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Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (11): 162-170.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2017508

• Orginal Article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of S3307 and DTA-6 on the photosynthetic characteristics and yield of kidney bean plants in the reproductive stage

WANG Chang1, ZHAO Hai-dong1, FENG Nai-jie1, *, ZHENG Dian-feng1, 2, *, LIANG Xiao-yan1, QI De-qiang1, LI Jian-ying3, HAN Yi-qiang1, HUANG Wen-ting1   

  1. 1.Agronomy of College, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, China;
    2.National Coarse Cereals Engineering Research Center, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, China;
    3.Daqing Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Daqing 163319, China
  • Received:2017-12-13 Revised:2018-03-15 Online:2018-11-20 Published:2018-11-20

Abstract: A study has been undertaken to investigate the photosynthesis and yield mechanisms of two plant growth regulators in kidney beans. Using “Yingguohong” as test material, leaves at the early flowering stage were sprayed with of 50 mg·L-1 uniconazole (S3307) and 50 mg·L-1 diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DTA-6) in order to study the regulators’ effects on photosynthetic characteristics at the flowering, podding and grain-filling stages, as well as on plant yields. The results showed that: 1) Except for the slightly lower net photosynthetic rate of DTA-6 at the podding stage, both S3307 and DTA-6 increased the net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and leaf area index of kidney bean plants. 2) S3307 increased chlorophyll content during the podding to grain-filling stages, whereas DTA-6 reduced the rate of chlorophyll decomposition from the flowering to grain-filling stages. 3) S3307 and DTA-6 increased above-ground single plant biomass accumulation at different stages, with the effects of the two regulators being the most significant at the grain-filling stage. Compared with CK, single plant biomass accumulation of S3307 increased by 14.55% and 36.05% respectively. 4) S3307 and DTA-6 decreased the shoot-leaf partitioning rate from the flowering to grain-filling stages, significantly increased the pod distribution rate and promoted the transfer of assimilation material from “source (leaf)” to “sink (kernel)”. The pod distribution rate of S3307 was 2.24% higher than that of DTA-6 and the decrease rate of the leaf area index was larger. 5) S3307 significantly increased pod number, while DTA-6 significantly increased the pods per plant and grain weight per plant. S3307 and DTA-6 significantly increased yield by 4.30% and 10.16% respectively compared with the control. Comprehensive analysis showed that both S3307 and DTA-6 effectively improve photosynthesis during the reproductive stage of kidney beans, promote single plant biomass accumulation and the distribution of pods, and significantly increase yield, with the rate of increase for DTA-6 being higher than S3307.

Key words: kidney bean, S3307, DTA-6, photosynthetic characteristics, yield