白刚1, 郭凤霞1,*, 陈垣1,2,*, 袁洪超1, 肖婉君1

Differences in physiological resistance traits of Angelica sinensis seedlings from uncultivated and cultivated fields in Min County
BAI Gang1, GUO Feng-xia1,*, CHEN Yuan1,2,*, YUAN Hong-chao1, XIAO Wan-jun1
岷县生荒地和熟地豌豆-黄芪茬口培育田植被特征及当归苗长势 A: 生荒地植被 Vegetation in wild uncultivated field; B: 熟地当归轮作豌豆后黄芪育苗长势Growth state of A. membranaceus seedlings based on rotating pea following A. sinensis in the cultivated agricultural field; C: 生荒地当归育苗长势Growth state of A. sinensis seedlings in the wild uncultivated field; D: 豌豆-黄芪轮作茬口当归育苗长势Growth state of A. sinensis seedlings in the pea- Astragalus rotation field.