Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 211-220.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024233
Jia-ting WANG1(), Duo-wen SA1,2, Lin-hui SHAO1,2, Zong-li WANG1(
Zong-li WANG
Jia-ting WANG, Duo-wen SA, Lin-hui SHAO, Zong-li WANG. Optimizing agricultural structure and accelerating the development of the forage industry[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(2): 211-220.
年度 Year | 产量Production (×104 t) | 进口量Import (×104 t) | ||||||
牛肉 Beef | 羊肉 Mutton | 猪肉 Pork | 牛奶(折生鲜乳) Milk (discount fresh milk) | 牛肉 Beef | 羊肉 Mutton | 猪肉 Pork | 牛奶(折生鲜乳) Milk (discount fresh milk) | |
2022 | 718.26 | 524.53 | 5541.43 | 3931.63 | 268.96 | 35.79 | 176.00 | 1850.00 |
2021 | 697.51 | 514.08 | 5295.93 | 3682.70 | 233.00 | 41.10 | 370.90 | 2250.60 |
2020 | 672.45 | 492.31 | 4113.33 | 3440.14 | 221.80 | 36.50 | 439.20 | 1874.90 |
2019 | 667.28 | 487.52 | 4255.31 | 3201.24 | 166.00 | 39.20 | 210.80 | 1731.50 |
2018 | 644.06 | 475.07 | 5403.74 | 3074.56 | 103.90 | 31.90 | 119.30 | 1616.20 |
2017 | 634.62 | 471.07 | 5451.80 | 3038.62 | 69.50 | 24.90 | 121.70 | 1485.20 |
2016 | 616.91 | 460.25 | 5425.49 | 3064.03 | 58.00 | 22.00 | 162.00 | 1283.00 |
2015 | 616.89 | 439.93 | 5645.41 | 3179.83 | 47.40 | 22.30 | 778.00 | 1100.40 |
2014 | 615.72 | 427.63 | 5820.80 | 3159.88 | 29.80 | 28.30 | 56.40 | 1316.80 |
2013 | 613.09 | 409.90 | 5618.60 | 3000.82 | 29.40 | 25.90 | 58.30 | 1234.90 |
2012 | 614.75 | 404.50 | 5443.55 | 3174.93 | 6.10 | 12.40 | 52.20 | 818.30 |
2011 | 610.71 | 397.96 | 5131.65 | 3109.93 | 2.00 | 8.30 | 46.80 | 757.30 |
2010 | 629.07 | 406.02 | 5138.44 | 3038.93 | 2.40 | 5.70 | 201.00 | 637.30 |
Table 1 Production and import of livestock products from 2010 to 2022
年度 Year | 产量Production (×104 t) | 进口量Import (×104 t) | ||||||
牛肉 Beef | 羊肉 Mutton | 猪肉 Pork | 牛奶(折生鲜乳) Milk (discount fresh milk) | 牛肉 Beef | 羊肉 Mutton | 猪肉 Pork | 牛奶(折生鲜乳) Milk (discount fresh milk) | |
2022 | 718.26 | 524.53 | 5541.43 | 3931.63 | 268.96 | 35.79 | 176.00 | 1850.00 |
2021 | 697.51 | 514.08 | 5295.93 | 3682.70 | 233.00 | 41.10 | 370.90 | 2250.60 |
2020 | 672.45 | 492.31 | 4113.33 | 3440.14 | 221.80 | 36.50 | 439.20 | 1874.90 |
2019 | 667.28 | 487.52 | 4255.31 | 3201.24 | 166.00 | 39.20 | 210.80 | 1731.50 |
2018 | 644.06 | 475.07 | 5403.74 | 3074.56 | 103.90 | 31.90 | 119.30 | 1616.20 |
2017 | 634.62 | 471.07 | 5451.80 | 3038.62 | 69.50 | 24.90 | 121.70 | 1485.20 |
2016 | 616.91 | 460.25 | 5425.49 | 3064.03 | 58.00 | 22.00 | 162.00 | 1283.00 |
2015 | 616.89 | 439.93 | 5645.41 | 3179.83 | 47.40 | 22.30 | 778.00 | 1100.40 |
2014 | 615.72 | 427.63 | 5820.80 | 3159.88 | 29.80 | 28.30 | 56.40 | 1316.80 |
2013 | 613.09 | 409.90 | 5618.60 | 3000.82 | 29.40 | 25.90 | 58.30 | 1234.90 |
2012 | 614.75 | 404.50 | 5443.55 | 3174.93 | 6.10 | 12.40 | 52.20 | 818.30 |
2011 | 610.71 | 397.96 | 5131.65 | 3109.93 | 2.00 | 8.30 | 46.80 | 757.30 |
2010 | 629.07 | 406.02 | 5138.44 | 3038.93 | 2.40 | 5.70 | 201.00 | 637.30 |
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