草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (12): 161-171.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020459
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
赵文1(), 尹亚丽1, 李世雄1,2(
), 刘燕1, 刘晶晶1, 董怡玲1, 苏世锋1, 吉凌鹤3
Corresponding author. E-mail: shixionglee@hotmail.com基金资助:
Wen ZHAO1(), Ya-li YIN1, Shi-xiong LI1,2(
), Yan LIU1, Jing-jing LIU1, Yi-ling DONG1, Shi-feng SU1, Ling-he JI3
Shi-xiong LI
祁连山是我国西部重要的生态屏障,拥有大量的草地资源。研究草地土壤细菌群落组成及其与土壤环境因子间的关系,可对维持草地生态及了解祁连山土壤细菌群落组成提供一定的数据基础。采用高通量测序技术检测并分析了祁连山默勒镇3种类型草地 (高寒草甸、人工草地、沼泽化草甸)0~10 cm土壤细菌群落结构及多样性,并对上述土壤细菌群落与土壤理化因子的相关性进行了系统的研究。结果表明:1)沼泽化草甸土壤全氮、全磷、有机质碳、含水量和硝态氮显著高于高寒草甸和人工草地(P<0.05)。2)3地共测得有效序列1022446条,以97%的一致性将序列聚类,高寒草甸、人工草地、沼泽化草甸OTU聚类均值分别是4917、5233、5075条。3)Shannon和Simpson多样性指数3地间差异不显著,Chao1指数表现为人工草地>高寒草甸>沼泽化草甸(P<0.05)。4)在门水平上,3地均以变形菌门、酸杆菌门、放线菌门和浮霉菌门为主要类群;在属水平上,表现出不同类型草地细菌富集类型不同。5)有机质碳、全磷、土壤含水量与土壤细菌群落的组成表现出极显著相关(P<0.01)。综上,祁连山地区小生境内3种草地土壤微生物群落存在差异,有机质碳、全磷、土壤含水量是影响群落的主要驱动因子。
赵文, 尹亚丽, 李世雄, 刘燕, 刘晶晶, 董怡玲, 苏世锋, 吉凌鹤. 祁连山不同类型草地土壤细菌群落特征研究[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(12): 161-171.
Wen ZHAO, Ya-li YIN, Shi-xiong LI, Yan LIU, Jing-jing LIU, Yi-ling DONG, Shi-feng SU, Ling-he JI. The characteristics of bacterial communities in different vegetation types in the Qilian Mountains[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(12): 161-171.
样地类型 Grassland type | 植被盖度 Coverage (%) | 物种丰富度 Species richness | 主要物种组成 Dominant species composition |
高寒草甸Alpine meadow (AM) | 85.42±7.78b | 22.00±0.33a | 矮嵩草K. humilis、垂穗披碱草E. nutans、草地早熟禾P. pratensis、高山嵩草K. pygmaea |
人工草地Cultivated grassland (CG) | 81.92±4.61b | 10.92±0.94b | 草地早熟禾P. pratensis、芒洽草K. litvinowii、中华羊茅F. sinensis、冷地早熟禾P. crymophila |
沼泽化草甸Swamp meadow (SW) | 96.42±2.61a | 12.67±1.17b | 青藏苔草C. moorcroftii、线叶嵩草K. capillifolia、 矮嵩草K. humilis |
表1 不同草地类型植被盖度及物种丰富度
Table 1 Vegetation coverage and species richness in different grassland types
样地类型 Grassland type | 植被盖度 Coverage (%) | 物种丰富度 Species richness | 主要物种组成 Dominant species composition |
高寒草甸Alpine meadow (AM) | 85.42±7.78b | 22.00±0.33a | 矮嵩草K. humilis、垂穗披碱草E. nutans、草地早熟禾P. pratensis、高山嵩草K. pygmaea |
人工草地Cultivated grassland (CG) | 81.92±4.61b | 10.92±0.94b | 草地早熟禾P. pratensis、芒洽草K. litvinowii、中华羊茅F. sinensis、冷地早熟禾P. crymophila |
沼泽化草甸Swamp meadow (SW) | 96.42±2.61a | 12.67±1.17b | 青藏苔草C. moorcroftii、线叶嵩草K. capillifolia、 矮嵩草K. humilis |
样地类型 Grassland type | 全氮 TN (g·kg-1) | 全磷 TP (g·kg-1) | 有机质碳 TOC (g·kg-1) | pH | 含水量 SWC (%) | 氨态氮AN (mg·kg-1) | 硝态氮NN (mg·kg-1) |
高寒草甸AM | 3.03±1.12b | 0.59±0.06b | 33.90±2.56b | 6.89±0.03a | 20.05±1.21b | 2.79±0.45a | 0.55±0.07c |
人工草地CG | 1.52±0.42b | 0.61±0.02b | 19.45±0.92b | 7.31±0.27a | 13.90±1.18c | 1.56±0.26a | 1.95±0.25b |
沼泽化草甸SW | 6.68±1.24a | 1.05±0.05a | 172.69±15.34a | 7.21±0.17a | 49.19±1.70a | 3.07±1.05a | 3.59±0.61a |
表2 土壤基本理化性质
Table 2 Basic soil physical and chemical properties in the three investigated grassland (n=4)
样地类型 Grassland type | 全氮 TN (g·kg-1) | 全磷 TP (g·kg-1) | 有机质碳 TOC (g·kg-1) | pH | 含水量 SWC (%) | 氨态氮AN (mg·kg-1) | 硝态氮NN (mg·kg-1) |
高寒草甸AM | 3.03±1.12b | 0.59±0.06b | 33.90±2.56b | 6.89±0.03a | 20.05±1.21b | 2.79±0.45a | 0.55±0.07c |
人工草地CG | 1.52±0.42b | 0.61±0.02b | 19.45±0.92b | 7.31±0.27a | 13.90±1.18c | 1.56±0.26a | 1.95±0.25b |
沼泽化草甸SW | 6.68±1.24a | 1.05±0.05a | 172.69±15.34a | 7.21±0.17a | 49.19±1.70a | 3.07±1.05a | 3.59±0.61a |
样地类型 Grassland type | 香农指数 Shannon index | 辛普森指数 Simpson index | Chao1指数 Chao1 index |
高寒草甸AM | 10.40±0.08a | 0.997±0.00a | 6873.95±147.92b |
人工草地CG | 10.44±0.06a | 0.995±0.00a | 7284.95±83.43a |
沼泽化草甸SW | 10.09±0.21a | 0.996±0.00a | 6242.71±174.26c |
表3 不同草地类型土壤细菌群落丰富度和多样性指数
Table 3 Richness and diversity indices of bacteria communities in different grassland types
样地类型 Grassland type | 香农指数 Shannon index | 辛普森指数 Simpson index | Chao1指数 Chao1 index |
高寒草甸AM | 10.40±0.08a | 0.997±0.00a | 6873.95±147.92b |
人工草地CG | 10.44±0.06a | 0.995±0.00a | 7284.95±83.43a |
沼泽化草甸SW | 10.09±0.21a | 0.996±0.00a | 6242.71±174.26c |
属 Genus | 相对丰度Relative abundance (%) | 属 Genus | 相对丰度Relative abundance (%) | ||||
高寒草甸AM | 人工草地CG | 沼泽化草甸SW | 高寒草甸AM | 人工草地CG | 沼泽化草甸SW | ||
RB41 | 6.5723a | 5.9649b | 3.8992c | 出芽菌属Gemmata | 0.4400a | 0.8344a | 0.4864a |
鞘氨醇单胞菌属Sphingomonas | 3.4321b | 7.9123a | 1.6827c | 小梨形菌属Pirellula | 0.3909a | 0.5705a | 0.6451a |
Candidatus_Udaeobacter | 1.8633a | 1.3778a | 1.6573a | Massilia | 0.2445b | 0.4549b | 0.8326a |
慢生根瘤菌属Bradyrhizobium | 2.6293a | 1.6249b | 0.3497c | MND1 | 0.4259b | 0.5469a | 0.4759ab |
硝化螺旋菌属 Nitrospira | 0.9483c | 1.3252b | 2.0868a | 中慢生根瘤菌属Mesorhizobium | 0.6477a | 0.4514b | 0.2822c |
芽单胞菌属Gemmatimonas | 0.7818b | 1.5259a | 0.2182c | Haliangium | 0.4672a | 0.3295b | 0.4785a |
Pir4_lineage | 0.9194a | 0.8063a | 0.7739a | 土微菌属Pedomicrobium | 0.6258a | 0.3523b | 0.2962b |
假单胞菌属Pseudomonas | 0.3024b | 0.1648b | 1.5890a | Ellin6067 | 0.3637b | 0.5294a | 0.3804b |
Subgroup_10 | 0.4584b | 1.2472a | 0.1920c | 类芽孢杆菌属Paenibacillus | 1.1061a | 0.0543b | 0.0806b |
CL500-29_marine_group | 0.7379a | 0.5373b | 0.4891b | 黄杆菌属Flavobacterium | 0.0395b | 0.1543b | 1.0167a |
表4 不同草地土壤细菌属水平群落信息
Table 4 Information regarding the bacterial community at the genus level in different grassland types
属 Genus | 相对丰度Relative abundance (%) | 属 Genus | 相对丰度Relative abundance (%) | ||||
高寒草甸AM | 人工草地CG | 沼泽化草甸SW | 高寒草甸AM | 人工草地CG | 沼泽化草甸SW | ||
RB41 | 6.5723a | 5.9649b | 3.8992c | 出芽菌属Gemmata | 0.4400a | 0.8344a | 0.4864a |
鞘氨醇单胞菌属Sphingomonas | 3.4321b | 7.9123a | 1.6827c | 小梨形菌属Pirellula | 0.3909a | 0.5705a | 0.6451a |
Candidatus_Udaeobacter | 1.8633a | 1.3778a | 1.6573a | Massilia | 0.2445b | 0.4549b | 0.8326a |
慢生根瘤菌属Bradyrhizobium | 2.6293a | 1.6249b | 0.3497c | MND1 | 0.4259b | 0.5469a | 0.4759ab |
硝化螺旋菌属 Nitrospira | 0.9483c | 1.3252b | 2.0868a | 中慢生根瘤菌属Mesorhizobium | 0.6477a | 0.4514b | 0.2822c |
芽单胞菌属Gemmatimonas | 0.7818b | 1.5259a | 0.2182c | Haliangium | 0.4672a | 0.3295b | 0.4785a |
Pir4_lineage | 0.9194a | 0.8063a | 0.7739a | 土微菌属Pedomicrobium | 0.6258a | 0.3523b | 0.2962b |
假单胞菌属Pseudomonas | 0.3024b | 0.1648b | 1.5890a | Ellin6067 | 0.3637b | 0.5294a | 0.3804b |
Subgroup_10 | 0.4584b | 1.2472a | 0.1920c | 类芽孢杆菌属Paenibacillus | 1.1061a | 0.0543b | 0.0806b |
CL500-29_marine_group | 0.7379a | 0.5373b | 0.4891b | 黄杆菌属Flavobacterium | 0.0395b | 0.1543b | 1.0167a |
变量Variables | P | r |
有机质碳TOC | 0.001 | 0.857 |
全磷TP | 0.001 | 0.837 |
含水量SWC | 0.001 | 0.792 |
硝态氮NN | 0.007 | 0.434 |
全氮TN | 0.003 | 0.419 |
氨态氮AN | 0.024 | 0.449 |
土壤酸碱度pH | 0.462 | -0.027 |
表5 土壤理化性质与细菌群落结构的相关性
Table 5 Correlation between bacterial communities and soil properties
变量Variables | P | r |
有机质碳TOC | 0.001 | 0.857 |
全磷TP | 0.001 | 0.837 |
含水量SWC | 0.001 | 0.792 |
硝态氮NN | 0.007 | 0.434 |
全氮TN | 0.003 | 0.419 |
氨态氮AN | 0.024 | 0.449 |
土壤酸碱度pH | 0.462 | -0.027 |
图6 土壤细菌群落与环境因子间的典范对应分析TN: 全氮Total nitrogen; TP: 全磷Total phosphorus; SWC: 土壤含水量Soil water content; TOC: 土壤有机质碳Total organic carbon; AN: 氨态氮Ammonia nitrogen; NN: 硝态氮Nitrate nitrogen.
Fig.6 Canonical correspondence analysis of bacterial communities with basic soil physical and environmental factors
细菌 Bacteria | 全氮TN | 有机质碳TOC | 全磷TP | pH | 土壤含水量SWC | 氨态氮AN | 硝态氮NN |
变形菌门Proteobacteria | 0.78* | 0.88** | 0.91** | -0.02 | 0.85** | 0.61 | 0.66 |
酸杆菌门Acidobacteria | -0.39 | -0.75* | -0.61 | -0.14 | -0.73* | -0.26 | -0.71* |
放线菌门Actinobacteria | -0.51 | -0.82** | -0.81** | -0.34 | -0.76* | -0.21 | -0.95** |
浮霉菌门Planctomycetes | -0.32 | -0.10 | -0.28 | 0.10 | -0.10 | -0.26 | 0.01 |
表6 土壤理化性质与门水平优势细菌相关性
Table 6 Correlation between properties and soil dominant bacteria at the phylum level
细菌 Bacteria | 全氮TN | 有机质碳TOC | 全磷TP | pH | 土壤含水量SWC | 氨态氮AN | 硝态氮NN |
变形菌门Proteobacteria | 0.78* | 0.88** | 0.91** | -0.02 | 0.85** | 0.61 | 0.66 |
酸杆菌门Acidobacteria | -0.39 | -0.75* | -0.61 | -0.14 | -0.73* | -0.26 | -0.71* |
放线菌门Actinobacteria | -0.51 | -0.82** | -0.81** | -0.34 | -0.76* | -0.21 | -0.95** |
浮霉菌门Planctomycetes | -0.32 | -0.10 | -0.28 | 0.10 | -0.10 | -0.26 | 0.01 |
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