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Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2013, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (3): 241-.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20130332

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Optimizing fertilisation for bermudagrass soilless sod using spent mushroom
compost as the main substrate over plastic

FU Ling1, 2, WANG Cai-yun1, YIN Shao-hua1   

  1. Optimizing fertilisation for bermudagrass soilless sod using spent mushroom
    compost as the main substrate over plastic
    FU Ling1, 2, WANG Cai-yun1, YIN Shao-hua1
    (1.College of Horticulture and Forestry Sciences,Huazhong Agricultural University Key Laboratory of
    Horticultural Plant Biology, Ministry of Education, Wuhan 430070, China;2.Faculty of
    Life Science Tangshan Normal University, Tangshan 063000, China)
  • Online:2013-06-20 Published:2013-06-20

Abstract: A ternary quadratic rotational combinational design was used to determine the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertiliser on bermudagrass soilless sod over plastic. The spent mushroom compost was used as the main substrate and coal cinder, sludge and sand as the assistant mixtures. Sod performance, such as establishment time, sod formation time, root activity, sod weight, aboveground and underground biomass, chlorophyll content and density, and integrated turf quality of different fertiliser mixture, were analysed. Sod weight was stable but there were significant differences in the other parameters. All three factors influenced integrated turf quality, but P was the most important. The interactions among the three factors were significant. The regression model between integrated turf quality and three ingredients was established with the method of fuzzy subordinate function analysis, and the optimal mixture of fertilisers was obtained using simulations, one of which was: 3.403 5-3.746 8 g/m2 N, 8.673 7-9.450 7 g/m2 P2O5 and 4.576 9-4.697 7 g/m2 K2O.

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