草业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 202-210.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021176
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
郭香(), 吴硕, 郑明扬, 陈德奎, 邹璇, 陈晓阳, 周玮(
), 张庆(
E-mail: wzhou@scau.edu.cn基金资助:
Xiang GUO(), Shuo WU, Ming-yang ZHENG, De-kui CHEN, Xuan ZOU, Xiao-yang CHEN, Wei ZHOU(
), Qing ZHANG(
为了探究添加黄梁木叶(NCL)与壳寡糖(CO)对甘蔗梢青贮发酵饲料品质和有氧稳定性的影响,试验设6个处理:无添加(对照,CK)、15%NCL、30%NCL、CO、15%NCL+CO和30%NCL+CO。青贮210 d后结果显示,NCL处理显著降低了饲料pH值(P<0.05)、非蛋白氮和氨态氮含量,显著提高了乳酸、乙酸、粗蛋白和真蛋白含量(P<0.05)。有氧暴露7 d后,NCL处理组的pH值显著降低(P<0.05)、非蛋白氮和氨态氮含量(P<0.01)极显著降低,而粗蛋白含量在NCL和CO处理下极显著增加(P<0.01)。此外,NCL处理还极显著增加了乳酸含量(P<0.01)。30%NCL、15%NCL+CO和30%NCL+CO处理显著提高了(P<0.05)甘蔗梢青贮饲料的有氧稳定性。综上所述,NCL和CO的添加对甘蔗梢青贮饲料的发酵品质和有氧稳定性都有积极的影响,其中以15%NCL+CO处理效果最好。
郭香, 吴硕, 郑明扬, 陈德奎, 邹璇, 陈晓阳, 周玮, 张庆. 添加黄梁木叶和壳寡糖对甘蔗梢青贮饲料发酵品质及有氧稳定性的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2022, 31(6): 202-210.
Xiang GUO, Shuo WU, Ming-yang ZHENG, De-kui CHEN, Xuan ZOU, Xiao-yang CHEN, Wei ZHOU, Qing ZHANG. Effects of addition of Neolamarckia cadamba leaves and chitosan oligosaccharides on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of sugarcane top silage[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(6): 202-210.
测定项目Items | 含量Content |
干物质Dry matter (%) | 33.00±0.02 |
粗蛋白Crude protein (%DM) | 6.10±0.09 |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (%DM) | 71.72±0.21 |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (%DM) | 37.25±0.44 |
可溶性碳水化合物Water-soluble carbohydrate (%DM) | 5.69±1.02 |
乳酸菌Lactic acid bacteria (LAB, log10 cfu·g -1 FM) | 3.98±0.39 |
酵母菌Yeasts (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | 3.77±0.29 |
霉菌Moulds (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | 3.59±0.11 |
大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | <3.00 |
表1 青贮前鲜甘蔗梢化学成分及微生物数量
Table 1 Chemical composition and microbial populations of fresh sugarcane top prior to ensiling (mean±SD, n=3)
测定项目Items | 含量Content |
干物质Dry matter (%) | 33.00±0.02 |
粗蛋白Crude protein (%DM) | 6.10±0.09 |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (%DM) | 71.72±0.21 |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (%DM) | 37.25±0.44 |
可溶性碳水化合物Water-soluble carbohydrate (%DM) | 5.69±1.02 |
乳酸菌Lactic acid bacteria (LAB, log10 cfu·g -1 FM) | 3.98±0.39 |
酵母菌Yeasts (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | 3.77±0.29 |
霉菌Moulds (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | 3.59±0.11 |
大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | <3.00 |
测定项目 Items | 处理Treatments | 标准误 SEM | 显著性Significance | |||||
添加Add | CK | 15%NCL | 30%NCL | CO | NCL | CO×NCL | ||
干物质Dry matter (DM, %) | -CO | 33.00B | 33.30 | 31.20 | 0.49 | * | NS | NS |
+CO | 35.10A | 33.10 | 33.70 | 0.47 | ||||
酸碱度pH | -CO | 4.43a | 4.23b | 4.21b | 0.04 | NS | * | NS |
+CO | 4.41 | 4.35 | 4.29 | 0.04 | ||||
乳酸Lactic acid (%DM) | -CO | 0.70b | 0.88a | 1.01aA | 0.05 | ** | ** | NS |
+CO | 0.59b | 0.74a | 0.79aB | 0.03 | ||||
乙酸Acetic acid (%DM) | -CO | 0.77b | 0.84ab | 0.92a | 0.03 | ** | NS | NS |
+CO | 0.67 | 0.71 | 0.71 | 0.04 | ||||
丙酸Propionic acid (%DM) | -CO | ND | ND | ND | - | - | - | - |
+CO | ND | ND | ND | - | ||||
丁酸Butyric acid (%DM) | -CO | ND | ND | ND | - | - | - | - |
+CO | ND | ND | ND | - | ||||
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (%DM) | -CO | 71.80 | 64.30 | 61.50 | 2.30 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 71.40a | 63.60b | 53.80c | 2.60 | ||||
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (%DM) | -CO | 40.50A | 36.00 | 36.80 | 1.69 | NS | * | NS |
+CO | 39.60aB | 35.70b | 30.90c | 1.27 | ||||
乳酸菌Lactic acid bacteria (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | 6.78aB | 6.02bB | 5.83b | 0.16 | ** | ** | NS |
+CO | 7.39aA | 6.78bA | 6.19c | 0.19 | ||||
酵母菌Yeasts (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | - | - | - |
+CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | ||||
霉菌Moulds (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | - | - | - |
+CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | ||||
大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | - | - | - |
+CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - |
表2 混合黄梁木叶添加和不添加壳寡糖对甘蔗梢青贮210 d发酵参数和微生物数量的影响
Table 2 Effect of mixing N. cadamba leaves on fermentation parameters and microbial populations of sugarcane top silage with or without chitosan oligosaccharides for 210 days
测定项目 Items | 处理Treatments | 标准误 SEM | 显著性Significance | |||||
添加Add | CK | 15%NCL | 30%NCL | CO | NCL | CO×NCL | ||
干物质Dry matter (DM, %) | -CO | 33.00B | 33.30 | 31.20 | 0.49 | * | NS | NS |
+CO | 35.10A | 33.10 | 33.70 | 0.47 | ||||
酸碱度pH | -CO | 4.43a | 4.23b | 4.21b | 0.04 | NS | * | NS |
+CO | 4.41 | 4.35 | 4.29 | 0.04 | ||||
乳酸Lactic acid (%DM) | -CO | 0.70b | 0.88a | 1.01aA | 0.05 | ** | ** | NS |
+CO | 0.59b | 0.74a | 0.79aB | 0.03 | ||||
乙酸Acetic acid (%DM) | -CO | 0.77b | 0.84ab | 0.92a | 0.03 | ** | NS | NS |
+CO | 0.67 | 0.71 | 0.71 | 0.04 | ||||
丙酸Propionic acid (%DM) | -CO | ND | ND | ND | - | - | - | - |
+CO | ND | ND | ND | - | ||||
丁酸Butyric acid (%DM) | -CO | ND | ND | ND | - | - | - | - |
+CO | ND | ND | ND | - | ||||
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (%DM) | -CO | 71.80 | 64.30 | 61.50 | 2.30 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 71.40a | 63.60b | 53.80c | 2.60 | ||||
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (%DM) | -CO | 40.50A | 36.00 | 36.80 | 1.69 | NS | * | NS |
+CO | 39.60aB | 35.70b | 30.90c | 1.27 | ||||
乳酸菌Lactic acid bacteria (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | 6.78aB | 6.02bB | 5.83b | 0.16 | ** | ** | NS |
+CO | 7.39aA | 6.78bA | 6.19c | 0.19 | ||||
酵母菌Yeasts (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | - | - | - |
+CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | ||||
霉菌Moulds (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | - | - | - |
+CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | ||||
大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | - | - | - |
+CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - |
测定项目 Items | 处理Treatments | 标准误 SEM | 显著性Significance | |||||
添加Add | CK | 15%NCL | 30%NCL | CO | NCL | CO×NCL | ||
粗蛋白Crude protein (%DM) | -CO | 5.40cB | 6.55bB | 8.60a | 0.43 | ** | ** | NS |
+CO | 6.67bA | 7.48bA | 9.29a | 0.40 | ||||
真蛋白True protein (%TN) | -CO | 35.70bA | 53.20ab | 69.10a | 4.98 | * | ** | NS |
+CO | 31.20cB | 45.30b | 60.30a | 4.34 | ||||
非蛋白氮Non-protein-N (%TN) | -CO | 64.30aB | 46.80ab | 31.00b | 4.98 | * | ** | NS |
+CO | 68.70aA | 54.70b | 39.70c | 4.34 | ||||
氨态氮Ammonia-N (%TN) | -CO | 3.78B | 4.12 | 3.34 | 0.15 | NS | ** | * |
+CO | 4.45aA | 4.05a | 3.07b | 0.22 |
表3 混合黄梁木叶添加和不添加壳寡糖对甘蔗梢青贮210 d蛋白组分的影响
Table 3 Effect of mixing N. cadamba leaves on the protein fractions of sugarcane top silage with or without chitosan oligosaccharides for 210 days
测定项目 Items | 处理Treatments | 标准误 SEM | 显著性Significance | |||||
添加Add | CK | 15%NCL | 30%NCL | CO | NCL | CO×NCL | ||
粗蛋白Crude protein (%DM) | -CO | 5.40cB | 6.55bB | 8.60a | 0.43 | ** | ** | NS |
+CO | 6.67bA | 7.48bA | 9.29a | 0.40 | ||||
真蛋白True protein (%TN) | -CO | 35.70bA | 53.20ab | 69.10a | 4.98 | * | ** | NS |
+CO | 31.20cB | 45.30b | 60.30a | 4.34 | ||||
非蛋白氮Non-protein-N (%TN) | -CO | 64.30aB | 46.80ab | 31.00b | 4.98 | * | ** | NS |
+CO | 68.70aA | 54.70b | 39.70c | 4.34 | ||||
氨态氮Ammonia-N (%TN) | -CO | 3.78B | 4.12 | 3.34 | 0.15 | NS | ** | * |
+CO | 4.45aA | 4.05a | 3.07b | 0.22 |
测定项目 Items | 处理Treatments | 标准误SEM | 显著性Significance | |||||
添加Add | CK | 15%NCL | 30%NCL | CO | NCL | CO×NCL | ||
干物质Dry matter (DM, %) | -CO | 33.30B | 32.70 | 31.60B | 0.37 | ** | ** | * |
+CO | 35.40aA | 33.00b | 34.30cA | 0.36 | ||||
酸碱度pH | -CO | 5.55 | 4.37B | 5.19 | 0.35 | NS | * | NS |
+CO | 6.76a | 4.52bA | 5.37b | 0.36 | ||||
乳酸Lactic acid (%DM) | -CO | 0.65b | 0.90aA | 0.83a | 0.04 | ** | ** | NS |
+CO | 0.58b | 0.72aB | 0.74a | 0.03 | ||||
乙酸Acetic acid (%DM) | -CO | 1.02aA | 0.91a | 0.36b | 0.11 | ** | ** | ** |
+CO | 0.18cB | 0.73a | 0.34b | 0.10 | ||||
丙酸Propionic acid (%DM) | -CO | ND | ND | ND | - | - | - | - |
+CO | ND | ND | ND | - | ||||
丁酸Butyric acid (%DM) | -CO | ND | ND | ND | - | - | - | - |
+CO | ND | ND | ND | - | ||||
乳酸菌Lactic acid bacteria (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | 6.38bB | 5.74bB | 7.40a | 0.26 | ** | ** | ** |
+CO | 7.75aA | 6.98bA | 7.57a | 0.13 | ||||
酵母菌Yeasts (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | <3.00 | 4.07 | 6.35A | 0.57 | ** | ** | - |
+CO | <3.00 | <3.00 | 4.48B | - | ||||
霉菌Moulds (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | 5.32 | <3.00 | <3.00 | - | - | - | - |
+CO | <3.00 | <3.00 | <3.00 | - | ||||
大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | - | - | - |
+CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - |
表4 混合黄梁木叶添加壳寡糖和不添加壳寡糖对甘蔗梢青贮有氧暴露7 d后发酵参数和微生物种群的影响
Table 4 Effect of mixing N. cadamba leaves on fermentation parameters and microbial populations of sugarcane top silage with or without chitosan oligosaccharides after aerobic exposure for 7 days
测定项目 Items | 处理Treatments | 标准误SEM | 显著性Significance | |||||
添加Add | CK | 15%NCL | 30%NCL | CO | NCL | CO×NCL | ||
干物质Dry matter (DM, %) | -CO | 33.30B | 32.70 | 31.60B | 0.37 | ** | ** | * |
+CO | 35.40aA | 33.00b | 34.30cA | 0.36 | ||||
酸碱度pH | -CO | 5.55 | 4.37B | 5.19 | 0.35 | NS | * | NS |
+CO | 6.76a | 4.52bA | 5.37b | 0.36 | ||||
乳酸Lactic acid (%DM) | -CO | 0.65b | 0.90aA | 0.83a | 0.04 | ** | ** | NS |
+CO | 0.58b | 0.72aB | 0.74a | 0.03 | ||||
乙酸Acetic acid (%DM) | -CO | 1.02aA | 0.91a | 0.36b | 0.11 | ** | ** | ** |
+CO | 0.18cB | 0.73a | 0.34b | 0.10 | ||||
丙酸Propionic acid (%DM) | -CO | ND | ND | ND | - | - | - | - |
+CO | ND | ND | ND | - | ||||
丁酸Butyric acid (%DM) | -CO | ND | ND | ND | - | - | - | - |
+CO | ND | ND | ND | - | ||||
乳酸菌Lactic acid bacteria (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | 6.38bB | 5.74bB | 7.40a | 0.26 | ** | ** | ** |
+CO | 7.75aA | 6.98bA | 7.57a | 0.13 | ||||
酵母菌Yeasts (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | <3.00 | 4.07 | 6.35A | 0.57 | ** | ** | - |
+CO | <3.00 | <3.00 | 4.48B | - | ||||
霉菌Moulds (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | 5.32 | <3.00 | <3.00 | - | - | - | - |
+CO | <3.00 | <3.00 | <3.00 | - | ||||
大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria (log10 cfu·g-1 FM) | -CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - | - | - | - |
+CO | <2.00 | <2.00 | <2.00 | - |
测定项目 Items | 处理Treatments | 标准误SEM | 显著性Significance | |||||
添加Add | CK | 15%NCL | 30%NCL | CO | NCL | CO×NCL | ||
粗蛋白Crude protein (%DM) | -CO | 5.32cB | 6.57bB | 8.21a | 0.44 | ** | ** | NS |
+CO | 6.37bA | 7.73aA | 8.30a | 0.32 | ||||
真蛋白True protein (%TN) | -CO | 33.20cB | 45.30b | 64.90a | 4.96 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 43.10bA | 46.20ab | 54.10a | 2.08 | ||||
非蛋白氮Non-protein-N (%TN) | -CO | 66.80aA | 54.70b | 35.10c | 4.96 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 56.90aB | 53.80ab | 45.90b | 2.09 | ||||
氨态氮Ammonia-N (%TN) | -CO | 7.78a | 5.74a | 1.55bB | 1.02 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 9.57a | 5.51ab | 3.25bA | 1.14 |
表5 混合黄梁木叶添加壳寡糖和不添加壳寡糖对甘蔗梢青贮有氧暴露7 d后蛋白组分的影响
Table 5 Effect of mixing N. cadamba leaves on the protein fractions of sugarcane top silage with or without chitosan oligosaccharides after aerobic exposure for 7 days
测定项目 Items | 处理Treatments | 标准误SEM | 显著性Significance | |||||
添加Add | CK | 15%NCL | 30%NCL | CO | NCL | CO×NCL | ||
粗蛋白Crude protein (%DM) | -CO | 5.32cB | 6.57bB | 8.21a | 0.44 | ** | ** | NS |
+CO | 6.37bA | 7.73aA | 8.30a | 0.32 | ||||
真蛋白True protein (%TN) | -CO | 33.20cB | 45.30b | 64.90a | 4.96 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 43.10bA | 46.20ab | 54.10a | 2.08 | ||||
非蛋白氮Non-protein-N (%TN) | -CO | 66.80aA | 54.70b | 35.10c | 4.96 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 56.90aB | 53.80ab | 45.90b | 2.09 | ||||
氨态氮Ammonia-N (%TN) | -CO | 7.78a | 5.74a | 1.55bB | 1.02 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 9.57a | 5.51ab | 3.25bA | 1.14 |
测定项目 Items | 处理Treatments | 标准误SEM | 显著性Significance | |||||
添加Add | CK | 15%NCL | 30%NCL | CO | NCL | CO×NCL | ||
有氧稳定性 Aerobic stability (h) | -CO | 28.9b | 28.7bB | 119.0a | 15.35 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 29.4c | >172.0aA | 144.0b | 21.65 | ||||
最高温度 Maximum temperature (℃) | -CO | 31.4bB | 31.0b | 33.6a | 0.45 | ** | ** | ** |
+CO | 33.8aA | 31.0b | 34.0a | 0.50 | ||||
达到最高温度的时间 Time to maximum temperature (h) | -CO | 160 | 168 | 161 | 2.20 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 159b | 163ab | 172a | 2.40 |
表6 混合黄梁木叶和壳寡糖对甘蔗梢青贮有氧暴露期间有氧稳定性、最高温度和达到最高温度时间的影响
Table 6 Effects of mixing N. cadamba leaves and chitosan oligosaccharides on the aerobic stability, maximum temperature and time to the maximum temperature of sugarcane top silage during aerobic exposure
测定项目 Items | 处理Treatments | 标准误SEM | 显著性Significance | |||||
添加Add | CK | 15%NCL | 30%NCL | CO | NCL | CO×NCL | ||
有氧稳定性 Aerobic stability (h) | -CO | 28.9b | 28.7bB | 119.0a | 15.35 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 29.4c | >172.0aA | 144.0b | 21.65 | ||||
最高温度 Maximum temperature (℃) | -CO | 31.4bB | 31.0b | 33.6a | 0.45 | ** | ** | ** |
+CO | 33.8aA | 31.0b | 34.0a | 0.50 | ||||
达到最高温度的时间 Time to maximum temperature (h) | -CO | 160 | 168 | 161 | 2.20 | NS | ** | NS |
+CO | 159b | 163ab | 172a | 2.40 |
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