杨乃瑞, 胡玉福*, 舒向阳*, 曾建, 张祥林, 申屠瑜程, 何佳, 程琪, 李杰, 李智, 余颖

Meta-analysis of the response to nitrogen deposition of soil nitrogen fractions, grassland soil C∶N∶P stoichiometry and microbial respiration
YANG Nai-rui, HU Yu-fu*, SHU Xiang-yang*, ZENG Jian, ZHANG Xiang-lin, SHENTU Yu-cheng, HE Jia, CHENG Qi, LI Jie, LI Zhi, YU Ying
氮沉降对草地微生物量碳氮磷及微生物呼吸的影响 MBC:微生物量碳Microbial biomass carbon; MBN:微生物量氮Microbial biomass nitrogen; MBP:微生物量磷Microbial biomass phosphorus; MBC∶MBN:微生物量碳氮比Microbial biomass C/N ratio; MBC∶MBP:微生物量碳磷比Microbial biomass C/P ratio; MBN∶MBP:微生物量氮磷比Microbial biomass N/P ratio; MR:微生物呼吸Microbial respiration.下同The same below.