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Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2014, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (6): 148-156.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140619

• Orginal Article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Response of alfalfa and smooth brome to nitrogen fertilizer in monoculture and mixed grasslands

XIE Kai-yun1,LI Xiang-lin1,HE Feng1,WAN Li-qiang1,WANG Dong1,QIN Yan1,YU Qun2   

  1. 1.Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China;
    2.College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730020, China
  • Received:2013-11-04 Online:2014-12-20 Published:2014-12-20

Abstract: It is essential to understand the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilizer in maintaining stable biomass production in mixed legume-grass grasslands. In this study, the effects of three N levels (0, 75 and 150 kg N/ha; denoted as N0, N75 and N150) on the biomasses of smooth brome and alfalfa in mono-culture and mixed-culture were investigated in greenhouse cultivation conditions. In mono-culture, N fertilizer significantly improved smooth brome biomass but had no significant effect on alfalfa biomass. In mixed-cultures, applying N significantly improved smooth brome biomass and indirectly inhibited the growth of alfalfa. In mixed-cultures, the biomass of smooth brome and alfalfa fell between the mono-culture values but was higher on average. The biomass of a single plant of smooth brome was significantly higher in mixed grassland than in mono-culture. The biomass of single alfalfa plants was significantly higher in mono-culture than in mixed grasslands. The study thus suggests that in mixed grasslands nitrogen positively stimulates smooth brome and suppresses alfalfa. In mixed grasslands, the growth of smooth brome and alfalfa changed dynamically and was regulated by inorganic N levels in the soil.

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