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    20 April 2019, Volume 28 Issue 4
    Orignal Article
    Herders’ satisfaction with the grassland ecological reward policy in Gansu rangeland areas
    WANG Li-jia, LIU Xing-yuan
    2019, 28(4):  1-11.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018248
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    In the early 2000s, the Chinese government banned grazing of rangeland to reverse degradation becoming apparent at that time. Subsequently a grassland ecological reward mechanism has been introduced to compensate herders for loss of grazing rights. How to secure herders’ compliance with grazing restrictions that reduce their income, and to improve herders’ satisfaction with the policy are key scientific questions for the future development of the grassland ecological reward policy. The implementation of the grassland ecological rewards policy is an important policy mechanism for gaining herders’ acceptance of grazing restrictions in order to control grassland degradation, protect the grassland ecological environment and improve the living standards of herders. The implementation of the first round of the grassland ecological reward policy (2011-2015) has been completed, and the second phase (2016-2020) has begun. Assessing herders’ satisfaction with the grassland ecological reward policy in the first phase has significant implications for improvement of the second phase of the policy. Herders from Gannan, Sunan and Tianzhu in rangeland areas of Gansu pastoral were surveyed, and an exploratory factor analysis constructed to choose three latent variables, including the herders’ social status, herders’ perception of the quality of the grassland ecological reward policy, and their perceived benefit from the policy. The empirical results demonstrated that herders with better educational background or who received higher amounts in grassland ecological reward payments, had greater satisfaction with the policy. In addition, the frequency of natural disasters, and the degree of decline in water quality and availability indirectly reflected the grassland ecological status in herders’ living and grazing areas. Combining the theoretical and empirical analysis, policy suggestions such as improvement of the educational system in rangeland areas, strengthening the grassland ecological supplementary support systems, and encouraging herders to adopt scientific management of pastures, are highly recommended as strategies to promote herder’s satisfaction with the grassland ecological reward policy, and thereafter to improve grassland ecological service functions.
    Satisfaction level, and factors influencing satisfaction of herdsmen with the grassland ecological protection subsidy incentive policy
    DING Wen-qiang, YANG Zheng-rong, MA Chi, LI Xi-liang, YIN Yan-ting, HOU Xiang-yang
    2019, 28(4):  12-22.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018249
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    This study used a multivariate ordered logistic regression model to examine satisfaction with the Grassland Ecological Protection Subsidy Incentive policy, and factors influencing satisfaction for 632 herdsmen in the meadow steppe, typical steppe, desert steppe, sandy steppe and desert regions in Inner Mongolia. It was found that: 1) The herdsmen were generally well satisfied with the policy; as indicated by an average score of 2.61 on a 1-3 scale. 2) There were regional differences in satisfaction score. The regional rankings for satisfaction were: sandy steppe>meadow steppe>desert steppe>desert>typical steppe. 3) Satisfaction with the policy tended to be higher when the household head was older, when farmers owned higher numbers of livestock, or when farmers exercised their grassland management policy transfer right, to move from the grass-livestock balance incentive scheme to the grassland ecological protection subsidy incentive scheme. 4) There were no significant demographic differences among the herdsmen who were very satisfied, generally satisfied or unsatisfied with the policy. However, satisfaction was negatively correlated with the area of grassland owned by the herdsmen, and positively correlated with the level of support received under the policy.
    Effects of different rotational grazing patterns on plant community characteristics in desert steppe grassland
    WANG Xiao-fang, MA Hong-bin, SHEN Yan, XU Dong-mei, XIE Ying-zhong, LI Jian-ping, LI Xiao-wei
    2019, 28(4):  23-33.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018246
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    Studying the effects of different grazing regimes on grassland vegetation characteristics can provide a scientific basis for optimizing grassland grazing practice. In the desert steppe of Ningxia, grazing exclusion was used as a control (CK), and was compared with continuous grazing (CG), two-paddock rotational grazing (TG), four-paddock rotational grazing (FG), and six-paddock rotational grazing (SG) at a sheep stocking rate of 0.75 head·ha-1 during the growing season. Measurements made included vegetation composition, community cover, biomass, net primary productivity, species diversity, and biological stability of the community. The results showed that: 1) Rotational grazing decreased the importance value of the preferred forage species in the desert steppe plant community, but increased the number of plant species. Increasing the number of paddocks in the grazing rotation helped to maintain the importance values of preferred forage species and perennial herbs, but had little impact on the semi-shrubs. 2) The vegetation cover was, as expected, higher in the CK treatment and was also elevated in the FG treatment. The above-ground biomass and net primary productivity were higher in the FG and SG rotational grazing plots, and the underground biomass was higher in CK and SG treatments. The amount of grassland litter under rotational grazing was higher than that in the CK treatment. 3) Rotational grazing increased species richness, diversity and dominance index, while decreasing the community evenness index. 4) Under all treatments, the plant community was unstable. However, the CK plots displayed the highest stability, and CG had the lowest stability. Based on all the vegetation data collected and ease of operation of the grazing system, it is considered that the FG rotational grazing system is an appropriate grazing regime for the study area.
    Response of typical steppe grassland soil physical and chemical properties to various ecological restoration measures in the Ningxia Loess Hill Region
    SU Ting-ting, MA Hong-bin, ZHOU Yao, JIA Xi-yang, ZHANG Rui, ZHANG Shuang-qiao, HU Yan-li
    2019, 28(4):  34-46.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018247
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    Study of soil physico-chemical properties and their change over time under different grassland ecological restoration practices provides scientific data for use in regional planning. This research compared soil properties under traditionally grazed grassland (Control) and 3 restoration practices in place for 15 years on hill slopes: grazing exclusion by fencing, contour trenching, and short trenches placed in a fish scale pattern. Data on soil particle size, bulk density, fractal D value, water retention, porosity, organic matter, and nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium concentrations were evaluated using principal component analysis and a soil quality comprehensive index (SQI) defining recovery of soil quality under the different measures was constructed. The results indicated: 1) Soils on contour-trenched land had the highest content of clay particles, while the highest content of silt occurred in grazed grassland, and land with fish-scale pits had the highest sand content. The fractal dimension (D value) of soil particle volume ranked in order from highest to lowest contour trenches, grazing exclusion, fish-scale pits and grazed control. Vertical variation through the profile in soil particle size was weak. 2) The highest soil bulk density occurred on the grazed control land (1.14 g·cm-3), followed by grazing exclusion, contour trenches and fish-scale pit land. Thus, the evaluated remediation practices significantly reduced the soil bulk density and increased soil total porosity and water holding capacity. However, the remediation practices had little effect on soil capillary porosity and non-capillary porosity. The vertical variation soil physical properties was not statistically significant. 3) The soil organic matter, total nitrogen and alkali-nitrogen showed a gradient: grazing exclusion>grazed control>fish-scale pits>contour trenches. The available potassium of soil in grazed control land was higher than with grazing exclusion, and fish-scale pits had the lowest available potassium among the 4 treatments. Soil nutrient concentrations were higher in the upper soil layers. 4) The comprehensive index of soil quality was: grazing exclusion (0.719)>contour trenching (0.348)>grazed control (0.337)>fish-scale pits (0.281). Based on this study of soil physical and chemical properties under the 3 restoration practices, it is concluded that grazing exclusion (fencing) provides the most significant improvement in soil quality and is the most appropriate ecological restoration measure for grassland in the study area.
    Soil organic carbon mineralization response to litter addition in desert steppe grassland sites with differences in number of years grazing exclusion by fencing
    LIU Jin-long, WANG Guo-hui, XU Dong-mei, XU Ai-yun, YU Shuang
    2019, 28(4):  47-57.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018680
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    This experiment aimed to explore the soil organic carbon mineralization response to litter addition in desert steppe grassland sites with differences in number of years grazing exclusion by fencing. The sites studied were grazed and never fenced (GG), fenced 5 years (FG5), fenced 9 years (FG9) and fenced 12 years (FG12). The effects on soil organic carbon mineralization, of adding litter samples including material from Lespedeza potaninii (N+S), Agropyron mongolicum (M+S), Stipa breviflora (D+S) and mixed plants (H+S) to soil samples from the desert steppe grassland sites with different fencing durations were determined after a laboratory incubation period of 76 days. It was found that: 1) Litter addition significantly increased the soil organic carbon mineralization rate and the cumulative mineralization of the soil samples, irrespective of the fencing duration. For the GG and FG9 samples, the cumulative mineralization was highest with H+S litter addition (13.81 and 15.80 mg·kg-1, respectively). For the FG5 and FG12 sites, the greatest mineralization occurred with the addition M+S litter (15.04 and 13.47 mg·kg-1, respectively). The mineralization process could be roughly divided into three stages: 0-6 d for rapid release (activate carbon pool), 7-62 d for slow release (long-term carbon pool) and 63-76 d for stable C release (inert carbon pool). 2) The first-order kinetic equation was well matched to the mineralization dynamics of soil organic carbon (R2=0.815-0.932), and the potential mineralization of soil was highest in FG5 grassland (8.834±0.382 mg·kg-1). 3) Litter addition had a positive priming effect on soil organic carbon mineralization in grasslands of different fencing durations, with the priming effect being strongest in soil from the FG9 site. Representational difference analysis (RDA) sequencing showed that the organic carbon and total nitrogen of litter had significant effects on soil organic carbon mineralization (F=15.314, P=0.002; F=8.669, P=0.008, respectively, with cumulative R2 of 70.87%).
    A study of the relationship between phenotypic traits, stem mechanical traits and lodging resistance of oat varieties for alpine regions
    LIANG Guo-ling, ZHANG Yong-chao, JIA Zhi-feng, MA Xiang, LIU Wen-hui
    2019, 28(4):  58-69.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018258
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    This research studied factors contributing to differences between oat varieties for lodging resistance, in order to identify major traits contributing to, and to further breeding for lodging resistance. Five lines or cultivars were selected for study: a recently bred hybrid (I-D line), its two parents [male Avena sativa cv. Qinghai (Q), female A. sativa cv. Qinghai 444 (Q444)], and 2 reference cultivars more and less susceptible to lodging, [Qinyin No. 1 (QY1), and LENA (L)], used as controls. Plants were examined during flowering and milky-grain growth phases, and fresh weight and a range of stem physical traits potentially contributing to lodging resistance were assessed. The ranking of the 5 studied varieties for lodging resistance was: L>I-D line>Q>Q444>QY1. Correlation analysis indicated that lodging index and phenotypic lodging score were positively correlated with ear length, ear position, plant height, height of the head centre of gravity, head fresh weight, and stem internode lengths; and where significantly or highly significantly negatively correlated with stem diameter and thickness, and stem mechanical strength traits. The second internode contributed more to lodging resistance more than the third one. It is suggested that stem diameter and thickness, stem wall penetration resistance, breaking resistance, bending moment and other physical bending parameters be used for evaluating oat lodging resistance. Plant height influenced lodging resistance more than ear characters. The stem diameter and thickness had the largest impact on lodging resistance, while the stem wall penetration resistance was the best indicator of lodging resistance in oats. The results indicate that it is important to enhance the stem thickness and the breaking resistance in order to increase lodging resistance in oats. Compared to their parents, the newly bred I-D lines had better plant height, stem diameter and thickness, internode length, and stem mechanical traits, resulting in better lodging resistance.
    Effect of different combinations of fertilizer and plastic film mulch on grain quality and yield of winter wheat in dryland areas of the Loess Plateau
    ZHANG Li-jun, LU Qing-lin, BAI Bin, WANG Heng-xing, ZHANG Wen-tao, ZHOU Gang, BAI YV-long, ZHANG Yao-hui
    2019, 28(4):  70-80.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018567
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    Extensive use of plastic film mulch in dryland farming areas of the Loess Plateau has greatly improved grain yield of winter wheat as the film reduces evaporation losses and ameliorates water deficit. Currently, optimization of wheat quality when using plastic film mulch has become the most important problem in this region. Here, a field experiment with randomized block design was conducted to investigate over two growing seasons, the combined effect of plastic film mulch and fertilizer in different combinations on grain yield and its components, grain quality, and the relationship between grain yield and processing quality. The experiment included 6 treatments: no fertilizer with conventional tillage (T0, CK), a normal application rate of inorganic fertilizer (T1), plastic film mulch+an equal application rate of inorganic fertilizer (T2), manure+an equal dosage of inorganic (T3), plastic film mulch+a high dosage of inorganic fertilizer (T4) and manure+high dosage of inorganic fertilizer (T5). The results indicated that inorganic fertilizer with either plastic film mulch or organic fertilizer significantly increased grain yield, wet gluten content, protein content, sodium dodecyl sulphate sedimentation value, water absorption, extensibility and starch viscosity, while significantly decreasing dough stability time and resistance. Treatment rankings for grain yields were T3>T5>T4>T2>T1>T0. The increases in grain yield, compared to T0, averaged over two years for T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 were respectively 85.60%, 90.99%, 118.32%, 102.30% and 106.65%. The organic fertilizer improved grain yield, protein content and some dough rheological parameters better than plastic film mulch under the same inorganic fertilizer application rate. Increase in grain yield is mainly a result of an increase in leaf area, thousand grain weight, spike length and grain number per spike, while changes in dough rheological properties resulted partly from changed flour protein content. The variability of weather conditions, particularly the amount and distribution of rainfall during the growing season had a significant influence on wheat grain yield and quality parameters. In this experiment in the semi-arid farming area of the Loess Plateau of China with about 500 mm precipitation, optimal application of nitrogen and phosphorus combined with organic manure (T3), not only resulted in the same increase in wheat yield as that achieved with plastic film mulch, but also enhanced wheat processing quality, meaning that inorganic fertilizer with organic manure is a more sustainable and environment-friendly husbandry practice than use of plastic film mulch.
    Effect of exogenous ABA on the endogenous hormone levels and physiology of chilling resistance in the leaf sheath of rice at the flowering stage under low temperature stress
    XIANG Hong-tao, QI De-qiang, LI Wan, ZHENG Dian-feng, WANG Yue-xi, WANG Tong-tong, WANG Li-zhi, ZENG Xian-nan, YANG Chun-jie, ZHOU Hang, ZHAO Hai-dong
    2019, 28(4):  81-94.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018225
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    This research investigated the effect of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) applied to the leaf sheath of rice at low temperature, on endogenous hormone levels, and on a cold hardiness physiology index of two rice varieties. Potted plants of rice varieties, LD5 (cold tolerant) and LJ11 (cold sensitive) were exposed to low temperature (15 ℃; 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 d) in a climate chamber, at the flowering stage. Low temperature at flowering significantly decreased pollen vigor and seed set, and these effects were particularly serious in the cold sensitive varieties. The exogenous ABA effectively inhibited the decrease of the seed setting rate. Low temperature increased the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), soluble sugar, soluble protein, and proline, and the relative conductivity of the leaf sheath, and also led to changes in the activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase. Exogenous ABA reduced the level of MDA and the relative conductivity, and promoted an increase in soluble sugar, soluble protein and proline levels, and promoted improvements in protective enzyme activity. This study confirmed that exogenous ABA improves the cold resistance of rice. Enhancement of low temperature resistance in rice will be very significant in facilitating increased rice production in the colder northeast east regions of China.
    Effects of variation in proportion of maize on the fermentation quality and microbial diversity of mixed buckwheat and maize silage in Tibet
    SHANG Zhen-da, TAN Zhan-kun, LI Jia-kui, ZHUO Ga, WANG Hong-hui, BA Sang, XIE Guo-ping, LIU Suo-zhu
    2019, 28(4):  95-105.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018676
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    This study conducted in Nyingchi, Tibet, explored the effect on silage fermentation quality and microbial diversity of adding whole maize in in various proportions to whole buckwheat, when making silage. The combinations tested were: (A) whole buckwheat alone; (B) buckwheat:maize mixed at a 4:1 ratio; (C) buckwheat:maize mixed at a 3:2 ratio; (D) buckwheat:maize mixed at a 2:3 ratio; (E) buckwheat:maize mixed at a 1:4 ratio. On the 7th, 14th, 30th and 60th day after ensiling, samples were collected to determine the fermentation quality and microflora structure of silage. Compared with buckwheat alone (silage A) adding maize reduced the pH value and increased the lactic acid content of the silage. Both the ammonia nitrogen:total nitrogen values and the butyric acid content of the mixed silages met the requirements to be considered high quality silage. Maize addition also changed the microflora structure of the silage. Compared with silage A, maize addition increased the abundance of Firmicutes and lactic acid bacterial strains, and effectively inhibited the growth of spoilage bacteria, and this effect was more significant as the proportion of maize increased in silages B to E. Considering the desirability of maximization utilization of buckwheat which is suited to the local climate, and silage fermentation quality, we conclude that silage D with a 2:3 buckwheat:maize ratio would be the preferred formulation.
    Effects of four different dietary roughages on feed apparent dry matter digestibility, animal body weight gain, and rumen bacterial populations, when finishing Hu lambs
    DONG Chun-xiao, LÜ Jia-ying, ZHANG Zhi-an, LI Fei, LI Fa-di
    2019, 28(4):  106-115.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018299
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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of four different dietary roughage sources on apparent feed dry matter digestibility, animal body weight gain, and rumen microflora when finishing Hu lambs. A total of one hundred and twenty male Hu lambs (22.9±1.2 kg), aged 60 days, were randomly allocated to 4 treatment groups (each comprising 5 replicates of 6 lambs) of similar average weight and weight range. Each of the 4 treatment groups received one of 4 dietary roughage sources: corn stalk (CS), corn cob (CC), sunflower seed hull (SH) or rapeseed straw (RS). For all 4 groups, the dietary proportion of roughage was 20%, and the concentrate component of the diet was the same. A dietary adjustment period of 7 d occurred prior to the experiment, followed by a formal test period of 70 d. At 49-55 d of the formal test, 5 lambs were selected from each group (1 per replicate) to determine the apparent digestibility of feed dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and nitrogen (N). At the end of the experiment, 15 lambs were selected from each group for slaughter, collection of rumen contents, rumen microbial DNA extraction, and quantification of rumen bacteria species. It was found that: 1) the dry matter intake (DMI) of Hu lambs in the CS group was significantly higher than in the other three groups (P<0.05). The final body weights and the average daily weight gains for the CS group were significantly higher than those of the RS group (P<0.05), but differences among other groups were not significant (P>0.05). 2) The digestibility values of DM and ADF in the CS and CC groups were significantly higher than those in the RS group (P<0.05), while digestibility values of OM and NDF were significantly higher than those of both SH and RS groups (P<0.05). The digestibility of N in the SH group was significantly higher than that in RS group (P<0.05), while ADF digestibility did not differ significantly between groups (P>0.05). 3) The numbers of Ruminococcus albus and Prevotella brevis in rumen fluid of CS and CC groups were significantly higher than for the RS group (P<0.05), while the numbers of those two bacterial species in the SH group were intermediate, and not significantly different from the other groups (P>0.05). The numbers of Ruminococcus flavefaciens and Fibrobacter succinogenes in CS and CC groups were significantly higher than in the SH and RS groups (P<0.05). There was no significant differences among the 4 groups for numbers of Selenomonas ruminantium (P>0.05). These results indicate that, compared with the sunflower seed hull and rapeseed straw diets, corn stalk diet and corn cob diet are more beneficial to the performance Hu lambs, when finishing for slaughter. and were also beneficial for increasing the number of cellulolytic bacteria in rumen fluid, this also promoting cellulose degradation in the rumen.
    Analysis of genetic differences and construction of an SSR marker fingerprint for Vicia sativa varieties
    MIN Xue-yang, WEI Xing-yi, LIU Wen-xian, ZHANG Zheng-she, JIN Xiao-yu, NDAYAMBAZA Boniface, WU Hong-lin, LI Yu, WANG Yan-rong
    2019, 28(4):  116-128.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018226
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    Transcription factors (TFs) are critical adaptor molecules that regulate many plant processes by controlling gene expression. The investigation of the availability of genomics data has proved a valuable resource for TF-SSR markers development. Through the analysis, we developed 208 SSR markers using published transcriptome sequence of Vicia sativa, and 35 pairs of SSR primers were screened out with a high polymorphism, stability, and clear bands. These 35 pairs of SSR primers amplified a total of 288 alleles in 30 V. sativa varieties tested, with an average of 8.23 alleles per SSR marker, the polymorphism ratio (PPB) was 100%, the polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.42 to 1.00, with an average of 0.80. Six pair of primers with multiple characteristic bands, which together could unambiguously distinguish the 30 tested V. sativa varieties, were selected as the core primers from these 35 pairs of primers. Finally, we constructed the DNA fingerprinting of each of the 30 V. sativa varieties using six core SSR markers. This work established a technical basis for the DUS testing, protection and genetic background analysis of V. sativa.
    Heterologous expression of a novel Zoysia japonica C2H2 zinc finger protein gene, ZjZFN1, caused drought sensitivity in Arabidopsis
    JIANG Hong-yan, TENG Ke, TAN Peng-hui, YIN Shu-xia
    2019, 28(4):  129-138.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018675
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    Zinc finger proteins play an important role in drought stress. Although genes encoding these proteins have been cloned and identified in various plants, their functions and potential transcriptional mechanisms in Zoysia japonica are also not well understood. In the present study, the ZjZFN1 gene and its promoter were transformed into Arabidopsis thaliana by the inflorescence infection method, and then the transgenic A. thaliana was screened using glufosinate or hygromycin resistance screening and PCR identification. It was found that the promoter of ZjZFN1 can drive the expression of the GUS reporter gene system, and that the expression level of GUS genes under mannitol treatment was significantly higher than that of control plants. The results demonstrated that overexpression of ZjZFN1 in Arabidopsis reduced seed germination rate, and weakened plant adaptability to drought stress and plant growth status under drought stress. After drought treatment, malondialdehyde content was higher in plants overexpressing ZjZFN1 than that in the wild type plants, while the proline content in the transgenic plants was significantly lower than that in the wild type plants. Real-time fluorescence quantitative analysis showed that the over-expression of ZjZFN1 in Arabidopsis decreased the expression levels of peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase enzymes and late embryogenesis abundant proteins, but increased the expression level of ascorbate peroxidase compared with control under drought treatment. This study indicates that overexpression of ZjZFN1 gene causes drought sensitivity in Arabidopsis, and provides a basis for further utilization of this gene.
    Development of specific STS markers for the sixth homologous group of Thinopyrum intermedium
    LIU Shu-juan, ZHANG Xiao-jun, LI Xin, LIU Cheng, BAI Jian-rong, REN Yong-kang, ZHENG Jun, LI Shi-jiao, GUO Hui-juan, MEI Chao, ZHANG Shu-wei, CHANG Zhi-jian, QIAO Lin-yi
    2019, 28(4):  139-145.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018723
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    Thinopyrum intermedium (2n=6x=42, JJJsJsStSt) is one of the important wild resources for wheat genetic improvement. However, as the Th. intermedium genome has not yet been sequenced, the numbers of reported Thinopyrum-specific molecular markers are insufficient for the purpose of identification of the small aline fragments or genes in the offspring of wheat-Th. intermedium hybrids in wheat breeding research. In this study, a total of 5877409 Contigs (overlapping DNA sequences) were obtained by assembling the probe sequences of a Th. intermedium genotyping-by-sequencing chip downloaded from a database. Through informatics analysis, 5452 non-redundant Contigs with chromosome location information and a similarity less than 80% with the wheat genome were screened out, and 2019 sequence-tagged site (STS) molecular markers were developed. The distribution numbers of markers from Thinopyrum homologous groups 1 (G1) to G7 were 250, 215, 323, 253, 323, 253 and 402, respectively. Then, 160 Thinopyrum-G6 specific markers were selected based on amplification of five Th. intermedium plants and five wheat landraces, 53 of which were of “+/-” specificity and were distributed on the three G6 chromosomes: G6-Chr1 (32), G6-Chr2 (13) and G6-Chr3 (8). Next, G6-Chr2 was deduced to be the 6St chromosome by using three progenitor species of Th. intermedium, including Th. elongatum (2n=2x=14, JeJe), Th. bessarabicum (2n=2x=14, JbJb) and Pseudoroegneiria strigosa (2n=2x=14, StSt), as well as 6Je substitution lines of Chinese spring-Th. elongatum. Finally, the 13 “+/-” specific markers developed that were located on Thinopyrum-6St were used to verify the exogenous chromosome in wheat-Thinopyrum substitution line F881-6St/6D at the molecular level. These results will provide a more convenient and economical method for the identification of chromosomes or chromosome fragments of Th. intermedium.
    A study of the date of occurrence of Bruchophagus roddi boring damage in Astragalus adsurgens seeds
    LIU Hui, NZABANITA Clement, LI Yan-zhong
    2019, 28(4):  146-156.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018727
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    Alfalfa seed chalcid (Bruchophagus roddi) is an important insect pests in milk-vetch (Astragalus adsurgens) as it bores into seeds, and seriously affects the yield of viable seed. In order to obtain relevant information for timely control and reduction of this pest, in this study mature inflorescences (early flowering, EF) and immature inflorescences (late flowering, LF) were collected from 8 regionally sourced germplasm lines (Inner Mongolia, Guyuan, Ningxia, Liaoning, Shanxi, Ordos, Henan, Zhongsha) of A. adsurgens, beginning in early November when plants were at a mature stage of growth. Three inflorescences of each variety were enclosed in nylon bags with fine mesh and placed outdoors in order to capture and count emerging adults. At the same time, seeds of each enclosed inflorescence were harvested and put into glass petri dishes in the laboratory at room temperature. The number of emerging adults in each treatment were then counted weekly, until no further emergence of adults occurred. The objectives of these tests were to determine the timing of emergence of B. roddi and the levels of parasitism of different varieties and different categories of spikes. The percentage of parasitized seeds ranged from 0 in late flowering inflorescences of the Liaoning line, to 20.71% in early flowering inflorescences of the Guyuan line. Generally, parasitism of late flowering inflorescences was low. Only the Shanxi line had significant parasitism of late flowering inflorescences, while the Ordos line was notable, compared to other lines, for low parasitism of early flowering inflorescences. The emergence timing of B. roddi differed between the indoor and outdoor samples with adults first appearing on February 3rd and May 5th, respectively (91 day difference); and peak emergence on March 31st and May 26th, respectively (56 day difference). Hence, the indoor adult emergence period lasted for 167 days, while the outdoor feathering lasted only 77 days. However, the date of complete emergence for both indoor and outdoor conditions was all on July 21st. There were two emergence peaks in both EF and LF inflorescences, indicating that the B. roddi in the collected spikes had two egg-laying periods. In addition, emergence timing differed between varieties meaning that the date of egg-laying was affected by the plant variety. In conclusion, the larvae of B. roddi have no winter dormancy, and can continue to grow, feed, and develop to adults as long as the temperature is appropriate. All the emerging adults counted, both indoors and outdoors, would have been able to fly and attack other plants in the field. It is concluded that the optimal time to control B. roddi adults in A. adsurgens field crops would be from the beginning of flowering to late July.
    Field resistance to alfalfa mosaic virus among 30 alfalfa varieties
    GUO Zhi-peng, FENG Chang-song, ZHANG Jing-xue, WANG Miao-li, QU Gen, LIU Jian-yu, GUAN Yong-zhuo, ZHANG Xiao-ting, GUO Yu-xia, YAN Xue-bing
    2019, 28(4):  157-167.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018259
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    The objective of this study was to compare the resistance of different alfalfa varieties to virus disease. Virus loads of 30 alfalfa varieties were investigated in plants in the field. The virus species present in the alfalfa plants were detected and identified using small RNA high-throughput sequencing and RT-PCR technology. Data collected for the 30 alfalfa varieties included the virus incidence rate, disease index, relative plant height, relative dry weight per plant, relative stem diameter, relative leaf area, relative leaf length and relative leaf width, and these data were used to comprehensively compare the disease resistance of the 30 tested varieties. Cluster analysis of some traits was also carried out. Among the 30 tested alfalfa varieties, only alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) infection was detected. The field incidence of AMV in all alfalfa varieties was more than 94%, and the values of the multivariate disease index ranged from 31.53 to 55.50. There was 1 resistant variety (Sheshou No.2); there were 6 partially resistant varieties, and 23 susceptible varieties. The cluster analysis indicated that Sheshou No.2 had an AMV resistance profile far different from all other alfalfa varieties, as indicated by the measured traits. It can be speculated that hybridization of other varieties with Sheshou No. 2 would produce high heterosis.
    Textual research on the cultivation and utilization of alfalfa in the Qing Dynasty
    SUN Qi-zhong, LIU Qian, TAO Ya, LI Feng, XU Li-jun
    2019, 28(4):  168-191.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018274
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    The Qing Dynasty (1616-1911) was the last feudal dynasty in China. It was a period of relatively developed agricultural economy. In this period, practices for the cultivation and utilization of many crops were greatly developed, and there are many historical records. This article focuses on alfalfa and reviews and collates selected passages from 44 of those records, to understand the patterns of cultivation and utilization of alfalfa in the Qing Dynasty, and the foundation that historical practice has laid for the present day. By the start of the Qing dynasty, alfalfa was planted in vast areas of north and east China, and as far south as Sichuan and Hubei provinces. The texts accessed, which are not a complete list, record the cultivation of alfalfa in 182 counties in 22 provinces at that time. Textual research on alfalfa is complex both because of the need to differentiate between references to alfalfa and related species such as Medicago polymorpha, and Melilotus spp., and because up to 6 different names were used for alfalfa in different texts. Despite this complication, the Qing dynasty literature contains rich detail on the botanical characteristics of alfalfa and the husbandry practices used to grow it. In the Yongzheng period, Jifu Tongzhi wrote, “vines, leaves were clustered, purple flowers, pods”, while Xu Song referred to the different purple flower color of the western varieties. Cheng Yaotian (1725-1814) and Wu Qijun (1789-1846) also systematically studied the growth characteristics and seasonal phenological development of alfalfa. Plantings on alkaline soil and incorporation in crop rotations for its biological nitrogen fixation were widely utilized in the Qing dynasty. Luo Zhenyu (1866-1940) advocated planting alfalfa for use as a green manure in remote areas. In 1909, the American soil scientist Franklin visited China to examine the use of alfalfa for green manure in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shandong provinces and subsequently wrote a text “Farmers of forty centuries of permanent agriculture ……” which described the techniques he had observed and commented that these farmers had recognized the importance of legumes very early. The importance of alfalfa in the later Qing dynasty was such that some villages in Shaanxi had formulated alfalfa protection regulations. By the start of the 20th century there were obvious advances in the management of alfalfa, mainly in the selection of sites with suitable soil for alfalfa, and also from a breeding perspective, with development of varieties tolerant of sandy or stony soils or with enhanced salt and alkaline soil tolerance. Husbandry techniques also became more sophisticated, with traits like hard-seededness recognized, optimal sowing dates confirmed, critical winter and spring management practices developed, and optimal cutting regimes and hay making practices identified in the Qing Dynasty.
    Research progress in understanding the effects of drought on growth of the soybean root system and the efficiency of irrigation
    LI Wan
    2019, 28(4):  192-202.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018222
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    Drought interferes with soybean growth processes and causes significant changes to root system development and related physiological processes, thus reducing crop yield. Irrigation can mitigate drought effects on soybean production. This review focuses on the soybean root system; effects of drought on soybean growth processes are elaborated, the root system distribution and the mechanisms of physiological change following drought are discussed, and positive effects of appropriate irrigation on soybean crop development are indicated. Tactical irrigation strategies aimed at minimizing the loss of soybean yield caused by drought and achieving increased water use efficiency are discussed, and the emerging directions and status of soybean research in drought prone regions are reported. This paper thus provides a theoretical basis for future research into drought-resistance of soybean, and is of significance to achievement of water savings, drought-resistance and yield increase of soybean grown in drier areas.
    Growth and Cd accumulation characteristics of three representative plant species in artificial soils incorporating sediment substrate of the Aha Reservoir
    YAN Lian-ying, FAN Cheng-wu, LIU Gui-hua, GAO Xiang, QIN Song
    2019, 28(4):  203-212.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018137
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    The sediment in the Aha Reservoir has a moderate potential hazard classification, which with the largest contribution to the potential hazard being from Cd. This study comprised a pot experiment to compare the accumulation of Cd in roots and shoots of Oxalis triangularis, Lolium perenne and Tagetes patula so as to assess the potential suitability of those species for remediation applications. Sediment from the Aha Reservoir was used either alone (control) or mixed with perlite, wood sawdust, mushroom residue or tea garden soil to test a range of planting substrates. It was found that: 1) Excluding the control, the soil chemical property ranges were: organic matter content of the substrate, 78.30 to 95.31 g·kg-1; available nitrogen, 109.33 to 124.45 mg·kg-1; available phosphorus 17.20 to 24.7 mg·kg-1; available potassium, 178.12 to 206.46 mg·kg-1; pH, 7.62 to 7.71; total porosity, 42% to 75%; electrical conductivity, 1.47 to 1.62 ms·cm-1; and Cd concentration, 0.88 to 1.14 mg·kg-1. Those specifications exceeded the requirements of the standard, CJ/T 340-2011, and pH, total porosity and Cd were values were suitable for the growth needs of common plants. Considering all soil properties, T5 was the substrate with the best physical and chemical plant growth environment. 2) The fresh weigh and dry weight of O. triangularis, L. perenne and T. patula were 127.63, 37.51, and 61.02 g·pot-1 and 15.37, 4.62, and 9.91 g·pot-1, respectively. The ranking for biomass was O. triangularis>T. patula>L. perenne. 3) The concentrations of Cd in O. triangularis, L. perenne and T. patula ranged from 0.10 to 0.14, 0.21 to 0.31 and 0.93 to 1.22 mg·kg-1, respectively. The cumulative Cd uptake of Cd by T. patula was 7.46 to 12.60 μg·pot-1, which was much larger than the values of 1.03 to 2.24 μg·pot-1 and 2.73 to 3.72 μg·pot-1 for O. triangularis and L. perenne, respectively. 4) The bioconcentration factor of L. perenne roots ranged from 3.96 to 5.01, while corresponding values for the aboveground organs and roots of T. patula were 0.93 to 1.11, and 0.37 to 1.06, respectively, and for O. triangularis and the shoots of L. perenne were less than 0.31. In addition, the translocation factors of O. triangularis, L. perenne and T. patula were 0.67 to 3.23, 0.05 to 0.07 and 1.00 to 2.52, which highlights plant species differences, with L. perenne accumulating Cd in the root system, O. triangularis and T. patula accumulating Cd in the shoot system. In conclusion, T. patula, O. triangularis and L. perenne are all capable of healthy growth and Cd extraction from a Cd-rich sediment substrate, and among the three, O. triangularis is recommended for lake sediment remediation projects, because of its higher biomass production.