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草业学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (6): 231-247.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.甘肃省草原监理站,甘肃 兰州730046;
    2.甘肃省外资项目办公室,甘肃 兰州730030;
    3.肃南县草原监理所,甘肃 肃南734400
  • 收稿日期:2010-06-01 出版日期:2010-06-25 发布日期:2010-12-20
  • 作者简介::赵忠(1961-),男,甘肃高台人,研究员。E-mail:zhaozhong03@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Grassland investigation in Sunan Yuguor autonomous county

ZHAO Zhong1,HE Yi2,LI Qing1,JIA Sheng-fu1, YANG Peng-yi1,JIN Ci-fu1,YANG Xue-lan1,
SUN Xiao-yun1, LI Ju3, GU Zi-lin3, QU Yong3,ZHANG Wei-jun3,
QIAO Yun-song3, WANG Jun3, YANG Sheng-lu3   

  1. 1.Gansu Provincial Grassland Supervision Station, Lanzhou 730046, China;
    2.Foreign Fund Project
    Management Office of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730030, China;
    3. Sunan County
    Grassland Supervision Station, Sunan 734400, China
  • Received:2010-06-01 Online:2010-06-25 Published:2010-12-20

摘要: 通过应用3S技术一体化与固定样地、路线调查相结合,对肃南县天然草原资源进行了调查,确定了肃南县草地类型、面积、分布及物种组成,并对草地盖度、高度和产草量进行了监测研究。结果表明,1)肃南县有天然草原1778729hm2,划分为9个类,18个亚类,24个组,29个型。2)肃南县没有一、二、三、四级草原;五级草原为高寒灌丛草甸1类,草原总面积424614hm2,占全县草原总面积的23.87%,每hm2鲜草产量达到3685kg;六级草原为高寒草甸、温性草原、温性草原化荒漠、温性草甸草原、高寒草原5类,草原总面积883145hm2,占全县草原总面积的49.65%,每hm2鲜草产量分别达到2577,2565,2508,1880和1820kg;七级草原为温性荒漠、温性荒漠化草原和低平地草甸3类,草原总面积470966hm2,只占全县草原总面积的26.47%,每hm2鲜草产量分别达到900,1167和1137kg;3)肃南县天然草原年总产鲜草426054.43万kg,折合干草146061.63万kg;天然草原理论载畜量为106.41万个羊单位,目前全县各类牲畜折合羊单位102万个,基本处于饱和;4)祁连山地具有丰富而珍贵的动植物资源,通过对采集的986份749种植物标本的鉴定分析,菊科植物占16%,禾本科植物占14%,豆科植物占8%,莎草科植物占6%,毛莨科占6%,蔷薇科占5%,十字花科占3%,藜科植物占3%,百合科占3%,其他植物占36%;祁连山地有野生动物28目63科286种,其中,鱼纲1目2科4种,爬行纲2目3科5种,两栖纲1目2科2种,鸟纲17目39科206种,哺乳纲7目17科69种,其中,国家一级保护野生动物9种,国家二级保护动物39种。

Abstract: Grassland resource investigation by the combination of 3S technique, fixed-sampling site and route survey was carried out in Sunan county. The grassland type, area, distribution and species composition were determined; and the plant coverage, height and field were measured. 1) The grassland in Sunan county was divided into 9 classes embracing 18 subclasses, the 29 types of 24 forms; the total area of grassland was 1 778 729 ha in Sunan county. 2)Sunan county did not have the 1,2,3 and 4 grade grassland, alpine steppe was the 5 grade grassland with an area of 424 614 ha, which accounted for 23.87% of the total area of grassland in Sunan county, the average fresh grass yield was 3 685 kg/ha; alpine meadow, temperate steppe, temperate steppe-desert, temperate meadow-steppe and alpine steppe was the 6 grade grassland with an area of 883 145 ha, which accounted for 49.65% of the total area of the grassland, the average fresh grass yield was 2 577, 2 565, 2 508, 1 880 and 1 820 kg/ha respectively; temperate desert, temperate desert-steppe and lowland meadow was the 7 grade grassland with an area of 470 966 ha, which accounted for 26.47% of the total area of the grassland, the average fresh yield was 900, 1 167 and 1 137 kg/ha respectively. 3) The total fresh grass yield in Sunan was 4 260.544 3 million kg, which converted into 1 460.616 1 million kg wind-dried grass, the theoretic grazing capacity in the natural grassland should be 1.064 1 million sheep-units; at present, the livestock in Sunan was 102 million sheep-units converted, which basically was in the saturation. 4) The Qilianshan Mountains have abundant and rare animal and plant resources, it is identified that among the 749 species of 986 pieces of plant samples collected during the investigation, 16% of the plants were from Compocitae, 14% plants from Poaceae, 8% of plants from Liguminosae, 6% of plants from Cyperaceae, 6% of plants form Raunuculaceae, 5% of plants from Rosaceae, 3% of plants from Cruciferae, 3%of plants from Chenopodiaceae, 3% of plants from Liliaceae; the plants from other families accounted for 35%. The Qilianshan Mountains have 286 species of wild animal, which belonged to 63 families of 28 orders, among which class Pisces had 4 species of 2 families from 1 order, class Reptilia had 5 species of 3 families from 2 orders, class Amphibia had 2 species of 2 families from 1 order, class Aves had 206 species of 39 families from 17 orders, class Mammalia had 69 species of 17 families from 7 orders. Out of the wild animals, 9 species were the first class national protected animals; 39 species were the second class national protected animals.
