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草业学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 211-234.

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  1. 草地农业教育部工程研究中心 甘肃省西部草业工程技术研究中心 农业部草地农业生态系统学
    重点开放实验室 兰州大学草地农业科技学院,甘肃 兰州 730020
  • 收稿日期:2009-02-22 出版日期:2009-10-20 发布日期:2009-10-20
  • 作者简介:侯扶江(1971-),男, 河南扶沟人,博士,副教授。E-mail:cyhoufj@lzu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目(30771529),公益性行业计划项目(nyhyzx07-022)和“十一五”科技支撑项目(2006BAD16B06) 资助

Integrated crop-livestock production system

HOU Fu-jiang, NAN Zhi-biao, REN Ji-zhou   

  1. Engineering Research Center of Pastoral Agriculture Ministry of Education, Engineering and Technology
    Research Center of Pastoral Agriculture in Western China Gansu Province, Key Laboratory of
    grassland and Agro-ecosystem Ministry of Agriculture, College of Pastoral Agriculture
    Science and Technology Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730020, China
  • Received:2009-02-22 Online:2009-10-20 Published:2009-10-20

摘要: 作物与家畜是农业系统的核心组分,相互作用推动农业系统不断进化。作物-家畜综合生产系统中,作物生产与家畜生产之间构成较为完整和通畅的物流与能流网络,它经历了6个演化阶段:原始的食物收集系统(OHF)→原始的作物-家畜综合系统(OICL)→粗放的专门化生产系统(ES,ESC和ESL)→粗放的作物-家畜综合系统(EICL)→集约化的专门生产系统(IS,ISC和ISL)→集约化的作物-家畜综合系统(IICL),经过2次专门化和3次整合,表现为螺旋式上升的趋势。主要综合系统类型包括传统的作物-家畜综合生产系统(C-ICL)、作物/天然草地-家畜综合生产系统(ICL-R)、草田轮作-家畜综合生产系统(ICL-CF)、栽培草地-家畜综合生产系统(ICL-SP)、农林牧复合系统(ICL-W)和作物-家畜/基塘综合生产系统(ICL-P),相互之间沿着一定的环境梯度演替。集约化系统主要存在于发达国家和地区,粗放型在发展中国家和落后地区较为普遍,两者在系统结构、作物与家畜的互作模式、外部投入与生产力水平、生产目的等方面明显不同。作物-家畜互作对农业系统中土壤、植物、微生物、家畜、营养物质循环、能量平衡和经济效益有显著作用。国内外对作物-家畜综合生产系统的内涵、发展阶段、结构与功能的研究有诸多异同,但是尚存在研究对象不全面,尺度单一,方法不可靠,主要针对的是作物系统,及能流分析与物流分析脱节等问题。

Abstract: Both crop and livestock play key roles in agricultural system. In the integrated crop-livestock production system, there is an intact net of matter flow and energy flow between crop sub-system and livestock sub-system and residues of one sub-system often are used as raw material of another one. The interaction between crop and livestock has promoted evolution of agricultural system and there have been six stages: Originally hunting and foraging system (OHF), originally integrated crop-livestock production system (OICL), extensively specialized production system (ES) including extensively specialized crop production system (ESC) and extensively specialized livestock production system (ESLP), extensively integrated crop-livestock production system (EICL), intensively specialized production system (IS) including intensively specialized crop production system (ISC) and intensively specialized livestock production system (ISL), intensively integrated crop-livestock production system (IICL). And there have taken place two specializations and three integrations of crop production and livestock production during evolution of agricultural system and productivity has risen in a spiral. Integrated crop-livestock production system comprises six dominant types: classical system (C-ICL), system based on rangeland (ICL-R), system based on crop/forage rotation (ICL-CF), system based on sown pasture (ICL-SP), system based silvo-pasture (or woodland) (ICL-W, agro-silvopastoral system) and system based on pond (ICL-P). Furthermore, one type of system could succeed to the other one along the given environmental gradient. Intensive agricultural system is mainly prevalent in developed countries, whilst extensive one is dominant in developing countries, and intensive system is significantly different from extensive system in light of components, interaction of crop and livestock, input of outside, productivity and management goals. Crop-livestock interaction in integrated agricultural system has significantly positive effects on soil quality, crop production, microorganism activity, livestock production, nutrition circle, energy efficiency and economic profitability. In terms of property, succession, structure and function of integrated crop-livestock production system, there exit some similarities and distinctions between domestic and international research. However, the current research is in face of some common difficulties, which mainly include incompleteness of research object, singleness of research scale, unreliable methods, ignoration of livestock subsystem and gap between energy analysis and matter analysis.
