Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2019, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (9): 123-134.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018602
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CHEN Guang-ji1, WU Jia-hai1,*, SHANG Yi-shun1, ZHANG Rong1, HE Ting-zhang2, WU Yan3, LOU Fen4, XIONG Jun4, GAN Xiao-bo4, CHEN Yin-qiong4, WANG Pu-chang1, HAN Yong-fen5, LI Shi-ge1, SHU Jian-hong1
*E-mail: CHEN Guang-ji, WU Jia-hai, SHANG Yi-shun, ZHANG Rong, HE Ting-zhang, WU Yan, LOU Fen, XIONG Jun, GAN Xiao-bo, CHEN Yin-qiong, WANG Pu-chang, HAN Yong-fen, LI Shi-ge, SHU Jian-hong. Dynamic effects of exogenous fibrolytic enzyme supplementation on nutritive value, fermentation quality and enzyme activities of fermentation total mixed ration[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2019, 28(9): 123-134.
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