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Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 224-232.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024192

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Effects of three plant growth regulators on shade tolerance of Zoysia japonica

Xin-yi LIN1(), Ni WANG1, Tuo CHEN2, Yi-lan SONG3, Yao-dong LU3, Zhao-xia DONG1()   

  1. 1.College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China
    2.College of Agriculture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China
    3.Guangdong Biranmei Landscape Art Co. ,Ltd. ,Foshan 528200,China
  • Received:2024-05-21 Revised:2024-07-09 Online:2025-03-20 Published:2025-01-02
  • Contact: Zhao-xia DONG


Light serves as the essential energy source, underpinning the processes of photosynthesis, growth, and nutrient assimilation within plant systems. However, urban green spaces frequently present challenges such as overshadowing of lawn areas by towering structures, which can seriously impede the lawn’s capacity for normal growth and development. This research studied the maintenance and management of a Zoysia japonica cv. ‘Guanglv’ lawn under shaded conditions. Foliar sprays of the mixed herbicide indaziflam (50 mL·ha-1)+trifloxysulfuron (22.5 mL·ha-1), paclobutrazol at 120 mL·ha-1 and trinexapac-ethyl at 50 mL·ha-1 were conducted under artificial shading (80% shade). This study comprehensively evaluated the effects of three plant growth regulators on the external morphology and physiological characteristics of ‘Guanglv’ zoysiagrass. Traits measured included daily growth rate, leaf width, leaf green color intensity, percent green cover, superoxide dismutase activity, peroxidase activity, and malondialdehyde content. It was found that under continuous shading, ‘Guanglv’ zoysiagrass displayed a range of stress symptoms, including etiolation, narrowing and lengthening of leaves, a reduction in relative chlorophyll content, a marked decrease in turf ground cover, elevated levels of malondialdehyde, and diminished activity of antioxidant enzymes. Among the growth regulators tested, the combination of 50 mL·ha-1 indaziflam+22.5 mL·ha-1 trifloxysulfuron and 50 mL·ha-1 trinexapac-ethyl proved the most effective. These treatments not only ameliorated the adverse stress symptoms in zoysiagrass under shaded conditions, but also increased antioxidant enzyme activity, effectively enhancing the environmental adaptability, stress resistance, and shade tolerance.

Key words: zoysiagrass, plant growth regulator, shade tolerance