草业学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (12): 13-22.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024046
李芙凝1,2(), 柴天舒3, 秦泽平2,4, 唐增2,4,5(
E-mail: tangz@lzu.edu.cn基金资助:
Fu-ning LI1,2(), Tian-shu CHAI3, Ze-ping QIN2,4, Zeng TANG2,4,5(
李芙凝, 柴天舒, 秦泽平, 唐增. 牧户雪灾气象指数保险支付意愿分析——以甘南牧区为例[J]. 草业学报, 2024, 33(12): 13-22.
Fu-ning LI, Tian-shu CHAI, Ze-ping QIN, Zeng TANG. Analysis of herders’ willingness to pay for snow disaster weather-index insurance—A case study in the Gannan Pastoral area[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(12): 13-22.
项目Item | 触发指数Trigger index | 理赔方式Insurance payments indemnity |
轻灾保险Light disaster insurance | 连续积雪天数达到约定指数4~10 d。The number of days with continuous snow cover reached the trigger index of 4-10 d. | 每只羊每天赔付1.8 kg饲料。Each sheep is paid 1.8 kg of feed per day. |
中灾保险Medium disaster insurance | 连续积雪天数达到约定指数10~20 d。The number of days with continuous snow cover reached the trigger index of 10-20 d. | 赔付保险金额的60%。Pay 60% of the insured amount. |
重灾保险Serious disaster insurance | 连续积雪天数达到约定指数20 d以上。The number of days with continuous snow cover reached the trigger index of more than 20 d. | 赔付保险金额的80%。Pay 80% of the insured amount. |
表 1 雪灾指数保险赔付方案
Table 1 Compensation scheme of snow index insurance
项目Item | 触发指数Trigger index | 理赔方式Insurance payments indemnity |
轻灾保险Light disaster insurance | 连续积雪天数达到约定指数4~10 d。The number of days with continuous snow cover reached the trigger index of 4-10 d. | 每只羊每天赔付1.8 kg饲料。Each sheep is paid 1.8 kg of feed per day. |
中灾保险Medium disaster insurance | 连续积雪天数达到约定指数10~20 d。The number of days with continuous snow cover reached the trigger index of 10-20 d. | 赔付保险金额的60%。Pay 60% of the insured amount. |
重灾保险Serious disaster insurance | 连续积雪天数达到约定指数20 d以上。The number of days with continuous snow cover reached the trigger index of more than 20 d. | 赔付保险金额的80%。Pay 80% of the insured amount. |
变量 Variable | 变量定义或赋值方法 Definition and assignment | 平均 Mean | 标准差Standard deviation (SD) |
牧户受教育程度Education of herders | 1=没有受过教育No education; 2=小学Primary school; 3=初中Junior high school; 4=高中或中专High school or technical secondary school; 5=大学及以上College and above | 1.56 | 0.75 |
牧户从事畜牧业的时间Time of herders engaged in animal husbandry | 牧户从事畜牧业的时间Time of herders engaged in animal husbandry (Month) | 8.80 | 4.91 |
家庭中是否有政府工作人员Whether there are government employees in the family or not | 1=有Yes; 0=没有No | 0.09 | 0.27 |
家庭人口数Number of family members | 家庭人口总数Number of family members | 5.68 | 1.97 |
家庭是否以畜牧业为主要生计Whether the family relies on animal husbandry as its main livelihood | 1=是Yes;0=否No | 0.77 | 0.43 |
羊的数量The number of sheep | 养殖羊的总数Total number of sheep (sheep-unit) | 52.31 | 81.39 |
畜牧业纯收入Net income of animal husbandry | 畜牧业纯收入Net income of animal husbandry (×104 CNY) | 0.37 | 10.42 |
承包草场面积Contracted grassland area | 家庭承包草场面积The area of household contracted grassland (×104 hm2) | 0.19 | 0.46 |
表2 变量定义与描述统计
Table 2 Summary of variables
变量 Variable | 变量定义或赋值方法 Definition and assignment | 平均 Mean | 标准差Standard deviation (SD) |
牧户受教育程度Education of herders | 1=没有受过教育No education; 2=小学Primary school; 3=初中Junior high school; 4=高中或中专High school or technical secondary school; 5=大学及以上College and above | 1.56 | 0.75 |
牧户从事畜牧业的时间Time of herders engaged in animal husbandry | 牧户从事畜牧业的时间Time of herders engaged in animal husbandry (Month) | 8.80 | 4.91 |
家庭中是否有政府工作人员Whether there are government employees in the family or not | 1=有Yes; 0=没有No | 0.09 | 0.27 |
家庭人口数Number of family members | 家庭人口总数Number of family members | 5.68 | 1.97 |
家庭是否以畜牧业为主要生计Whether the family relies on animal husbandry as its main livelihood | 1=是Yes;0=否No | 0.77 | 0.43 |
羊的数量The number of sheep | 养殖羊的总数Total number of sheep (sheep-unit) | 52.31 | 81.39 |
畜牧业纯收入Net income of animal husbandry | 畜牧业纯收入Net income of animal husbandry (×104 CNY) | 0.37 | 10.42 |
承包草场面积Contracted grassland area | 家庭承包草场面积The area of household contracted grassland (×104 hm2) | 0.19 | 0.46 |
变量Variable | 回归系数Coefficient | 标准误Standard error |
牧户受教育程度Education of herders | -1.900 | 2.208 |
牧户从事畜牧业的时间Time engaged in animal husbandry | 1.240* | 0.626 |
家庭中是否有政府工作人员Whether there are government employees in the family or not | -17.612** | 6.886 |
家庭人口数Number of family members | -1.903** | 0.823 |
家庭是否以畜牧业为主要生计Whether the family relies on animal husbandry as its main livelihood | -18.106** | 7.380 |
羊的数量The number of sheep | 0.034* | 0.019 |
畜牧业纯收入Net income of animal husbandry | 0.136 | 0.144 |
承包草场面积Contracted grassland area | -2.480 | 3.378 |
常数项Constant term | 26.062*** | 7.095 |
表3 Tobit模型估计
Table 3 Tobit model estimation
变量Variable | 回归系数Coefficient | 标准误Standard error |
牧户受教育程度Education of herders | -1.900 | 2.208 |
牧户从事畜牧业的时间Time engaged in animal husbandry | 1.240* | 0.626 |
家庭中是否有政府工作人员Whether there are government employees in the family or not | -17.612** | 6.886 |
家庭人口数Number of family members | -1.903** | 0.823 |
家庭是否以畜牧业为主要生计Whether the family relies on animal husbandry as its main livelihood | -18.106** | 7.380 |
羊的数量The number of sheep | 0.034* | 0.019 |
畜牧业纯收入Net income of animal husbandry | 0.136 | 0.144 |
承包草场面积Contracted grassland area | -2.480 | 3.378 |
常数项Constant term | 26.062*** | 7.095 |
变量Variable | 回归系数Coefficient | 标准误Standard error |
牧户受教育程度Education of herders | -1.151 | 1.832 |
牧户从事畜牧业的时间Time engaged in animal husbandry | 0.989* | 0.532 |
家庭中是否有政府工作人员Whether there are government employees in the family or not | -9.765* | 5.087 |
家庭人口数Number of family members | -1.637** | 0.701 |
家庭是否以畜牧业为主要生计Whether the family relies on animal husbandry as its main livelihood | -13.690** | 6.219 |
羊的数量The number of sheep | 0.029* | 0.016 |
畜牧业纯收入Net income of animal husbandry | 0.130 | 0.124 |
承包草场面积Contracted grassland area | -3.032 | 2.967 |
常数项Constant term | 24.010*** | 5.964 |
表4 稳健性检验
Table 4 Robustness test
变量Variable | 回归系数Coefficient | 标准误Standard error |
牧户受教育程度Education of herders | -1.151 | 1.832 |
牧户从事畜牧业的时间Time engaged in animal husbandry | 0.989* | 0.532 |
家庭中是否有政府工作人员Whether there are government employees in the family or not | -9.765* | 5.087 |
家庭人口数Number of family members | -1.637** | 0.701 |
家庭是否以畜牧业为主要生计Whether the family relies on animal husbandry as its main livelihood | -13.690** | 6.219 |
羊的数量The number of sheep | 0.029* | 0.016 |
畜牧业纯收入Net income of animal husbandry | 0.130 | 0.124 |
承包草场面积Contracted grassland area | -3.032 | 2.967 |
常数项Constant term | 24.010*** | 5.964 |
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[3] | 梁天刚,崔霞2,冯琦胜,王莺,夏文韬. 2001-2008年甘南牧区草地地上生物量与载畜量遥感动态监测[J]. 草业学报, 2009, 18(6): 12-22. |
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