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Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2011, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 210-218.

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Tissue culture and plant regeneration from mature seed of two cultivars of tall fescue

YAN Jun-hui1, ZHAO Zhi-yan2, HE Ya-li1   

  1. 1.College of Agriculture and Biology Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;
    2.Landscaping Station of Nanhui District, Shanghai 201300, China
  • Received:2010-03-02 Online:2011-02-25 Published:2011-04-20

Abstract: To obtain a reliable and efficient regeneration system of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), mature seeds of ‘SHED’ and ‘Plantation’ were cultured on medium supplemented with combinations of 6-BA and 2,4-D. The optimal induction medium for intact mature seed explants was ‘MS+2,4-D 3 mg/L’, resulting in the highest induction rate of 71%, while that for longitudinally sliced seed explants was ‘MS+2,4-D 2.5 mg/L’ with a highest induction rate of 56%. The optimal subculture medium contained 3 mg/L 2,4-D, giving an embryogenic callus induction rate of 70%, and the addition of 6-BA to this medium adversely affected embryogenic callus induction. The effect of interaction of genotype and plant growth regulator concentration was significant. The highest regeneration rates obtained from the medium ‘MS+2,4-D 1 mg/L+6-BA 1 mg/L’ and ‘MS+2, 4-D 2 mg/L+6-BA 1 mg/L’ were 50% (CV. ‘SHED’) and 56% (CV. ‘Plantation’). The reported rooting medium of ‘1/2 MS+NAA 0.5 mg/L’ gave a rooting ratio of 100%.

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