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    20 April 2011, Volume 20 Issue 2
    Study on grassland’s responses to global climate change and its carbon sequestration potentials
    REN Ji-zhou, LIANG Tian-gang, LIN Hui-long, FENG Qi-sheng, HUANG Xiao-dong, HOU Fu-jiang, ZOU De-fu, WANG Chong
    2011, 20(2):  1-22. 
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    The comprehensive and sequential classification system of rangeland (CSCS) was applied in analysis of the succession of grassland types and the dynamics of carbon sequestration tendency between the periods of the 1950-2000 and 2001-2050 year, which indicates that the main contributors to the carbon sequestration capacity of the Chinese grassland area, in sequence, the tundra and alpine grassland, temperate humid grassland, steppe and semi-desert. They in total occupy 85.52% of the all total potential grassland areas of China and 93.29% of the country’s entire carbon sequestration capacity of potential grassland per year. In a global view, the main parts of the grassland are the savanna, tundra and alpine types and these two types occupy 48.50% of the total global potential grassland and 72.22% of the global potential grassland carbon sequestration capacity per year. In current situation of strong (A2a) and weak (B2a) in global climate warming and drying, China will reduce its grassland while increase its forest area in comparing to its status during 1950-2000. In contrast to the trend in China, from the global perspective, grassland will increase while forest area will decrease. Under the model of strong (A2a) and weak (B2a) in global climate warming and drying process, China will increase 14.6% and 18.5%, while the world will increase 17.3% and 16.8% in terms of carbon sequestration capacity per year. However, the two are different in their mode of increase. The global increase is characterized by huge increase of potential carbon sequestration capacity in the temperate humid grassland, while the China’s increase is characterized by its decrease in the same area. Comparing with the global trend the warming and drying tendency in China is more intense in terms of carbon sequestration capacity of potential grassland per year. Although the factors caused the global climate warming and drying cannot be controlled by human beings but the system problems can only be dealt with by the means of system synthesis, which is the mission for all pastoral practitioners.
    Studies on morphology of seed coat development and its related enzyme activity assay in Cucurbita pepo
    XUE Ying-yu,SHI Gui-ying,XU Bing-liang, CHEN Rong-xian
    2011, 20(2):  23-30. 
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    The morphological structure of seed-coat development of two isogenic lines of Cucurbita pepo(normal, 04LAg-26-2 and hull-less, 04LAg-26-28) were comparatively studied through overall staining and paraffin section method. The results showed that the normal seed were composed of five tissue layers: The epidermis, hypodermis, sclerenchyma, parenchyma and chlorenchyma. The formation of hull-less seed was the cells of hypodermis tissues deformed, collapsed and lack of lignin accumulation among the development of seed-coat forming,so that the epidermis, parenchyma and chlorenchyma in the seed-coat were imperfect. The activity of ligin synthesis enzyme in different tissues including testa, leaf, petiole and capsule was tested, the results were as follows: The activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase (C4H), 4-coumarate CoA ligase (4CL), cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) and peroxidase (POD) in testa of 04LAg-26-28 reduced on 18 days after pollination, but the activity of all enzymes in leaf, petiole and capsule tissues increased significantly.
    The temporal and spatial distribution of soil microorganism physiological floras in alpine shrubs of the eastern Qilian mountains
    WANG Guo-rong, CHEN Xiu-rong, ZHANG Jun-zhong, HAN Yu-zhu, HU Yi-gang, YANG Cheng-de, XU Chang-lin
    2011, 20(2):  31-38. 
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    The temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of soil microorganism physiological groups of three alpine shrubs(Rhododendron fruticosa, Salix cupularis, Dasiphoru fruticosa) were studied in 2005 and 2006. The results showed that: 1) The seasonal dynamics of soil microorganism functional groups differed; 2) At different soil depths, the numbers of soil microorganism functional groups in the top soil layer (0-10 cm) were higher than in the deeper layer (10-20 cm); 3) The quantity of soil microorganism functional groups was in the order, Nitrifiers>Denitrifying bacteri>Ammonifying bacteria>Aerobe Azotobacter>Anaerobic>Azotobacter>Bacillus>Aerobe cellulose decomposing microoganisms>Anaerobic decomposing microorganisms; 4) Total numbers of soil microorganism physiological groups differed in different shrubs. Numbers of groups in S. cupularis sites were larger than in the other two sites. Those in R. fruticosa sites were less than in the S. cupularis sites but more than in the D. fruticosa sites.
    Distribution of and damage caused by yellow stunt and root rot of Astragalus adsurgens in five northern provinces of China
    LI Yan-zhong, NAN Zhi-biao, ZHANG Zhi-xin, LIU Yong-ru, GAO Xin-ye, ZHEN Jian-xun
    2011, 20(2):  39-45. 
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    The survey was carried out in the main production area of standing milkvetch (Astragalus adsurgens) in five provinces of northern China. It indicated that yellow stunt and root rot of A. adsurgens occurred in Huanxian County of Gansu, Yanchhi County of Ningxia, Hengshan county of Shaanxi, Songshan Zone and Aohanqi of Inner Mongonia (except Jianping County of Liaoning province). Disease incidences were 5.7%-82.6%, and disease indexes were 2.7-53.7. The percentages of plants with the same grade of disease severity varied from site to site. Compared with healthy plants, shoot numbers of diseased plants increased 16.7%-63.7%, and dry matter per plant decreased 8.5%-32.9%. Plant density, forage yield, dry matter and shoot number per plant at one study site were different from the others. In Huanxian County of Gansu Province disease incidence was the highest of the sites investigated and plant density and forage yield were significantly (P<0.01) negatively correlated with the disease incidence and disease index, respectively. The factors associated with disease incidence are discussed, and some suggestions for disease control are given.
    Antagonism and mechanism of action of Trichoderma aureoviride against Pythium aphanidermatum causing turfgrass root rot
    GU Li-jun, XU Bing-liang, LIANG Qiao-lan, LI Rong-feng
    2011, 20(2):  46-51. 
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    In agar culture, Trichoderma aureoviride inhibited the growth of Pythium aphanidermatum, the cause of turfgrass root rots. It covered the P. aphanidermatum colony and produced large numbers of conidia. The effective concentration was at 4.65×106 cfu/mL, and the inhibitory effect reached 53.56%. Comparing the inhibition effect of T. aureoviride suspension with that of three kinds of fungicides, T. aureoviride at a concentration of 107 cfu/mL had the same effect as 25% metalaxyl with inhibition rates of 77.37% and 79.57%, respectively. Microscopic observation showed that T. aureoviride either entwined the hyphae of P. aphanidermatum or grew parallel with them, then penetrated and parasitized them. The main antagonistic mechanism of T. aureoviride against P. aphanidermatum was hyperparasitism.
    Effects of gypenoside on in vitro ruminal microbial methane production and fermentation characteristics
    WANG Xin-feng, MAO Sheng-yong, ZHU Wei-yun
    2011, 20(2):  52-59. 
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    Effects of gypenoside on ruminal fermentation were investigated by an in vitro gas technique on mixed rumen microorganisms collected from goats. Experiment 1 was conducted to assess effects on methane production and fermentation characteristics of rumen microorganisms. Experiment 2 was done to assay effects on fermentation kinetic parameters. The diet consisted of Leymus chinensis 0.42 g, ground corn grain 0.126 g and soybean meal 0.054 g(1 mm screen)as substrates in each fermentation vessel. Five different doses were used for each compound (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg/60 mL of the total culture medium). Compared with the control, during an 8 h fermentation, methane concentrations were reduced by 30.20%, 43.49%, 44.67% and 75.8% respectively after gypenoside addition(P<0.05). During a 12 h fermentation, gypenoside reduced methane concentration by 6.97%, 9.63%, 18.90% (P<0.05) and 61.82% (P<0.01 ) respectively at the four gypenoside concentrations. During a 24 h fermentation, methane concentration decreased by 2.34%, 9.39%, 6.90% and 20.73% after gypenoside treatment. A significant linear pattern was observed between methane production and gypenoside dosage (P<0.01). The hydrogen utilization was lower than the control at the 10 mg level (P<0.01). The TVFA (total volatility fatty acid), acetate, propionate, isobutyrate acids, valerat, isovalerate and BCP concentrations were increased by the gypenoside treatments at the 10 mg level (P<0.05) while butyrate was reduced by gypenoside treatment at 40 mg (P<0.05). The acetate to propionate ratio increased significantly with 10 mg and 20 mg of gypenoside (P<0.05). There was a significant quadratic pattern for acetate, butyrate, isobutyrate, valerate, isovalerate, BCP, TVFA and acetate to propionate ratio and TVFA concentration with the increasing gypenoside dose (P<0.05 or P<0.01). There was also a linear pattern for butyrate (P<0.01). Relative to the control, the protozoa counts of treatment groups were significantly reduced by gypenoside addition (P<0.05 or P<0.01), and there were linear and quadratic patterns between protozoa numbers and saponin dosage (P<0.01). Microbe protein was not changed abruptly, but tended to increase. Ammonia nitrogen concentration was significantly higher than in the control at 10 and 40 mg of gypenoside supplementation, and there was a linear effect between ammonia concentration and gypenoside levels. The theoretical and actual gas production was reduced at high saponin levels, and there were significant linear and quadratic patterns between gas production and gypenoside levels. Significant linear and quadratic effects were observed on rate of gas production with increasing gypenoside levels. These results indicated that gypenoside addition can modify the microorganism fermentation pattern, reduce methane production, prompt VFA (volatility fatty acid) concentration, improve feed conversion efficiency and abate pollution of the environment by methane derived from ruminants.
    Bioactivity of Cichorium intybus leaf extracts against Mythimna separata
    SUN Luan-zi, WANG Quan-zhen, HU Tian-ming, DU Jin-hong
    2011, 20(2):  60-66. 
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    Insecticidal activity of extracts from leaves of Cichorium intybus, were assessed by cold-soaked extraction and by microwave-assisted extraction. The insecticidal activities of the C. intybus leaf extracts against the larvae of Mythimna separata were tested by a feeding, weighing and leaf disk method. The body weights of larvae fed by the extracts with organic solvents were significantly lower than those of the controls in the first seven days, and the development period of larvae treated with ethanol or ethyl acetate extracts were 4.3 days longer than that of the controls. The corrected mortality of M. separata treated by the ethyl acetate extracts was the highest (57.78%), and the corresponding pupating rate was the lowest (46.67%). Moreover, the pupal weight in the different treatments was greater than that of the controls. In anti-feeding experiments, the anti-feeding rates of ethanol extracts and ethyl acetate extracts against M. separata were more than 80%.
    Investigation on wild animal resource in Sunan and Subei counties
    ZHAO Zhong, HE Yi, YANG Peng-yi, LI Qing, JIN Ci-fu, JIA Sheng-fu, YANG Xue-lan, SUN Xiao-yun, GU Zi-lin, WANG Jun, ZHANG Wei-jun, GUO Jin-mei, CHAI Yong-qing, ZE De, NA Bater
    2011, 20(2):  67-75. 
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    By 3-year investigation and study on wild animal resource in Sunan and Subei counties, the result indicated that the major wild terrestrial vertebrate on the grassland area in the Qilianshan Mountains and Mazongshan Mountains could be divided into 5 faunae, alpine desert animal fauna, alpine meadow animal faunal, desert animal fauna, marsh animal fauna and village-farmland animal faunal; More than 800 animal species embracing ungulate, carnivore, reptile, amphibian, fish, rodent, avifauna and insect were located in the area; Among the wild animals, 24 species were the national protective animal, accounting for 26% of total wild animal and bird species in Sunan and Subei counties. Out of the protective animals, 10 species were the first class national protective animal; 24 species were the second class national protective animal.
    Spatial heterogeneity of available soil nutrients in abandoned ole-field communities in the Loess Hilly Region
    SUI Yuan-yuan, DU Feng, ZHANG Xing-chang
    2011, 20(2):  76-84. 
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    Using classical statistics and geo-statistics, the spatial heterogeneity of soil available nutrients in five typical old-field communities with different abandonment ages in Loess Hilly Region were demonstrated at community scale. The results indicated that: 1) In the case of nutrient levels, old-fields in the study area are attributed by relative poor soils, 0-20 and 20-40 cm available nutrients increased in middle abandonment stage of succession, nutrient content in surface soil was higher than that in sub-layer. 2) The variability of available nutrients was mainly composed of structural variation. Soil available potassium and nitrate nitrogen in 0-20 cm of the 6-7 years old-field, and subsurface soil nitrate nitrogen in 20-40 cm of the 25-years old-field had intermediate spatial correlation. In other old-fields, available nutrients in surface and subsurface soil had strong spatial correlation. 3) 0-20 cm available potassium and nitrate nitrogen showed the strongest spatial variability in earlier abandonment stage of succession; 20-40 cm available potassium and nitrate nitrogen showed the strongest spatial variability in middle and early-middle stage of succession respectively; Spatial variability of available phosphorus and ammonium nitrogen in surface layer was strongest in middle abandonment stage of succession; Spatial variability of available phosphorus and ammonium nitrogen in subsurface layer was strongest in early-middle and middle abandonment stage of succession respectively. Regarding about the index of spatial heterogeneity, significant differences were found among the 5 old-field communities, which implies that the principal ecological processes of the four available soil nutrients are assorted.
    Effects of different patterns of surface mulching on soil hydrology in an apple orchard
    ZHANG Yi, XIE Yong-sheng
    2011, 20(2):  85-92. 
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    Apples are one of the main agricultural crops on China’s Loess Plateau. This study took a Fuji apple orchard in this region as a test object to study the effects of different patterns of surface mulching (clean tillage, grass cover, film mulching, straw mulching, and gravel mulching) on the soil hydrology and apple yield. Based on soil water storage, three seasonal periodscan be recognised annually; Water decreases in spring & summer, increases in summer & autumn, and stabilizes in winter & spring. Within the 0-600 cm soil profile, the highest average soil water content was in the film mulching treatment and the lowest was in the gravel mulching in all three periods. After rainfall, there was significant soil water recovery in the gravel mulching treatment (10.52%), with straw mulching second (9.47%), and least soil water recovery with clean tillage (6.53%). The depth of the water infiltration reached 260 cm. Based on apple yield, the water use efficiency in each treatment was: Clean tillage: 35.75 kg/(mm·ha), grass cover: 0.31 kg/(mm·ha), film mulching: 47.81 kg/(mm·ha), straw mulching: 58.99 kg/(mm·ha), and gravel mulching: 80.25 kg/(mm·ha). In conclusion, of the mulching patterns tested, gravel mulching was the most suitable for apple orchards in the gully region of the Loess Plateau, China.
    Effects of nitrogen fertilizer rate on leaf color of chimera Hosta ‘Gold standard’
    LIU Yue-lu, ZHANG Jin-zhen, LI Xiao-dong, LIU Hong-zhang, SUN Guo-feng
    2011, 20(2):  93-100. 
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    The effects of four nitrogen levels (0,1,2,3 g/kg soil) on leaf color, chlorophyll contents, total N contents, key enzymes activities of nitrogen metabolism and chloroplast ultrastructure of chimera Hosta ‘Gold standard’ were studied. Nitrogen levels mainly influenced the colour of the yellow leaf area of Hosta ‘Gold standard’. The chimera characteristics were maintained under 0 and 1 g/kg nitrogen levels. There were no significant differences in chlorophyll contents, total N contents, and activities of key enzymes of nitrogen metabolism. The formation of chloroplasts which lack normal grana stacking was severely inhibited in the yellow leaf area. Under 2 and 3 g/kg nitrogen levels, the yellow leaf area became green. Compared with the indexes under 0 and 1 g/kg nitrogen levels, chlorophyll contents, total N contents and activities of key enzymes of nitrogen metabolism were significantly increased. Chloroplast ultrastructure was fully developed and normal thylakoid lamellar structure was formed.
    Effect of different N rates on nutrient accumulation and nitrogen use efficiency in rainfed land Lanzhou lily
    LIN Yu-hong, GUO Feng-xia, LUO Jun-jie, SUN Jian-hao, ZHANG Yun-hui
    2011, 20(2):  101-108. 
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    Using 150 and 225 kg/hm2 of P and K fertilizers as basal fertilizer in the West Orchard village of Lanzhou, field experiments were conducted to study the effects of different nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg/hm2) on the cumulated dynamics of bulb biomass and nutrition, fertilizer use efficiency (NFE) in rainfed land Lanzhou lily(Lilium davidii) in order to explore its requirement pattern for the fertilizer and provide basis for its standardization cultivation. The results showed that rational N fertilization could improve the plant’s construction, nutrition transformation and accumulation efficiency, but the steps of N, P and K absorption differed, resulting in accumulation order in K>N>P. The nitrogen levels only affected the stage-accumulated amounts of bulb biomass and nutrients rather than their accumulative dynamic trends. The bulb yield, N accumulation and N-fertilizer use rate (NFUR) were all increased with the amounts applied N fertilizer and get at the highest values when applied 150 kg/hm2 of N fertilizer, which were (8 982.1±845.8) kg/hm2, (29.123±1.767) kg/hm2 and (4.97±2.16)%, respectively. On the application of N fertilizers reached to 225 kg/hm2,all the indicators decreased. When applied 75 kg/hm2 of N fertilizer, the NFE was the highest and then the value great significantly decreased with amounts of N fertilizer. Considering integrated factors, the basal N-fertilizers should between 75-150 kg/hm2.
    The effect of withered Alhagi sparsifolia and rice straw mix-ensiling on silage quality
    JIANG Hui, ZHANG Ling, MA Jing-ping, JING Yu-xia, WAN Ying, MA Chun-hui
    2011, 20(2):  109-116. 
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    The effects of withered Alhagi sparsifolia and rice straw mix-ensiling on silage quality were studied. Silages of withered A. sparsifolia, rice straw and their mixture were sensorially evaluated and silage samples analyzed for pH, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acetic acid (AA), propionic acid (PA), butyric acid (BA), lactic acid (LA) and total acid (TA). A. sparsifolia was ensiled successfully, although it was leguminous herbage, and homolactic fermentation was dominant. After A. sparsifolia and rice straw mix-ensiling, water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) in the ensilaged raw material were increased (P<0.05). Ammonia nitrogen/total nitrogen and pH were significantly reduced (P<0.01), while lactic acid (LA), propionic acid (PA) (P<0.01) and total acid (TA) content (P<0.05) increased. Butyric acid (BA) (P<0.05) was reduced when the A. sparsifolia content of the mixture exceeded 40%, and silage quality was improved.
    An evaluation of forage potential of an alfalfa+maize intercropping system
    ZHANG Gui-guo, YANG Zai-bin, DONG Shu-ting
    2011, 20(2):  117-126. 
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    The nutrient production performance of different alfalfa (Medicago sativa)+maize (Zea mays) intercropping systems and the discrepancy of rumen degradable nutrients yields were studied to make a comprehensive assessment on the forage potential of these intercropping systems. Four intercropping treatments (alternating alfalfa and maize rows in a 2∶2, 3∶2, 4∶2, 5∶2, design) with three replicates and intercropping area rates of 33%∶67%, 43%∶57%, 50%∶50%, 55%∶45%, respectively were established. Pure stands of maize and alfalfa were used as the control groups. Dry matter yields, nutrient yields, and rumen degradability of nutrients were measured to make comparisons of degradable nutrients output and total degradable nutrients of the different alfalfa+maize intercropping systems. A comprehensive assessment was made of forage potential. The alfalfa+maize intercropping system improved total dry matter and nutrient yields per unit of intercropped land and enhanced nutrients rumen degradability and production of total degradable nutrients, with a higher feed production potential compared with pure stands of maize or alfalfa. Under the conditions of this experiment, the 5∶2 intercropping patterns gave the best production.
    Tentative research of Na compound fertilizer at seedling stage on enhancing drought resistance of Haloxylon ammodendron
    KANG Jian-jun, WANG Suo-min, ZHAO Ming, YANG Zi-hui
    2011, 20(2):  127-133. 
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    We mainly investigated morphological indexes, biomass, Na+ and K+ contents using potted Haloxylon ammodendro seedlings transplanted into a sandlot at the end of the three months growing season. There is a preliminary discussion on the effects of Na compound fertilizer application on induction of strong drought resistance in H. ammodendro seedlings. Comparing Na compound fertilizer with the control and with Diammonium phosphate, plant height increased by 42% and 18%,the branching number by 22% and 14%, the main stem diameter by 48% and 23%, the main root diameter by 37% and 24%,the crown diameter by 57% and 28%,the root/shoot ratio by 18% and 18%, the total fresh biomass by 130% and 74%,the total dry biomass by 154% and 74%, and the Na+ contents of shoots by 60% and 49%,but the K+ contents of roots decreased by 28% and 31% respectively (P<0.05). It is suggested that Na compound fertilizer application not only promotes the growth, but also improves drought-tolerance of H. ammodendro seedlings.
    Effects of salt stress on seedling growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and ion distribution in different alfalfa organs
    JING Yan-xia, YUAN Qing-hua
    2011, 20(2):  134-139. 
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    The effects of different concentrations of NaCl (0, 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.5%, 0.7%, 0.9%) on growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) (survival rate, root length, stem length, leaf number) and the contents of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ in the different organs were assessed and the ratio of K/Na, Ca/Na, and Mg/Na were analysed. The survival rate, root length, and stem length were all negatively correlated with salt concentration, except when the NaCl concentration was ≤0.1%. The content of Na+ in root, stem and leaves and the content of Ca2+ in roots were all positively correlated with salt concentration. However, the contents of K+ and Mg2+, and the ratios of K/Na, Ca/Na, Mg/Na in roots, stems and leaves significantly decreased with an increase of salt concentration. Salt stress on alfalfa caused significant differences in the comparisons. The reason for salt injury and salt-tolerance in alfalfa are discussed in relation to ion toxicities.
    Breeding of a new variety (Tianjing No.1) of Chinese herbal medicine-type forage grass mixoploid Lycium barbarum
    WANG Feng-bao, DONG Li-feng, FU Jin-feng, WANG Zhong-yong, WANG Wei-wei
    2011, 20(2):  140-146. 
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    To develop a new variety of Chinese herbal medicine mixoploid, the seeds of diploid Lycium barbarum var. Changxuan No.1 were treated with a mixture of colchicine (C22H25O6N) and DMSO at a range of temperatures for different times. The ideal inducing condition was for seeds treated intermittently with a solution of 0.05% colchicine and 2% DMSO for 48 hours at a culture temperature of 15-16℃. The rates of survival and of induced plants were 54.0% and 8.5%, respectively. Morphological and cytological observation showed that induced mutations were mixoploids with 53.3% 2n=2x=48, 35.1% 2n=4x=24 and other chromosome numbers of 22, 19, and 12 cells. A new mixoploid feeding L. barbarum cultivar Tianjing No.1 was successfully selected and bred. Compared with its diploid L. barbarum Changxuan No.1, Tianjing No.1 possesses taller plants, thicker and stronger stems, longer tender branches, larger leaf area, low selfing setting percentage, and thriving vegetative growth. Its forage was 102.8% higher than that of the check variety Ningqicai No.1. In addition, its crude protein, amino acid, LBP(L. barbarum polysaccharide) and flavone contents were higher than those of the check variety. So Tianjing No.1 has broad development prospects for Chinese herbal medicine-type forage grass.
    Adaptation of different alfalfa varieties in Qingdao, Shandong province
    YI Lan-zhi, LI Chang-zhong, LIU Hong-qing, YANG Guo-feng, KONG Fan-zhen, SUN Juan
    2011, 20(2):  147-155. 
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    Field experiment with 23 different alfalfa varieties was performed in Qingdao, Shandong province, difference in yield, plant height, and stem leave ratio among all treatments were compared in the past 4 years. The result showed that 23 alfalfa varieties generally grew well in Qingdao, and foreign alfalfa varieties showed better performance than domestic varieties. The hay yield of planting beside filmed ridges is significantly higher than the one of conventional tillage, the increases value of the 23 varieties except Gannong No.4, Xinjiangdaye and Ameri graze 401 is over 50%.The correlation degrees between the hay yield and average sunshine duration, annual average temperature are up to 0.795 5, 0.878 9, the one between the hay yield and average annual rainfall is just 0.569 1. In plant height, the highest one is WL323, up to 87.8 cm, the lowest one is Aohan, just 74.7 cm.Among the 23 alfalfa, there are significant differences in plant height and the production, the plant height and the production have very high positive correlation, the R is over 0.65. In stem leaf ratio, the lowest is Ameri graze 401, just 1.22 and the stem leaf ratio has a increasing trend. Among the 23 varieties examined, WL323, Ameri graze 401 and AC carbou have superior performance on plant height, fresh yield, stem leaf ratio than others 20 cultivars, which suggesting that the three varieties are suitable to be used in Qingdao region of Shandong province.
    Features and application of a rangeland detection algorithm based on fractal dimensions to detect characteristics of barren patch
    WANG Zhao-qi, LIN Hui-long
    2011, 20(2):  156-162. 
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    The area and circumference of barren patch in grazing grassland was calculated by GIS software (ArcView GIS 3.2a) using field digital imaging to measure the shape index and fractal dimensions of barren patches. This method showed that barren patches in grazing grassland of the degraded alpine meadows has typical fractal characteristics with shape index and fractal dimensions of 1.8 and 1.1 respectively. There were 120 least insert points following the typical barren patch boundary in degraded alpine grazing meadow and the relative shape index change rate was <5% while the relative fractal dimension change rate was <0.5%. The method gives fast, accurate measurement, fine practicability and maneuverability. It provides a new, inovative technique in grazing ecology to explain the complicated problem of barren patch appearance in grazing grassland.
    Preliminary study technique on area forecast of Therioaphis trifolii based on GIS
    ZHU Meng-meng, SUN Yu-rong, ZHANG Rong, YU Zhao, HUANG Wen-guang
    2011, 20(2):  163-169. 
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    Simulated distribution of occurrence and forecast of Therioaphis trifolii at alfalfa planning region in southern Ningxia, using technique of geographical information system(GIS), referring to established forecast model of T. trifolii:y=2 298.017-21.754x1-47.096x3+1.473x4 (y is the occurrence quantity of T. trifolii, x1 is June precipitation, x3 is the density of Coccinella septempunctata in the beginning of June, x4 is the cardinal number of the T. trifolii in the beginning of June). Technique of area forecast of T. trifolii which is established based on GIS, can precisely reflect pest occurrence range, distribution of region, area and ratio of different occurrence degree. Forecast result of the technique is intuitive and can be extensive application, after sampling investigation, average accuracy of forecast warring is up to 96.6%.
    Cloning and analysis on tissue specific expression of a Actin gene fragment from Agropyron mongolicum
    YUN Jin-feng, ZHAO Yan, SHI Feng-min, WANG Jun-jie
    2011, 20(2):  170-176. 
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    In this study, actin gene homology fragment from Mongo1ian wheatgrass(Agropyron mongolicum)was isolated using homology-based method, and analyzed on tissue specific expression of endogenous actin gene. The primers A1 was designed according to the amino acid conserved regions of the cloned actin gene of Gramineae plant wheat, one partials gene sequences have been obtained by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR). Sequence analysis using Software of DNAman and DNAuser etc, and showed that the cDNA sequences was 541 bp, encoding 179 amino acids. And putative conserved domains have been detected, including ACTIN superfamily domains of ATP binding site, profilin binding site and gelsolin binding site.Homology comparison with Actin gene amino acid sequences in other plants showed that it was 99% identical to wheat, 96% to maize and 93% to rice. The results of analysis on tissue specific expression showed that the endogenous actin gene expression level in the root, stem and leaf of Mongo1ian wheatgrass was identical. It was named as MwACT1, GenBank accession number: FJ490410.
    Cloning, sequence analysis and prokaryotic expression of the WRKY6 of potato
    LI Li-qin, HUANG Yu-bi, WANG Xi-yao
    2011, 20(2):  177-183. 
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    In higher plants, there are many WRKY transcription factors in WRKY family. They are widely involved in biotic stress; abiotic stress; growth; development and metabolism regulation. Cloning WRKY6 from potato by homology cloning. Analysis show that the WRKY6 belongs to the third group of WRKY family members, zinc-finger structure is C-X7-C-X23-H-X-C. Phylogeny results show WRKY6 is the most closest to AtWRKY70 with 58% similarity, By SDS-PAGE analysis, the best expression conditions of WRKY6 are that host bacteria-Escherichia coli (DE3) is growing for 8 hours under 18℃ adding 0.2 mmol/L IPTG (Isopropyl β-D-thiogalactoside), purified protein of high specificity is obtained. This research lay a solid foundation to further study the foundation of WRKY6.
    Establishment of an Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation system for Eremochloa ophiuroides
    ZHANG Fang, WANG Zhou, ZONG Jun-qin, LIU Jian-xiu, SHE Jian-ming
    2011, 20(2):  184-192. 
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    Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring the plasmid pCAMBIA1301 which contains stress tolerance-related transcription factor ZjDREB1 gene and reporter gene HPT was used to transform axillary bud-derived embryogenic calluses of Eremochloa ophiuroides ‘E126’. To systematically optimize the conditions of centipedegrass transformation, several factors which could influence Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer were examined, including concentration of selective agent and bacteriostat, bacterial concentration, duration of infection and co-cultivation. Consequently, a transformation system of transgenic centipedegrass plants was established. It was found that the efficiency of transformation highly relied on the following optimal conditions: The concentration of hygromycin for selection was 30 mg/L; the cefotaxime concentration for restraining the Agrobacterium was 400 mg/L; OD600 as 0.3, 30 min of infection time and 3 days. Co-cultivation time was the optimized condition for genetic transformation system in E. ophiuroides. Ten transgenic plants were identified by PCR detection from initial 44 regenerated plants.
    Construction of antifreeze gene CBF2 expression vector and transformation into alfalfa callus
    LIU Xiao-jing, HAO Feng, ZHANG De-gang, MAO Juan, YU Tie-feng
    2011, 20(2):  193-200. 
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    Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA was selected as a template to amplify the target gene by PCR and connect it to the PGEM-T Easy Vector for construction of the T-CBF2. The target fragment and linear plasmids were obtained from the cloning vector T-CBF2 and from the plant expression vector PBI121 with dual digestion using BamHⅠand Sac I, respectively. The plant expression vector P-T-CBF2 was built through directional connections using T4 DNA ligase. PCR identification proved that the recombinant had been transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens and it was then introduced into Medicago sativa cv. Hetian through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transfer of the target gene to alfalfa callus was successful.
    A study on optimization and primer screening of a SRAP reaction system and genetic diversity of different fall dormancy alfalfas
    HE Qing-yuan, WU Ping, ZHANG Xiao-hong, WANG Song-hua, LI Zheng-peng, WANG Zhu-xiang
    2011, 20(2):  201-209. 
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    Genomic DNA was extracted by advanced CTAB methods from Medicago sativa. The L16(45) orthogonal diagram was applied to study the effects of mobility reproducible in different concentrations of template DNA, dNTPs, Mg2+, Taq polymerase, and primer on M. sativa. A suitable SRAP reaction system had 50 ng DNA,1.4 mmol/L Mg2+,1.2 U Taq polymerase, 0.4 mmol/L dNTPs and 0.25 μmol/L in a 20 μL reaction system. Better primers were screened out from 100 pairs of primers using optimizated systems, that could amplify clear fragments. A total of 87 amplicons were resolved by 8 pairs of well-chosen primers, of which 84 were polymorphic. These varieties had high genetic polymorphisms. A dendrogram from the analysis clustered two Medicago hispida cultivars from Anhui and Jiangsu into one group. Thirty two other cultivars were classified into sub-groups with a similarity coefficient of 0.68. Fall dormancy alfalfa cultivars were mostly distributed in the second sub-group. Semi-fall dormancy and non-fall dormancy alfalfa cultivars did not fall in the same sub-group. There was no absolute distinction of fall dormancy of alfalfa.
    Tissue culture and plant regeneration from mature seed of two cultivars of tall fescue
    YAN Jun-hui, ZHAO Zhi-yan, HE Ya-li
    2011, 20(2):  210-218. 
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    To obtain a reliable and efficient regeneration system of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), mature seeds of ‘SHED’ and ‘Plantation’ were cultured on medium supplemented with combinations of 6-BA and 2,4-D. The optimal induction medium for intact mature seed explants was ‘MS+2,4-D 3 mg/L’, resulting in the highest induction rate of 71%, while that for longitudinally sliced seed explants was ‘MS+2,4-D 2.5 mg/L’ with a highest induction rate of 56%. The optimal subculture medium contained 3 mg/L 2,4-D, giving an embryogenic callus induction rate of 70%, and the addition of 6-BA to this medium adversely affected embryogenic callus induction. The effect of interaction of genotype and plant growth regulator concentration was significant. The highest regeneration rates obtained from the medium ‘MS+2,4-D 1 mg/L+6-BA 1 mg/L’ and ‘MS+2, 4-D 2 mg/L+6-BA 1 mg/L’ were 50% (CV. ‘SHED’) and 56% (CV. ‘Plantation’). The reported rooting medium of ‘1/2 MS+NAA 0.5 mg/L’ gave a rooting ratio of 100%.
    Dynamics of soil respiration under different grazing systems in a Stipa breviflora desert steppe
    XU Hai-hong, HOU Xiang-yang, NA Ri-su
    2011, 20(2):  219-226. 
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    Using a dynamic enclosed chamber (IRGA), the effects of grazing systems on diurnal and seasonal variation of soil respiration in Stipa breviflora desert steppe were studied. 1) There was no significant difference between grazing systems in diurnal or in seasonal variation. The diurnal variation of soil respiration could be expressed as a single peak curve, and the seasonal variation was mainly affected by soil moisture. 2) The daily mean soil respiration rate was significant lower in continuously grazed plots (0.449 7 μmol CO2/m2·s) than that in rotationally grazed (0.504 7 μmol CO2/m2·s, in dry months), or in non-grazed plots (0.529 5 μmol CO2/m2·s, throughout the growing season, except the first month), but there was no significant difference among different grazing systems in seasonal mean soil respiration rate. 3) Correlation of soil respiration diurnal variation with air temperature was greater than that with soil temperature, and a water-temperature composite model was better than a single-factor model to explain the changes in soil respiration rate. 4) Compared with non-grazing, rotational grazing and continuous grazing elevated the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration (adequate moisture), while reducing the impact of soil moisture on soil respiration. It was concluded that the soil respiration rate and effect of environmental factors were similar between rotational grazing and continuous grazing, and there were differences between continuous grazing and non-grazing in daily mean soil respiration rate and effect of environmental factors in S. breviflora desert steppe.
    Genetic structure and variation in different geographical populations of Houttuynia cordata
    ZHONG Jun, WANG Kun, QIU Ping, ZENG Wei-jun, Xiong Xing-yao
    2011, 20(2):  227-233. 
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    The genetic diversity and genetic structure of Houttuynia cordata populations in Huaihua were analyzed by SRAP (sequence-related amplified polymorphism). The percentages of polymorphy(PPB)of the sixteen populations varied from 53.66% to 85.35% and the average heterozygosities ranged from 0.07 to 0.23,The Shannon index of the total population was 0.10-0.34, which suggested relatively high genetic variability in H. cordata. The genetic differentiation coefficient (Gst) was 0.51 so it is proposed that most of the genetic variation occurred between populations with a certain frequency of gene flow within populations(Nm=0.326). A cluster analysis based on the UPGMA method grouped the majority of the 16 populations at D=0.5 into five main clusters that corresponded to their geographic regions. The results suggested there was a lack of significant association between genetic diversity and environmental factors among the 16 H. cordata populations, although Gst and Nm were enhanced at higher altitudes, where were declining along with raising latitude and longitude.
    Analysis of growth and salt accumulation features of Salicornia europaea under different nitrogen and phosphorus levels
    WANG Jie-ping, TIAN Chang-yan
    2011, 20(2):  234-243. 
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    Research is driven by the hope of rapidly restoring saline land effectively through improving halophyte biomass and performance in saline areas. The effects of varying levels of N fertilization (0, 75, 150, and 225 kg/ha), and P fertilization (0 and 135 kg/ha) on growth and salt accumulation of Salicornia europaea was studied under field saline conditions in Xinjiang. The aerial biomass, root biomass, seed yield, and salt accumulation increased dramatically with increased N levels. The largest amount of salt absorbed and accumulated by S. europaea was in treatment N225, with 11 534.39 kg/ha recorded, 4.07 times more than in the CK. N225 also had the highest Na+, Cl- and SO42- accumulation. P increased biomass, seed yield, and salt accumulation to some extent, but the differences were not significant. Seed N concentration was significantly increased compared with the CK by raising the N level to 225 kg/ha, but not by increasing P. In addition, there was no significant difference in N concentration in stems and shoots or of P concentration in all three plant organs listed above between the different N and P levels. Salt concentrations in shoots and stems were significantly increased by N, but differences in salt concentrations in stems, assimilation shoots and seeds between P1 and P0 were not significant. The results suggest a good possibility of rapidly restoring saline inland soils by increasing N and P fertilization.
    Advances in the study on ecological stoichiometry in grass-environment system and its response to environmental factors
    YANG Hui-min, WANG Dong-mei
    2011, 20(2):  244-252. 
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    Ecological stoichiometry is the science studying the balance of energy and elements (i.e. C, N and P) in biological systems, providing an integrative approach to investigate the stoichiometric relationships and rules in the biogeochemical cycling and ecological processes. During the recent decade, progress has been achieved in the study on the ecological stoichiometry in terrestrial systems. Lots of efforts have been put in the research on the measurement of stoichiometric ratios in grassland, forest, wetland and arable land, etc. Concerns have been focused on the comparison of stoichiometric traits among different systems, functional groups and species, and on the coupling of the traits with environmental factors. In this review article, the advances in the study on ecological stoichiometry in grass-environment system were summarized, focusing on the stoichiometric traits in grassland system and its response to environmental factors.
    A review of belowground interspecific interactions and allelopathy in silvopasture systems
    QIN Shu-gao, WU Bin, ZHANG Yu-qing
    2011, 20(2):  253-261. 
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    Silvopasture (forest-pasture complex), a sustainable land-use/management strategy, has been widely practised and increasingly researched worldwide against a background of global population explosion, exorbitant resource consumption and deterioration of eco-environments. In silvopasture systems, interspecific interaction relationships is one of the most important research foci. It directly relates to the results of this land-use/management strategy and research has progressively shown that the belowground interspecific interactions, and allelopathy play a more important role than aboveground interspecific interactions in system stability. This paper reviews and summarizes existing research on belowground interspecific interactions and allelopathy in silvopasture systems, and offers some suggestions for design and management of systems, for optimizing system structures and resource utility patterns, thereby reducing interspecific negative effects, and resulting in maximal comprehensive harvesting benefits. It is suggested that future research on belowground interspecific interactions and allelopathy, in silvopasture systems, focus on: the association among allelopathy, belowground and aboveground interspecific interactions, the water & nutrition coupling utilization effect of woody plants and herbage, the separate mechanisms of woody and herbaceous roots centralized layers, finding and collating appropriate hydraulic life trees in systems, the response of belowground interspecific interaction between woody plants and herbage to global climate change, researching allelopathy for optimization of systems species structure and in ecological management of silvopasture systems.
    An overview and prospects for grassland adaptive management in China
    HOU Xiang-yang, YIN Yan-ting, DING Yong
    2011, 20(2):  262-269. 
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    At present, grassland in China is severely deteriorating. Existing grassland management models cannot deal with the complexity and uncertainty in grassland ecosystems. As a framework for dealing with complex environmental management problems, adaptive management has been given close attention. This paper overviews the development of adaptive management in the world and analyzes the prospects for grassland management in China. There are several measures to be taken: 1) Stressing basic research on the theory of ecosystems; 2) Integrating multi-dimensional knowledge; 3) Developing an appropriate grassland management model; 4) Building digital grassland information networks. All these are important aspects of implementing grassland adaptive management, providing the basis for grassland management and conservation.
    Discussion to the emergy evaluation analysis method
    WEI Sheng-wen, CHEN Xian-jiang, ZHANG Yan, YU Ying-wen, NIU Jun-yi
    2011, 20(2):  270-277. 
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    Energy provides power for all the ecosystems. Emergy evaluation is a kind of environmental accounting method used for analyzing thermodynamics in open systems based on energy, which uses emergy as the standard to measure different forms of energy and focuses on ecological and economic benefit. This paper introduces the background for the emergence of energy analysis method, its concepts and pastoral connotative, summarizes the advances of the study on energy analysis method, and analyses the essential features and problems in energy analysis from the following six seven aspects: Quantization emergy, maximize emergy, time scales of emergy, distribution of emergy, relation between emergy and thermodynamic parameters, emergy and economics. It indicates that the energy analysis methods which were used in the past have some limitations such as, the method is too simplification and can result in misleading and inaccurate results, although energy analysis bases on the law of thermodynamics, system theory and theoretical ecology, that can quantize the ecosystem service values of the products for human beings survives which is difficult for many other evaluation methods to accomplishing. Therefore, further improvement and development are also awaited in energy analysis method. By the comprehensive analyzing, the main research interests for emergy evaluation in the future are select proper parameter, quantize emergy, comprehensive emergy evaluation methods, clear the relationships between emergy and thermodynamic parameters, and the process of emergy formation in time scales.
    Effects of different plant densities on growth and development of Aconitum carmichaeli
    CAI Shi-zhen, LI Jing, PAN Yuan-zhi, CHEN Qi-bing, JIANG Bei-bei, YE Chong
    2011, 20(2):  278-282. 
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    Effects of different plant densities on growth and development of three years old Aconitum carmichaeli were studied. With an increase of plant density, plant height, stem diameter, inflorescence length, and flower size were reduced, while the leaf area index showed an increasing trend. The proportion of leaf decay increased with an increase of density in summer. Considering the extent of robust plants, flowering quality, and volume of groups flowers, the best plants density was a spacing of 8 cm×8 cm in the landscape.
    Analysis of heredity and correlation of reproductive traits in centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides)hybrids
    ZHENG Yi-qi, ZANG Guo-zhang, GUO Hai-lin, LIU Jian-xiu, REN Ge
    2011, 20(2):  283-289. 
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    The heredity of reproductive characters, i.e. inflorescence density, reproductive branch height, inflorescence length, and specule number per spike were analyzed by a mixed model of major genes and polygenes, to reveal the genetic mechanism of these traits. The result showed: 1) The widest variation is found in the inflorescence density that has a coefficient of variance (CV) of 54.10%, followed by the variations of reproductive branch height, specule number per spike and inflorescence length with each CV amounting to 13.17%, 21.89%, 8.92% and 8.42%, respectively. 2) One major gene model with negative dominance (A-4) was the most suitable model for inflorescence density and the heritability of major genes was 60.71%. The reproductive branch height and inflorescence length were all controlled by two addivive-dominance-epistasis major genes model (B-1), and the heritability of major genes were 93.73% and 96.79%, respectively. The most suitable model of specule number per spike was with a no major gene model (A-0). Correlation analysis showed that, leaf length and width had a very significant correlation coefficient of 0.417 8. Leaf length and height of turf also had very significant levels of correlation (0.628 5). The reproductive branch height and inflorescence density, reproductive branch height and inflorescence length, reproductive branch height and height of turf all had significant levels of correlation (coefficients of 0.374 8, 0.356 2 and 0.423 0 respectively).
    Genetic analysis for cold tolerance of F1 hybrids in Eremochloa ophiuroides
    WANG Peng-liang, XU Yang, LV Zhi-peng, WANG Hai-yan, QIN Zi-hai, LIU Jian-xiu, WANG Xiu-e
    2011, 20(2):  290-294. 
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    F1 hybrids between two cultivars (E142 and E022) with different cold tolerance were produced. A total of 83 true hybrids, together with their parents, were tested for cold tolerance using an electrolyte leakage (EL) assay based on LT50. The inheritance of cold tolerance in the F1 population was analyzed using the Major Genes and Polygenes Genetic Analysis method. 1) The variation of cold tolerance in the F1 population was high, with the LT50 ranging from -9.63 to -1.45℃ and the coefficient variation was -29.27%; 2) The frequency distribution of cold tolerance in F1 populations showed a continuous mixed normal distribution pattern, a diagnostic of major genes and polygene inheritance models; 3) The best genetic model for cold tolerance of this population was model B-1, namely that this character was controlled by two major genes with additive-dominant-epistatic effects, and the heritability of the major genes was 91.28%. These results not only provided useful information but also basic materials for genetic improvement of cold tolerance in Eremochloa ophiuroides.