Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (8): 181-189.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023347
Wei LI1(), Han WANG1, Chang-qing WANG2, Yu-xin PAN3, Jian-rong HOU4, Wen-juan KANG5, Su-qin SHANG1(
), Shang-li SHI5(
Su-qin SHANG,Shang-li SHI
Wei LI, Han WANG, Chang-qing WANG, Yu-xin PAN, Jian-rong HOU, Wen-juan KANG, Su-qin SHANG, Shang-li SHI. Responses to temperature of population parameters of the pest mite Sancassania alfalfa fed on alfalfa[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(8): 181-189.
温度Temperature (℃) | 性别Sex | N (No.) | 卵 Egg | 幼螨 Larva | Q1 | 第一若螨 Protonymph | Q2 | 第三若螨Tritonymph | Q3 | 未成熟期 Immature |
15 | 22 | 9.55±0.42a | 6.04±0.18a | |||||||
20 20 | ♀ ♂ | 30 27 | 3.68±0.12b 3.47±0.15b | 3.84±0.15b 3.73±0.14b | 1.52±0.09a 1.47±0.10a | 3.90±0.14a 3.45±0.12b | 1.26±0.08a 1.23±0.07a | 3.98±0.14a 3.86±0.12a | 1.24±0.05a 1.23±0.06a | 19.42±0.44a 18.50±0.34a |
25 25 | ♀ ♂ | 35 31 | 3.40±0.13b 3.27±0.15b | 3.30±0.08c 3.20±0.08c | 1.24±0.09a 1.20±0.08a | 3.33±0.10bc 3.01±0.07c | 1.10±0.08a 1.12±0.06a | 3.46±0.10b 3.36±0.09b | 1.13±0.06a 1.12±0.07a | 16.98±0.33b 16.31±0.34b |
30 30 | ♀ ♂ | 31 27 | 2.12±0.07c 2.04±0.11c | 2.21±0.10d 2.27±0.17d | 0.62±0.06b 0.60±0.07b | 1.80±0.10d 1.97±0.12d | 0.64±0.07b 0.66±0.07b | 1.92±0.09c 2.02±0.09c | 0.57±0.06b 0.58±0.06b | 9.91±0.25c 10.16±0.30c |
35 | 2.23±0.14c |
Table 1 Developmental duration (in days) of egg and immature stages of S. alfalfa feeding on a dry yeast at different temperatures (mean±SE, d)
温度Temperature (℃) | 性别Sex | N (No.) | 卵 Egg | 幼螨 Larva | Q1 | 第一若螨 Protonymph | Q2 | 第三若螨Tritonymph | Q3 | 未成熟期 Immature |
15 | 22 | 9.55±0.42a | 6.04±0.18a | |||||||
20 20 | ♀ ♂ | 30 27 | 3.68±0.12b 3.47±0.15b | 3.84±0.15b 3.73±0.14b | 1.52±0.09a 1.47±0.10a | 3.90±0.14a 3.45±0.12b | 1.26±0.08a 1.23±0.07a | 3.98±0.14a 3.86±0.12a | 1.24±0.05a 1.23±0.06a | 19.42±0.44a 18.50±0.34a |
25 25 | ♀ ♂ | 35 31 | 3.40±0.13b 3.27±0.15b | 3.30±0.08c 3.20±0.08c | 1.24±0.09a 1.20±0.08a | 3.33±0.10bc 3.01±0.07c | 1.10±0.08a 1.12±0.06a | 3.46±0.10b 3.36±0.09b | 1.13±0.06a 1.12±0.07a | 16.98±0.33b 16.31±0.34b |
30 30 | ♀ ♂ | 31 27 | 2.12±0.07c 2.04±0.11c | 2.21±0.10d 2.27±0.17d | 0.62±0.06b 0.60±0.07b | 1.80±0.10d 1.97±0.12d | 0.64±0.07b 0.66±0.07b | 1.92±0.09c 2.02±0.09c | 0.57±0.06b 0.58±0.06b | 9.91±0.25c 10.16±0.30c |
35 | 2.23±0.14c |
温度 Temperature (℃) | 性别Sex | N (No.) | 产卵前期 Preoviposition (d) | 产卵期 Oviposition (d) | 产卵后期 Postoviposition (d) | 繁殖期 Longevity (d) | 寿命 Lifespan (d) | 产卵量 Fecundity (No.·female-1·d-1) | 产卵总量 Total fecundity (No.·female-1 ) |
20 20 | ♀ ♂ | 30 27 | 2.66±0.09a | 14.03±0.29a | 3.50±0.14a | 20.32±0.38a 16.13±0.31b | 39.85±0.88a 34.65±0.73b | 26.81±1.58b | 348.67±20.56b |
25 25 | ♀ ♂ | 35 31 | 2.34±0.11a | 12.07±0.27b | 1.53±0.10b | 15.95±0.30b 12.37±0.40c | 33.10±0.67b 28.78±0.92c | 35.84±1.86a | 410.48±22.11a |
30 30 | ♀ ♂ | 31 27 | 1.51±0.12b | 9.82±0.20c | 1.12±0.09c | 12.48±0.27c 10.58±0.31d | 22.46±1.13d 20.76±1.23d | 18.28±1.09c | 188.71±11.89c |
Table 2 Lifespan and fecundity of S. alfalfa feeding on dry yeast at different temperatures (mean±SE)
温度 Temperature (℃) | 性别Sex | N (No.) | 产卵前期 Preoviposition (d) | 产卵期 Oviposition (d) | 产卵后期 Postoviposition (d) | 繁殖期 Longevity (d) | 寿命 Lifespan (d) | 产卵量 Fecundity (No.·female-1·d-1) | 产卵总量 Total fecundity (No.·female-1 ) |
20 20 | ♀ ♂ | 30 27 | 2.66±0.09a | 14.03±0.29a | 3.50±0.14a | 20.32±0.38a 16.13±0.31b | 39.85±0.88a 34.65±0.73b | 26.81±1.58b | 348.67±20.56b |
25 25 | ♀ ♂ | 35 31 | 2.34±0.11a | 12.07±0.27b | 1.53±0.10b | 15.95±0.30b 12.37±0.40c | 33.10±0.67b 28.78±0.92c | 35.84±1.86a | 410.48±22.11a |
30 30 | ♀ ♂ | 31 27 | 1.51±0.12b | 9.82±0.20c | 1.12±0.09c | 12.48±0.27c 10.58±0.31d | 22.46±1.13d 20.76±1.23d | 18.28±1.09c | 188.71±11.89c |
温度 Temperature (℃) | 总增殖率 Gross reproduction rate(GRR) | 净增殖率 Net reproductive rate (R0) | 世代周期 Generation time (T, d) | 内禀增长率 Innate rate of increase (rm) | 周限增长率 Finite rate of increase (λ) | 种群加倍时间 Population doubling time (t, d) | 雄/雌 Male/female |
20 | 195.47 | 176.053 | 26.239 | 0.197 | 1.217 | 3.518 | 0.535 |
25 | 241.56 | 233.328 | 22.095 | 0.246 | 1.278 | 2.817 | 0.575 |
30 | 117.61 | 103.894 | 14.072 | 0.329 | 1.389 | 2.106 | 0.603 |
Table 3 Life table parameters of S. alfalfa at different temperatures
温度 Temperature (℃) | 总增殖率 Gross reproduction rate(GRR) | 净增殖率 Net reproductive rate (R0) | 世代周期 Generation time (T, d) | 内禀增长率 Innate rate of increase (rm) | 周限增长率 Finite rate of increase (λ) | 种群加倍时间 Population doubling time (t, d) | 雄/雌 Male/female |
20 | 195.47 | 176.053 | 26.239 | 0.197 | 1.217 | 3.518 | 0.535 |
25 | 241.56 | 233.328 | 22.095 | 0.246 | 1.278 | 2.817 | 0.575 |
30 | 117.61 | 103.894 | 14.072 | 0.329 | 1.389 | 2.106 | 0.603 |
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