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Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2009, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 86-92.

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A study on mixed silage of alfalfa and maize straw

SUN Xiao-long1, ZHOU He2, LI Ping2, YU Zhu2   

  1. 1.Inner Mongolia Ecology and Agriculture Meteorology Center, Huhhot 010051, China;
    2. Institute of
    Grassland Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
  • Received:2008-12-01 Online:2009-10-20 Published:2009-10-20

Abstract: Maize straw and second cut alfalfa was completely mixed and treated with lactobacillus(LAB), cell wall degrading enzymes (ENZ), previous fermentation juice (PFJ), LAB and ENZ, PFJ and ENZ. Mixed ensiling maize straw and alfalfa improved the preservation of silage; all the different mixed ratio silages had a high fermentation quality; all the additives improved the fermentation quality further; there was little butyric acid in any of the silages. All the pH values were less than, or close to, 4.2. The ENZ+LAB treatment was the best, and its V-Score was also the best of the treatments. The ENZ treatment significantly (P<0.05) reduced NDF content by 3.77% and CP content (P<0.05) by 6.0% in the 7∶3 mixed ration.

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