陈垣1,2, 徐博琼1, 郭凤霞1,*, 白刚1, 张荩凤1, 张勇3

Studies of the floral organ characteristics and sexual breeding system of Fritillaria unibracteata
CHEN Yuan1,2, XU Bo-Qiong1, GUO Feng-Xia1,*, BAI Gang1, ZHANG Jin-Feng1, ZHANG Yong1
漳县石川乡栽培暗紫贝母开花株形态及花被特征 A:驯化地生境Domesticated field surrounding;B:现蕾单株 Budding plant;C:开花前花器形态Floral organ shape before opening;D:柱头长出雄蕊 Longer stigma than the stamen;E:开花单株 Blooming plant;F:花被Perianth;G:开花Opening flower;H:柱头短于雄蕊Shorter stigma than the stamen.