Welcome to Acta Prataculturae Sinica ! Today is March 3, 2025 Share:

About Journal

  •  ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA was founded in 1990, the journal is hosted by China Association for Science and Technology, and co-sponsored by the Chinese Grassland Society and Lanzhou University. The journal is the leading journal in grassland and pastoral research in China. It has consistently ranked as the top 2 scientific journals among 2151 journals in all fields of science and technology in China in 2023. The journal serves as an important reference for research scientists, university lecturers, post graduate students, policy markers and all others interested in the pastoral agriculture and sustainable utilization of natural and agricultural resources. The jouranl is dedicated to shareing knowledge, ideas, concepts and philosophies on development of sustainable pastoral agriculture systems for both agricultural and non-agricultural purposes, and to promoting the understanding of the processes that affect ecological values, forage production, livestock production, and market development within pastoral agriculture systems. It publishes original research in all aspects of grassland science. It also publishes reviews, comments, and short communications. The journal is particularly interested to publish work of young scientists.


  • 2014-07-23 Visited: 31183