张金霞1, 陈垣1,2,*, 郭凤霞1,*, 王引权3, 周盛茂4, 肖生伟5

Studies of the flowering habits and pollination for diploid Isatis indigotica
ZHANG Jin-xia1, CHEN Yuan1,2,*, GUO Feng-xia1,*, WANG Yin-quan3, ZHOU Sheng-mao4, XIAO Sheng-wei5
菘蓝花序特征及开花习性 A: 花序开花习性Flowering habit of inflorescences; B: 不同发育阶段的花序Different developing stages of inflorescences; C: 单花蕾Single flower bud; D: 单花正面Single flower front; E: 单花背面Single flower back; F: 单花侧面Single flower side; G: 单枚雌蕊Single pistil; H: 单枚雄蕊Single stamens.