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Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2020, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 95-105.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019383

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Factors influencing nodulation and N fixation ability of alfalfa in a simulated alfalfa/maize intercropping system

ZHAO Ya-jiao, LIU Xiao-jing*, TONG Chang-chun, WU Yong   

  1. College of Pratacultural Science, Gansu Agricultural University, Key Laboratory Pratacultural Ecosystem, Ministry of Education, Pratacultural Engineering Laboratory of Gansu Province, Sino-US Center for Grazingland Ecosystem Sustainability, Lanzhou 730070, China
  • Received:2019-09-03 Revised:2019-10-08 Online:2020-01-20 Published:2020-01-20
  • Contact: *E-mail: liuxj@gsau.edu.cn

Abstract: In this research, numbers of nodules, N fixation rate, and yield of alfalfa plants co-planted with maize in pots were measured at different N levels (N21, N210) and growth stages and with different types of partition between roots. Partition types were: pot with no barrier (A-T), pot with nylon mesh barrier (NA-T), and pot with plastic barrier (PA-T), and alfalfa alone (SA) was used as a control. It was found that nodulation, N fixation ability of alfalfa and N metabolite levels in the maize plants ranked in order (A-T)>(NA-T)>(PA-T). Total nodule numbers (TNN), total nodule weight (PNW) and nitrogen fixation capacity (PNF) in all stages and effective nodule numbers (ENN), ENN/TNN and nitrogenase activity (NA) in budding and flowering stages in pots A-T were significantly higher than corresponding values in NA-T pots which in turn were significantly higher than those with PA-T and sole alfalfa (SA) (P<0.05). TNN under N210 was higher than N21. The difference in TNN between plants with different root partition types was largest at the flowering stage. Parameters relating to nodulation and N fixed, except for TNN, were lower under N21 than under N210 at the branching stage, but were higher under N21 than those under N210 in the budding and flowering stages. The effect of the different root partition types on PNW and PNF was largest in flowering stage. However, the differences of all parameters expect TNN with different root partitions was largest shortly before flowering. The correlation between PNW and PNF was high (0.993). The conclusion was that nodule formation in alfalfa increased as the N concentration decreased, and that appropriate N addition promoted nodule growth and development during the branching stage. The N threshold for promoting nodule formation is also higher than that of nodule growth and development. The greater the degree of interaction between alfalfa and maize roots, the more the promotion of nodulation and N fixation of alfalfa. Hence, the root interaction was the main factor influencing nodulation and N fixation.

Key words: alfalfa/maize intercropping, root interaction, root partitions, nodulation characteristics, N fixation ability