赵艳宁1, 米超1, 孙万仓1,*, 刘自刚1, 武军艳1, 方彦1, 李学才1, 刘海卿1, 董云2

Analysis of botanical traits and self-compatibility in winter rapeseed Brassica napus and Brassica rapa and F1 hybrid populations
ZHAO Yan-Ning1, MI Chao1, SUN Wan-Cang1,*, LIU Zi-Gang1, WU Jun-Yan1, FANG Yan1, LI Xue-Cai1, LIU Hai-Qing1, Dong Yun2
亲本及F1代花粉I2-IK染色结果 1.陇油9号 Longyou 9; 2.Vision; 3. F1(Longyou 9×Vision); 4. F1(Vision×Longyou 9);下同.The same below.A:不规则花粉粒Irregular pollen grains;B:染色较浅花粉Lighter staining pollen grains;C:三核花粉Three nuclear pollen grains.