枯草 Prunella asiatica ; M: 黄芩 Scutellaria baicalensis ; N: 图们黄芩 S. tuminensis ; O: 风车草 Clinopodium chinense var. grandiflora ; P: 小穗水蜡烛 Dysophylla fauriei ; Q: 地瓜苗 Lycopus lucidus 。c: 晶体Crystal; en: 内果皮Endocarp; ex: 外果皮Exocarp; f: 纤维Fibre; g: 腺毛Glandular trichome; me: 中果皮Mesocarp; mc: 粘液细胞Mucilaginous cells; nc: 非粘液细胞Non-mucilaginous cells; p: 纹孔Pit; sc: 厚壁区域Sclerenchyma region; vb: 维管束Vascular bundle. 比例尺Scale bar: A, B1, C2, D, H1~2, K, M, J2=10 μm; C1, E1~2, F, G, I1, J1, N=20 μm; L=50 μm; B2, O, P, Q, I2=5 μm.