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[35]Tomm G O, Walley F L, van Kessel C, et al. Nitrogen cycling in an alfalfa and bromegrass sward via litterfall and harvest losses[J]. Agronomy Journal, 1995, 87(6): 1078-1085. [36]Vitousek P M, Cassman K, Cleveland C, et al. Towards an ecological understanding of biological nitrogen fixation[J]. Biogeochemistry, 2002, 57(1): 1-45. [37]Carlsson G, Palmborg C, Jumpponen A, et al. N2 fixation in three perennial Trifolium species in experimental grasslands of varied plant species richness and composition[J]. Plant Ecology, 2009, 205(1): 87-104. [38]Nesheim L, Boller B. Nitrogen fixation by white clover when competing with grasses at moderately low temperatures[J]. Plant and Soil, 1991, 133(1): 47-56. [39]Woledge J, Davidson K, Dennis W. Growth and photosynthesis of tall and short cultivars of white clover with tall and short grasses[J]. Grass and Forage Science, 1992, 47(3): 230-238. 参考文献: [1]Bowren K, Cooke D, Downey R. 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Global inputs of biological nitrogen fixation in agricultural systems[J]. Plant and Soil, 2008, 311(1-2): 1-18. [30]Sturludóttir E. Forage Quality and Yield in Grass-Legume Mixtures in Northern Europe and Canada[D]. University of Iceland, Reykiavik, 2011. [31]Trenbeith B. Biomass productivity of mixtures[J]. Advances in Agronomy, 1975, 26: 177. [32]Cardinale B J, Wright J P, Cadotte M W,et al. Impacts of plant diversity on biomass production increase through time because of species complementarity[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2007, 104(46): 18123-18128. [33]Fornara D, Tilman D. Plant functional composition influences rates of soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation[J]. Journal of Ecology, 2008, 96(2): 314-322. [34]Haby V A, Stout S A, Hons F M,et al. Nitrogen fixation and transfer in a mixed stand of alfalfa and bermuda grass[J]. Agronomy Journal, 2006, 98(4): 890-898. [35]Tomm G O, Walley F L, van Kessel C,et al. Nitrogen cycling in an alfalfa and bromegrass sward via litterfall and harvest losses[J]. Agronomy Journal, 1995, 87(6): 1078-1085. [36]Vitousek P M, Cassman K, Cleveland C,et al. Towards an ecological understanding of biological nitrogen fixation[J]. Biogeochemistry, 2002, 57(1): 1-45. [37]Carlsson G, Palmborg C, Jumpponen A,et al. N2 fixation in three perennial Trifolium species in experimental grasslands of varied plant species richness and composition[J]. Plant Ecology, 2009, 205(1): 87-104. [38]Nesheim L, Boller B. Nitrogen fixation by white clover when competing with grasses at moderately low temperatures[J]. Plant and Soil, 1991, 133(1): 47-56. [39]Woledge J, Davidson K, Dennis W. Growth and photosynthesis of tall and short cultivars of white clover with tall and short grasses[J]. Grass and Forage Science, 1992, 47(3): 230-238.