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Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (10): 23-34.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2017463

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Effects of Cd on antixoidant enzyme activities, and leaf photosynthetic and fluorescence characteristics in Pontederia cordata

XIN Jian-pan, LI Wen-ming, QI Xi, TIAN Ru-nan*   

  1. Colledge of Landscape Architecture, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  • Received:2017-11-01 Revised:2017-12-04 Online:2018-10-20 Published:2018-10-20

Abstract: Plants of Pontederia cordata were cultivated in 1/2 strength Hoagland’s nutrient solution containing cadmium at concentrations of 0, 5, 25 or 75 mg·L-1, to research cadmium tolerance and its physiological mechanisms. Changes with Cd exposure in antioxidant enzyme activities, leaf chlorophyll contents, photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in P. cordata leaves were measured. It was found that plasma membrane permeability tended to increase with cadmium concentration and with exposure time. Changes in activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and hydrogen peroxidase (CAT) differed. CAT activity was seldom influenced by Cd, whereas activities of SOD and POD were increased by Cd. Leaves showed an obvious decrease in chlorophyll a (Chla), chlorophyll b (Chlb), and total chlorophyll (ChlT) contents and in chlorophyll a/b (Chla/b) ratio with Cd exposure, and this effect was also more marked with increasing Cd concentration and exposure time. Chla was more sensitive to Cd, and Chla reduction was primarily responsible for the reduction in the ChlT content and for the reduced Chla/b ratio. A Cd-induced decrease in net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of P. cordata leaves was observed and was associated with a decline in stomatal conductance (Gs). Linked to this effect, transpiration rate (E), and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) of leaves were also decreased by increased Cd concentration and exposure time, while vapor pressure deficit (VPD) was increased. Also, higher Cd concentrations (25, 75 mg·L-1) resulted in photoinhibition, decreasing the photosynthetic electron transport system activity, and thus leading to a decline in energy conversion and utilization efficiency of photosystemⅡ (PSⅡ). However, P. cordata can adapt to Cd exposure by enhancing thermal dissipation and activating non-activated PSⅡ reaction centers.

Key words: Pontederia cordata, Cd stress, antioxidant enzyme activities, chlorophyll contents, photosynthetic characteristics, chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics