任胜茂2,**, 邓榆川2,**, 文凤君2, 刘明洁3, 袁小琴4, SajadHussain1, 蒲全明2, 刘卫国1,*, 杨文钰1,*

Effects of intercropping on the metabolism of carbon and nitrogen of soybean at the seedling stage and its relationship with lodging
REN Shen-mao2,**, DENG Yu-chuan2,**, WEN Feng-jun2, LIU Ming-jie3, YUAN Xiao-qin4, Sajad Hussain1, PU Quan-ming2, LIU Wei-guo1,*, YANG Wen-yu1,*
套作对大豆倒伏率和茎秆长粗比的影响 不同字母表示差异达0.05显著水平。下同。