Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 175-188.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024197
Yi-fu LI1,2(), Bin SUN1,2, Zhi-biao NAN3,4, Shi-rong LIU5,6, Zhi-hai GAO1,2(
), Xiao-dong HUANG3, Mei-nan ZHANG5,6, Chang-long LI7, Jing-bo ZHANG8, Shui-rong WU9, Beng-yu WANG1,2
Zhi-hai GAO
Yi-fu LI, Bin SUN, Zhi-biao NAN, Shi-rong LIU, Zhi-hai GAO, Xiao-dong HUANG, Mei-nan ZHANG, Chang-long LI, Jing-bo ZHANG, Shui-rong WU, Beng-yu WANG. Classification system of inter-silva grasslands in Northern China[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(3): 175-188.
类型 Class | 代码 Code | 亚类 Subclass | 描述 Description |
林窗草地Forest gap grasslands | 11 | 火烧迹地草地Burnt trace grasslands | 大面积天然林或人工林的森林内部,火烧后尚未更新成林(郁闭度<0.1)区域中成片存在的草地。Extensive grasslands within large natural or plantation forests that have not regenerated into forests after fire disturbance, with a canopy density of less than 0.1. |
12 | 采伐迹地草地Cutting blank grasslands | 大面积天然林或人工林的森林内部,采伐后尚未更新成林(郁闭度<0.1)区域中成片存在的草地。Extensive grasslands within large natural or plantation forests that have not regenerated into forests after logging, with a canopy density of less than 0.1. | |
13 | 山间谷地草地Valley grasslands | 位于森林集中分布的山谷区域,阳坡与阴坡均为大面积天然林或人工林,属天然形成的成片草地。 Extensive natural grasslands located in valley regions where forests are concentrated, with both sunny and shady slopes covered by large areas of natural or plantation forests. | |
14 | 其他林窗草地Other forest gap grasslands | 大面积天然林或人工林的森林内部,其他原因造成(天然或人为)的成片存在的草地。Extensive grasslands within large natural or plantation forests caused by other factors (natural or anthropogenic). | |
林缘草地Forest edge grasslands | 21 | 针叶林林缘草地Coniferous forest edge grasslands | 距离针叶林(郁闭度>0.2)边缘200 m成片存在的草地。以针叶树为建群种所组成的各类森林,主要由云杉、冷杉、落叶松和松树等一些耐寒树种组成,包括常绿和落叶,也包括天然和人工林。Extensive grasslands located 200 m from the edge of coniferous forests (canopy density greater than 0.2). These forests are composed of various coniferous tree species, including spruce, fir, larch, and pine, which are cold-tolerant and include both evergreen and deciduous species, encompassing both natural and plantation forests. |
22 | 阔叶林林缘草地Broadleaf forest edge grasslands | 距离阔叶林(郁闭度>0.2)边缘200 m成片存在的草地。以阔叶树种为主组成的树林,叶子宽阔,北方主要以落叶树种为主,部分常绿树种,包括天然林和人工林。Extensive grasslands located 200 m from the edge of broadleaf forests (canopy density greater than 0.2). These forests are primarily composed of broadleaf tree species with wide leaves, predominantly deciduous species in northern regions, with some evergreen species, including both natural and plantation forests. | |
23 | 针阔混交林林缘草地Mixed coniferous and broadleaf forest edge grasslands | 距离针阔混交林(郁闭度>0.2)边缘200 m成片存在的草地。由针叶树和阔叶树混交组成的森林,针叶林或阔叶林的占比均未超过65%。Extensive grasslands located 200 m from the edge of mixed coniferous and broadleaf forests (canopy density greater than 0.2). These forests consist of a mixture of coniferous and broadleaf trees, with neither coniferous nor broadleaf species exceeding 65% of the composition. | |
疏林草地Sparse forest grasslands | 31 | 低郁闭度疏林草地Low canopy density sparse forest grasslands | 因自然或人为因素等形成的乔木疏林地,林木郁闭度为0.1~0.2,林草相间生长。Sparse woodland areas formed by natural or anthropogenic factors, with a canopy density between 0.1 and 0.2, where trees and grass grow intermixed. |
32 | 中郁闭度疏林草地Medium canopy density sparse forest grasslands | 主要由乔木树种组成,森林郁闭度较低,为0.2~0.4,林草相间生长。Forests primarily composed of tree species with low canopy density ranging from 0.2 to 0.4, where trees and grass grow intermixed. | |
灌木林草地Shrub grasslands | 41 | 山地灌木林草地Mountain shrub grasslands | 以灌木为建群种,常呈丛状分布,灌丛覆盖度在40%以上,灌木与草地相间生长,主要分布在山地、丘陵和岩溶等区域,可放牧利用。Dominated by shrub species, typically forming clumps with shrub coverage exceeding 40%. Shrubs and grasses grow intermixed, primarily distributed in mountainous, hilly, and karst regions, and are suitable for grazing. |
42 | 沙地灌木林草地Sandy shrub grasslands | 以灌木为建群种,灌丛覆盖度在40%以上,灌草相间生长,主要分布于固定沙地和半固定沙地等沙质土地,生态脆弱,生态价值大于利用价值。Dominated by shrub species, with shrub coverage exceeding 40%. Shrubs and grasses grow intermixed, primarily distributed in fixed and semi-fixed sandy areas. These ecosystems are ecologically fragile, with ecological value outweighing their utilitarian value. | |
43 | 其他灌木林草地Other shrub grasslands | 以灌木为主,灌丛覆盖度在40%以上,灌草相间生长,分布于典型草原、荒漠草原等非山地和沙地的区域。Dominated by shrub species, with shrub coverage greater than 40%. Shrubs and grasses grow intermixed, distributed in typical steppes and desert steppes, excluding mountainous and sandy areas. |
Table 1 Classification system of inter-silva grasslands in northern China
类型 Class | 代码 Code | 亚类 Subclass | 描述 Description |
林窗草地Forest gap grasslands | 11 | 火烧迹地草地Burnt trace grasslands | 大面积天然林或人工林的森林内部,火烧后尚未更新成林(郁闭度<0.1)区域中成片存在的草地。Extensive grasslands within large natural or plantation forests that have not regenerated into forests after fire disturbance, with a canopy density of less than 0.1. |
12 | 采伐迹地草地Cutting blank grasslands | 大面积天然林或人工林的森林内部,采伐后尚未更新成林(郁闭度<0.1)区域中成片存在的草地。Extensive grasslands within large natural or plantation forests that have not regenerated into forests after logging, with a canopy density of less than 0.1. | |
13 | 山间谷地草地Valley grasslands | 位于森林集中分布的山谷区域,阳坡与阴坡均为大面积天然林或人工林,属天然形成的成片草地。 Extensive natural grasslands located in valley regions where forests are concentrated, with both sunny and shady slopes covered by large areas of natural or plantation forests. | |
14 | 其他林窗草地Other forest gap grasslands | 大面积天然林或人工林的森林内部,其他原因造成(天然或人为)的成片存在的草地。Extensive grasslands within large natural or plantation forests caused by other factors (natural or anthropogenic). | |
林缘草地Forest edge grasslands | 21 | 针叶林林缘草地Coniferous forest edge grasslands | 距离针叶林(郁闭度>0.2)边缘200 m成片存在的草地。以针叶树为建群种所组成的各类森林,主要由云杉、冷杉、落叶松和松树等一些耐寒树种组成,包括常绿和落叶,也包括天然和人工林。Extensive grasslands located 200 m from the edge of coniferous forests (canopy density greater than 0.2). These forests are composed of various coniferous tree species, including spruce, fir, larch, and pine, which are cold-tolerant and include both evergreen and deciduous species, encompassing both natural and plantation forests. |
22 | 阔叶林林缘草地Broadleaf forest edge grasslands | 距离阔叶林(郁闭度>0.2)边缘200 m成片存在的草地。以阔叶树种为主组成的树林,叶子宽阔,北方主要以落叶树种为主,部分常绿树种,包括天然林和人工林。Extensive grasslands located 200 m from the edge of broadleaf forests (canopy density greater than 0.2). These forests are primarily composed of broadleaf tree species with wide leaves, predominantly deciduous species in northern regions, with some evergreen species, including both natural and plantation forests. | |
23 | 针阔混交林林缘草地Mixed coniferous and broadleaf forest edge grasslands | 距离针阔混交林(郁闭度>0.2)边缘200 m成片存在的草地。由针叶树和阔叶树混交组成的森林,针叶林或阔叶林的占比均未超过65%。Extensive grasslands located 200 m from the edge of mixed coniferous and broadleaf forests (canopy density greater than 0.2). These forests consist of a mixture of coniferous and broadleaf trees, with neither coniferous nor broadleaf species exceeding 65% of the composition. | |
疏林草地Sparse forest grasslands | 31 | 低郁闭度疏林草地Low canopy density sparse forest grasslands | 因自然或人为因素等形成的乔木疏林地,林木郁闭度为0.1~0.2,林草相间生长。Sparse woodland areas formed by natural or anthropogenic factors, with a canopy density between 0.1 and 0.2, where trees and grass grow intermixed. |
32 | 中郁闭度疏林草地Medium canopy density sparse forest grasslands | 主要由乔木树种组成,森林郁闭度较低,为0.2~0.4,林草相间生长。Forests primarily composed of tree species with low canopy density ranging from 0.2 to 0.4, where trees and grass grow intermixed. | |
灌木林草地Shrub grasslands | 41 | 山地灌木林草地Mountain shrub grasslands | 以灌木为建群种,常呈丛状分布,灌丛覆盖度在40%以上,灌木与草地相间生长,主要分布在山地、丘陵和岩溶等区域,可放牧利用。Dominated by shrub species, typically forming clumps with shrub coverage exceeding 40%. Shrubs and grasses grow intermixed, primarily distributed in mountainous, hilly, and karst regions, and are suitable for grazing. |
42 | 沙地灌木林草地Sandy shrub grasslands | 以灌木为建群种,灌丛覆盖度在40%以上,灌草相间生长,主要分布于固定沙地和半固定沙地等沙质土地,生态脆弱,生态价值大于利用价值。Dominated by shrub species, with shrub coverage exceeding 40%. Shrubs and grasses grow intermixed, primarily distributed in fixed and semi-fixed sandy areas. These ecosystems are ecologically fragile, with ecological value outweighing their utilitarian value. | |
43 | 其他灌木林草地Other shrub grasslands | 以灌木为主,灌丛覆盖度在40%以上,灌草相间生长,分布于典型草原、荒漠草原等非山地和沙地的区域。Dominated by shrub species, with shrub coverage greater than 40%. Shrubs and grasses grow intermixed, distributed in typical steppes and desert steppes, excluding mountainous and sandy areas. |
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