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草业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (9): 86-95.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021362

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


马艳珠1(), 张文广1, 李冉1, 成春亚1, 吴海旭1, 晋玲1,2,3(), 崔治家1,2,3(), 马毅1,2,3, 王振恒1,2,3, 王圆圆1,2,3   

  1. 1.甘肃中医药大学药学院,甘肃 兰州 730000
    2.西北中藏药省部共建协同创新中心,甘肃 兰州 730000
    3.甘肃省珍稀中药资源评价与保护利用工程研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2021-09-27 修回日期:2021-11-29 出版日期:2022-09-20 发布日期:2022-08-12
  • 通讯作者: 晋玲,崔治家
  • 作者简介:Corresponding author. E-mail: zhijiacui@126.com
    Corresponding author. E-mail: gszyxyjl@163.com
    马艳珠(1997-),女,山西文水人,在读硕士。E-mail: 2423272703@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

A study of the different cultivation treatments and effects on the sowing process of Fritillaria cirrhosa and Fritillaria unibracteata

Yan-zhu MA1(), Wen-guang ZHANG1, Ran LI1, Chun-ya CHENG1, Hai-xu WU1, Ling JIN1,2,3(), Zhi-jia CUI1,2,3(), Yi MA1,2,3, Zhen-heng WANG1,2,3, Yuan-yuan WANG1,2,3   

  1. 1.School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Gansu University of Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou 730000,China
    2.Northwest Collaborative Innovation Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine Co-constructed by Gansu Province & MOE of PRC,Lanzhou 730000,China
    3.Gansu Province Engineering Research Center for Evaluation,Protection and Utilization of Rare Chinese Medicine Resources,Lanzhou 730000,China
  • Received:2021-09-27 Revised:2021-11-29 Online:2022-09-20 Published:2022-08-12
  • Contact: Ling JIN,Zhi-jia CUI


以川贝母和暗紫贝母为试验材料,探讨不同播种方式、不同覆盖物、不同拌种方式、不同施肥量等栽培因素对川贝母及暗紫贝母种子萌发和种苗建成过程的影响。结果表明,同种处理下,两种贝母种子出苗率大多随播后天数的增加呈“S型”变化,规律性显著,暗紫贝母部分施肥处理的出苗率与播后天数呈幂函数正相关关系。在播后(30±3) d,两种贝母种子基本完全出苗,且同种处理下川贝母种子的萌发出苗生长整体上优于暗紫贝母。不同处理结果表明,条播优于撒播或垄播;覆盖麦草优于覆盖松针或草木灰或羊粪;不拌种处理优于草木灰拌种或羊粪拌种;川贝母和暗紫贝母的最佳施肥量分别为氮2.00 g·m-2、磷4.90 g·m-2、钾1.25 g·m-2及氮0.00 g·m-2、磷9.80 g·m-2、钾2.50 g·m-2

关键词: 川贝母, 暗紫贝母, 种苗建成, 影响动态


This research explored the dynamic effects of different sowing methods, different mulches, different seed dressing methods, and different fertilizer treatments on the sowing process of Fritillaria cirrhosa and Fritillaria unibracteata. The number of emerged seedlings of the two Fritillaria species seeds showed a sigmoid curve relationship with time in days since sowing for most treatments with the increase of days after sowing, and the consistency between treatments was significant. There were positive correlations between the seedling emergence rate of F. unibracteata treated with partial fertilization and the number of days after sowing. At (30±3) days after sowing, the final germination percentage for the seedlings of the two Fritillaria species had been reached, and for a given treatment the growth and development of F. cirrhosa seeds was better than F. unibracteata. It was found that drilling was better than broadcasting or ridge sowing; Covering with wheat straw was better than covering with pine needles or plant ash or sheep dung; Sowing without seed dressing was better than dressing with plant ash or sheep manure. The optimal fertilization rates for F. cirrhosa were nitrogen 2.00 g·m-2, phosphorus 4.90 g·m-2, potassium 1.25 g·m-2. The optimal fertilization rates for F. unibracteata were nitrogen nil, phosphorus 9.80 g·m-2, and potassium 2.50 g·m-2.

Key words: Fritillaria cirrhosa, Fritillaria unibracteata, seedling establishment, dynamic effects