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草业学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 73-79.

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  1. 1.中国农业大学草地研究所,北京 100193;
    2.南京农业大学动物科技学院,江苏 南京 210095;

    3.中国农业科学院草原研究所,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010
  • 收稿日期:2008-11-25 出版日期:2009-10-20 发布日期:2009-10-20
  • 作者简介:玉柱(1963-),男,蒙古族,内蒙古通辽人, 副教授。E-mail:yuzhu3@sohu.com
  • 基金资助:
    公益性行业科研专项“人工草地优质牧草生产技术研究与示范”(nyhyzx07-022),国家科技支撑计划项目“牧草丰产技术集成与产业化示范” (2006BAD16B08)和 “奶牛优质饲草生产技术研究及开发”(2006BAD04-06-06)资助。

Effects of additives on silage quality and in vitro digestibility of Lespedeza hedysaroides silage

YU Zhu1,WEI Xin1, YU Yan-dong2, HAN Jian-guo1, SUN Qi-zhong3   

  1. 1.Institute of Grassland Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;
    Agricultural University Animal Science and Technology College, Nanjing 210095, China;

    3.Grassland Research Institute, CAAS, Huhhot 010010, China
  • Received:2008-11-25 Online:2009-10-20 Published:2009-10-20

摘要: 以尖叶胡枝子为原料,添加乳酸菌制剂LaLsIL dry(0.000 5%,0.001 0%,0.002 0%和0.007 0%)和Micromanger H/M(0.001 135%,0.003 405%和0.004 450%),在实验室条件下制作小型塑料袋青贮,贮藏90 d,分析乳酸菌制剂对尖叶胡枝子青贮保存性能和消化率的影响。 结果表明,添加LaLsIL dry和Micromanger H/M可显著提高胡枝子青贮的乳酸含量(P<0.05),降低丁酸和氨态氮含量 (P<0.05)。通过Flieg青贮饲料评分方案得出尖叶胡枝子直接青贮饲料的发酵品质最差,等级为劣,而2种乳酸菌添加剂处理的青贮品质均明显好于对照组。LaLsIL dry和Micromanger H/M各处理均明显改善了尖叶胡枝子青贮饲料的发酵品质,同时也明显提高了尖叶胡枝子青贮饲料的干物质、粗蛋白质和中性洗涤纤维的体外消化率。

Abstract: Lespedeza hedysaroides silage was made from L. hedysaroides alone or by adding LaLsIL dry (0.000 5%, 0.001 0%, 0.002 0%, 0.007 0%) and Micromanger H/M (0.001 135%, 0.003 405%, 0.004 450%). L. hedysaroides was ensiled in plastic bags under vacuum. After 90 days, samples were analysised for silage quality and in vitro digestibility of L. hedysaroides. The treatments with LaLsIL dry and Micromanger H/M had higher lactic acid contents than the CK (P<0.05) while the content of butyric acid and ammonium nitrogen were lower (P<0.05). The Flieg evaluation method of silage showed that the fermentation quality was worst in directly ensiled L. hedysaroides, and that both treated silages had better fermentation quality than the CK. The treatments of LaLsIL dry and Micromanger H/M improved the fermentation quality and in vitro DM, CP and NDF digestibility of L. hedysaroides silage.
