Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 134-143.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024163
Xue-mei LI(), Tuo YAO(
), Chang-ning LI, Xiao-lei YANG, Wan-xia WANG, Yi-xin ZHANG
Xue-mei LI, Tuo YAO, Chang-ning LI, Xiao-lei YANG, Wan-xia WANG, Yi-xin ZHANG. Screening and identification of symbiotically efficient and stress-resistant rhizobia of wild Medicago lupulina in Gannan[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(3): 134-143.
菌株编号Strain number | 菌落形态 Colony morphology | 产酸产碱能力 Acid and alkali production |
GNT1 | 灰白色圆形;菌落凸起、质黏,边缘整齐,半透明;生长速度较快。Grayish-white round; colony convex, slimy, neatly edged, translucent; growing fast. | + |
GNT2 | 乳白色圆形;菌落凸起、质黏,边缘整齐,不透明;生长速度快。Milky-white round; colony convex, slimy, neatly edged, opaque; growing faster. | ++ |
GNT4 | 乳白色圆形;菌落凸起、质黏,边缘整齐,不透明;生长速度快。Milky-white round; colony convex, slimy, neatly edged, opaque; growing faster. | + |
GNT6 | 生长前期灰白色,后期黄色;菌落凸起、质黏,半透明;生长速度快。Pre-growth grayish-white, later yellow; colony convex, sticky, translucent; growing faster. | +++ |
Table 1 Colony morphology and acid-alkali production capacity of strains
菌株编号Strain number | 菌落形态 Colony morphology | 产酸产碱能力 Acid and alkali production |
GNT1 | 灰白色圆形;菌落凸起、质黏,边缘整齐,半透明;生长速度较快。Grayish-white round; colony convex, slimy, neatly edged, translucent; growing fast. | + |
GNT2 | 乳白色圆形;菌落凸起、质黏,边缘整齐,不透明;生长速度快。Milky-white round; colony convex, slimy, neatly edged, opaque; growing faster. | ++ |
GNT4 | 乳白色圆形;菌落凸起、质黏,边缘整齐,不透明;生长速度快。Milky-white round; colony convex, slimy, neatly edged, opaque; growing faster. | + |
GNT6 | 生长前期灰白色,后期黄色;菌落凸起、质黏,半透明;生长速度快。Pre-growth grayish-white, later yellow; colony convex, sticky, translucent; growing faster. | +++ |
菌株 Strains | 片段长度 Length (bp) | 同源性最高序列的菌株 Strains with the highest homology sequence | 相似度 Similarity (%) |
GNT1 | 1359 | 苜蓿中华根瘤菌S. meliloti LMG-6311 (X67222) | 99.41 |
GNT2 | 1374 | 吉氏副根瘤菌P. giardinii H152 (ARBG01000149) | 99.85 |
GNT4 | 1346 | 豆根副根瘤菌P. herbae CCBAU 83011 (GU565534) | 99.62 |
GNT6 | 1377 | 苜蓿中华根瘤菌S. meliloti LMG-6311 (X67222) | 99.48 |
Table 2 Molecular biology identification of isolated strains
菌株 Strains | 片段长度 Length (bp) | 同源性最高序列的菌株 Strains with the highest homology sequence | 相似度 Similarity (%) |
GNT1 | 1359 | 苜蓿中华根瘤菌S. meliloti LMG-6311 (X67222) | 99.41 |
GNT2 | 1374 | 吉氏副根瘤菌P. giardinii H152 (ARBG01000149) | 99.85 |
GNT4 | 1346 | 豆根副根瘤菌P. herbae CCBAU 83011 (GU565534) | 99.62 |
GNT6 | 1377 | 苜蓿中华根瘤菌S. meliloti LMG-6311 (X67222) | 99.48 |
菌株编号 Strain number | 氯化钠浓度NaCl concentration | ||
1% | 3% | 5% | |
GNT1 | +++ | + | + |
GNT2 | +++ | + | - |
GNT4 | +++ | + | - |
GNT6 | +++ | +++ | +++ |
Table 3 NaCl tolerance of the strain
菌株编号 Strain number | 氯化钠浓度NaCl concentration | ||
1% | 3% | 5% | |
GNT1 | +++ | + | + |
GNT2 | +++ | + | - |
GNT4 | +++ | + | - |
GNT6 | +++ | +++ | +++ |
菌株编号 Strain number | 4 ℃ | 16 ℃ | 28 ℃ | 40 ℃ |
GNT1 | - | + | +++ | +++ |
GNT2 | - | + | +++ | + |
GNT4 | - | + | +++ | - |
GNT6 | + | + | +++ | +++ |
Table 4 Temperature tolerance of the strain
菌株编号 Strain number | 4 ℃ | 16 ℃ | 28 ℃ | 40 ℃ |
GNT1 | - | + | +++ | +++ |
GNT2 | - | + | +++ | + |
GNT4 | - | + | +++ | - |
GNT6 | + | + | +++ | +++ |
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