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草业学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (6): 81-93.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2015458

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


王雪微, 刘玫*, 茹剑, 王靖茹, 王宇婷   

  1. 哈尔滨师范大学生命科学与技术学院,黑龙江省普通高等学校植物生物学重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150025
  • 收稿日期:2015-09-30 修回日期:2015-11-30 出版日期:2016-06-20 发布日期:2016-06-20
  • 通讯作者: E-mail: m.r.liu@126.com
  • 作者简介:王雪微(1992-),女,黑龙江哈尔滨人,在读硕士。E-mail: wangxueweiabc@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Morphological and anatomical characteristics of the fruit of Chinese Ferula and related taxa in Apiaceae

WANG Xue-Wei, LIU Mei*, RU Jian, WANG Jing-Ru, WANG Yu-Ting   

  1. College of Life Science and Technology, Harbin Normal University, Key Laboratory of Plant Biology, College of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150025, China
  • Received:2015-09-30 Revised:2015-11-30 Online:2016-06-20 Published:2016-06-20

摘要: 本文主要采用GMA切片法,深入研究了伞形科芹亚科阿魏属18种(其中16种产自中国)及Dorema属2种果实的结构,结构显示所研究物种果实的分果均为背腹压扁,两个边脊形成翅,内果皮由薄壁细胞构成,结合面与果实宽度相同,两个相对的心皮柄及中果皮有球状结晶。根据果皮、油管及种皮结构可将研究物种分为两组:组1(包括阿魏属4种)油管有隔,中果皮纤维化,种皮均由长方形细胞构成;组2(包括阿魏属16种及Dorema属2种),油管无隔,中果皮由薄壁或轻微木化细胞构成,种皮多为大的方形细胞。Dorema同阿魏属一些物种果实结构非常相似。本研究支持经典分类学指出的阿魏属分类系统是人为的,为分子系统学显示的Dorema应移入阿魏属构成广义阿魏属,广义阿魏属是单系类群提供了形态学依据。

Abstract: The fruit structures of eighteen species of Ferula (sixteen species from China) and two taxa of Dorema in Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae were intensively studied, mostly using GMA methods. The results show that the mericarps of fruits are dorsally compressed, two marginal ribs are winged, the endocarp is composed of parenchyma cells, commissure comprises the entire width of the fruit, two carpophores are arranged on opposite sides of the commissural plane and spherical crystals are dispersed in the mesocarp. The taxa studied could be divided into two groups based on the pericarp, vitta, and testa features. Group one (including 4 species of Ferula) has vittae with septa, fibrous mesocarp and testa with rectangular cells. Group two (including 16 species of Ferula and 2 species of Dorema) has vittae without septa, mesocarp composed of parenchyma or lignified cells and testa usually comprising square cells. The fruit of Dorema and some species of Ferula are very similar in structure. The study supports the hypothesis that Ferula is an artifical taxon, indicated by classical taxonomy, and provides the morphological evidence that Dorema should be moved to Ferula (as Ferula sensu lato).