Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 189-203.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024176
You-he FAN(), Si-yu YUE, Zhi-biao NAN, Yu-bing FAN(
Yu-bing FAN
You-he FAN, Si-yu YUE, Zhi-biao NAN, Yu-bing FAN. The evolution of China’s maize seed industry, relevant industrial policies and implications for grassland agriculture development[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(3): 189-203.
时间Time | 政策文件 Policy documents | 主要内容 Main contents | 参考文献References |
2015 | 《关于加大改革创新力度加快农业现代化建设的若干意见》Opinions on increasing reforms and innovations to accelerate the modernization of agriculture | 鼓励并发展青贮玉米等饲草料种植,实行粮改饲和种养结合模式试点工作,推进粮食-经济作物-饲草料三元种植结构协调发展。Encourage and develop the cultivation of silage maize and other forages, implement pilot work on grain-to-fodder and planting-and-feeding modes, and promote the coordinated development of the ternary planting structure of grain-economic crops- forage. | [ |
2016 | 《全国草食畜牧业发展规划(2016-2020年)》National grass-fed livestock development plan (2016-2020) | 普及推广优质牧草青贮等技术,支持青贮玉米等优质饲草料种植。Popularize and promote high-quality forage silage and other technologies, and support the cultivation of high-quality forage such as maize silage. | [ |
2017 | 《关于深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革加快培育农业农村发展新动能的若干意见》Opinions on further promoting structural reform of the agricultural supply side and accelerating the cultivation of new dynamics in agricultural and rural development | 扩大青贮玉米等牧草种植面积,培育现代饲草料产业体系,继续开展粮改饲补贴试点工作。Expand the area of silage maize and other forage planting, cultivate the modern forage industry system, and continue to carry out the pilot work of subsidizing grain-to-fodder conversion. | [ |
2018 | 《关于实施乡村振兴战略的意见》Opinions on the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy | 着力推行“粮改饲”政策,发展适用于草食畜牧业需求的青贮玉米。More efforts will be made to implement the “grain-to-fodder” policy and to develop maize silage suitable for the needs of grass-fed animal husbandry. | [ |
2019 | 《关于坚持农业农村优先发展做好“三农”工作的若干意见》Opinions on prioritizing the development of agriculture and rural areas and doing a good job in the “Three Rural Areas” | 合理调整粮经饲结构,发展青贮玉米、苜蓿等优质饲草料生产。Reasonably adjusting the structure of grain, economic crops and forage, and developing the production of high-quality forage such as silage maize and alfalfa. | [ |
2020 | 《关于促进畜牧业高质量发展的意见》Opinions on promoting high-quality development of the livestock industry | 因地制宜实行粮改饲,扩大青贮玉米种植面积。Implement grain-to-fodder conversion according to local conditions and expand the area planted with maize silage. | [ |
2022 | 《“十四五”奶业竞争力提升行动方案》Action program for improving the competitiveness of the dairy industry in the 14th Five-Year Plan | 实施振兴奶业苜蓿发展行动,全面普及耐久青贮玉米饲喂技术。Implement the dairy and alfalfa development and revitalization initiative and fully popularize durable silage maize feeding technology. | [ |
2023 | 《关于全面推进乡村振兴重点工作部署的实施意见》Implementation opinions on comprehensively promoting the deployment of key work on rural revitalization | 大力发展青贮玉米和苜蓿等优质饲草,因地制宜开发利用农作物秸秆及特色饲草资源。Vigorously develop high-quality forage such as silage maize and alfalfa, and develop and utilize crop residues and special forage resources adaptive to local conditions. | [ |
Table 1 Policies related to silage maize in China in recent years
时间Time | 政策文件 Policy documents | 主要内容 Main contents | 参考文献References |
2015 | 《关于加大改革创新力度加快农业现代化建设的若干意见》Opinions on increasing reforms and innovations to accelerate the modernization of agriculture | 鼓励并发展青贮玉米等饲草料种植,实行粮改饲和种养结合模式试点工作,推进粮食-经济作物-饲草料三元种植结构协调发展。Encourage and develop the cultivation of silage maize and other forages, implement pilot work on grain-to-fodder and planting-and-feeding modes, and promote the coordinated development of the ternary planting structure of grain-economic crops- forage. | [ |
2016 | 《全国草食畜牧业发展规划(2016-2020年)》National grass-fed livestock development plan (2016-2020) | 普及推广优质牧草青贮等技术,支持青贮玉米等优质饲草料种植。Popularize and promote high-quality forage silage and other technologies, and support the cultivation of high-quality forage such as maize silage. | [ |
2017 | 《关于深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革加快培育农业农村发展新动能的若干意见》Opinions on further promoting structural reform of the agricultural supply side and accelerating the cultivation of new dynamics in agricultural and rural development | 扩大青贮玉米等牧草种植面积,培育现代饲草料产业体系,继续开展粮改饲补贴试点工作。Expand the area of silage maize and other forage planting, cultivate the modern forage industry system, and continue to carry out the pilot work of subsidizing grain-to-fodder conversion. | [ |
2018 | 《关于实施乡村振兴战略的意见》Opinions on the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy | 着力推行“粮改饲”政策,发展适用于草食畜牧业需求的青贮玉米。More efforts will be made to implement the “grain-to-fodder” policy and to develop maize silage suitable for the needs of grass-fed animal husbandry. | [ |
2019 | 《关于坚持农业农村优先发展做好“三农”工作的若干意见》Opinions on prioritizing the development of agriculture and rural areas and doing a good job in the “Three Rural Areas” | 合理调整粮经饲结构,发展青贮玉米、苜蓿等优质饲草料生产。Reasonably adjusting the structure of grain, economic crops and forage, and developing the production of high-quality forage such as silage maize and alfalfa. | [ |
2020 | 《关于促进畜牧业高质量发展的意见》Opinions on promoting high-quality development of the livestock industry | 因地制宜实行粮改饲,扩大青贮玉米种植面积。Implement grain-to-fodder conversion according to local conditions and expand the area planted with maize silage. | [ |
2022 | 《“十四五”奶业竞争力提升行动方案》Action program for improving the competitiveness of the dairy industry in the 14th Five-Year Plan | 实施振兴奶业苜蓿发展行动,全面普及耐久青贮玉米饲喂技术。Implement the dairy and alfalfa development and revitalization initiative and fully popularize durable silage maize feeding technology. | [ |
2023 | 《关于全面推进乡村振兴重点工作部署的实施意见》Implementation opinions on comprehensively promoting the deployment of key work on rural revitalization | 大力发展青贮玉米和苜蓿等优质饲草,因地制宜开发利用农作物秸秆及特色饲草资源。Vigorously develop high-quality forage such as silage maize and alfalfa, and develop and utilize crop residues and special forage resources adaptive to local conditions. | [ |
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