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草业学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 1-9.

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  1. 兰州大学草地农业科技学院 甘肃省草原生态研究所,甘肃 兰州 730020
  • 收稿日期:2009-01-24 出版日期:2009-10-20 发布日期:2009-10-20
  • 作者简介:任继周(1924-),男,山东平原人,中国工程院院士
  • 基金资助:

Promoting prataculture development in arable region to ameliorate the farming system and insure food security in China

REN Ji-zhou, LIN Hui-long   

  1. College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University,
    Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute, Lanzhou 730020, China
  • Received:2009-01-24 Online:2009-10-20 Published:2009-10-20

摘要: 从耕地、粮食与人口关系分析,我国粮食安全面临巨大挑战,其中人的口粮中长期预测不过2 亿t,我国自给无虑,而饲料等非口粮用粮达5 亿t,现有耕地农业系统难以承担。而国际粮食市场容量不足,价格波动过大,不可依赖。数量巨大的饲料用粮需求是对我国的粮食安全真正严重的威胁。中国未来粮食安全必须向动植物产品并重型食物结构转变,进行新的食物生产与消费结构的调整是面对国际粮荒的长期战略。农区草业是将牧草引入传统耕地农业,在保证谷物生产水平的基础上,充分利用光、热、水、土等资源,在大幅度提高第一性生产的生产效率的同时,又为第二性生产提供优质、充足、廉价的饲料资源,以先进养殖业,提高饲料报酬率,提高草食型畜禽等节粮产品的比重,以保证动物性食品的充分发展而不加重谷物生产负担。所提供的生态服务功能无可替代。我国农区尚有4 968.5万hm2的土地资源发展农区草业,发展空间巨大。发展农区草业将酝酿一次对耕地农业的革命,不仅为改进农业系统提供最初的动力,而且可发掘农区草地资源,解放巨大食物资源潜力,实现人-畜分粮,是保证粮食安全的重大步骤。

Abstract: Considering the relations among cropland, grain yield and population in China, the country’s food security faces a formidable challenge. Although China will have no problem to support its population which demanding about 200 million ton grain in the medium and long terms, the huge amount of food demanded by livestock, about 500 million tons, will be a unbearable load for its traditional agricultural system. It would be unreliable to rely on the international market due to its limited capacity and uneven price. To secure its food safety, China has to reform its food structure by stressing equally on both animal and plant products, adjusting the structure of new food production and consumption, which is a long term strategy to deal with the situation of world food shortage. To develop prataculture in arable land is an effective approach to integrate forage growing into the traditional farming region so that to maintain and increase grain production by fully utilizing all recourses such as solar rays, heat, water, soil and at the same time to develop herbivore livestock production. This approach may have important functions in terms of ecological service and great potential role to play since there is a huge land resource available. It would be a significant measurement taken in securing the food safety and may be regarded as a revolution to the current model of farming system.
