草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 32-45.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020226
王晓娇1,3(), 蔡立群1,2,4(
), 齐鹏1,2,4(
), 王雅芝1, 陈晓龙1, 武均1,2,4, 张仁陟1,2,4(
Xiao-jiao WANG1,3(), Li-qun CAI1,2,4(
), Peng QI1,2,4(
), Ya-zhi Wang1, Xiao-long CHEN1, Jun Wu1,2,4, Ren-zhi ZHANG1,2,4(
Li-qun CAI,Peng QI,Ren-zhi ZHANG
阐明长期有机物料施肥下土壤CO2排放特征及其影响机制以及碳库管理指数对黄土高原旱作农业区固碳减排及施肥模式选择的影响尤为重要。基于2012年设置在陇中黄土高原旱作区的长期定位试验,通过不施肥(CK)、氮肥(NF)、有机肥(OM)、秸秆(ST)、有机肥结合无机肥(OMNF)5个处理,测定并计算了2018年不同施肥措施下全年土壤CO2排放、作物碳排放效率和碳库管理指数的变化,并运用结构方程模型分析了0~30 cm土壤温度、水分、微生物量碳氮、易氧化有机碳、蔗糖酶、脲酶与土壤CO2排放速率的关系。结果表明:1)与不施肥相比,秸秆、有机结合无机肥和有机肥处理使生育期土壤CO2排放平均速率提高了42.72%、30.82%和29.79%,秸秆、有机肥处理分别使生育期土壤CO2排放量显著提高36.35%、32.45%(P<0.05),有机结合无机肥处理使碳排放效率显著降低41.10%(P<0.05);2)有机物料处理均能显著提高0~5 cm土层易氧化有机碳、微生物量碳氮、蔗糖酶活性和碳库管理指数,相比不施肥和氮肥处理,有机结合无机肥处理分别使0~30 cm土壤碳库管理指数提高127.41%,99.33%(P<0.05);3)结构方程模型表明,环境因子对土壤CO2排放速率的总解释度为53%,对土壤CO2排放速率总效应较大的影响因素包括土壤温度(2.36)、微生物量碳(1.59)和土壤水分(1.18),且均间接地影响着土壤CO2排放速率,土壤温度促进了微生物量碳和蔗糖酶活性的提高,微生物量碳促进了微生物量氮和易氧化有机碳的增加。综合来看,有机结合无机肥处理可以提升土壤碳库管理指数,保持微生物活性,增加作物产量,降低土壤碳排放效率,是陇中黄土高原旱作农业区比较适宜的农田培肥措施。
王晓娇, 蔡立群, 齐鹏, 王雅芝, 陈晓龙, 武均, 张仁陟. 培肥措施对旱地农田土壤CO2排放和碳库管理指数的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(2): 32-45.
Xiao-jiao WANG, Li-qun CAI, Peng QI, Ya-zhi Wang, Xiao-long CHEN, Jun Wu, Ren-zhi ZHANG. Effects of alternative fertilizer options on soil CO2 emission and carbon pool management index in a dryland soil[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(2): 32-45.
土层 Soil layer (cm) | 容重 Bulk density (g·cm-3) | 有机碳 Organic carbon (g·kg-1) | 全氮 Total nitrogen (g·kg-1) | 全磷 Total phosphorus (g·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available potassium (mg·kg-1) | pH |
0~5 | 1.29 | 7.63 | 0.85 | 1.89 | 13.30 | 349.60 | 8.40 |
5~10 | 1.23 | 7.46 | 0.81 | 1.92 | 11.90 | 330.20 | 8.30 |
10~30 | 1.32 | 6.93 | 0.78 | 1.82 | 4.90 | 244.00 | 8.40 |
表1 试验地土壤主要理化性质
Table 1 Soil physical and chemical properties of experimental field
土层 Soil layer (cm) | 容重 Bulk density (g·cm-3) | 有机碳 Organic carbon (g·kg-1) | 全氮 Total nitrogen (g·kg-1) | 全磷 Total phosphorus (g·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available potassium (mg·kg-1) | pH |
0~5 | 1.29 | 7.63 | 0.85 | 1.89 | 13.30 | 349.60 | 8.40 |
5~10 | 1.23 | 7.46 | 0.81 | 1.92 | 11.90 | 330.20 | 8.30 |
10~30 | 1.32 | 6.93 | 0.78 | 1.82 | 4.90 | 244.00 | 8.40 |
图2 不同时期土壤CO2排放通量a:土壤CO2排放通量趋势 Trend of soil CO2 emission flux;b:土壤CO2排放通量趋势分布Distribution of soil CO2 emission flux.
Fig. 2 Soil CO2 emission flux in different periods
图3 不同培肥处理下土壤理化性质和微生物指标不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference among different treatment (P<0.05).
Fig.3 Soil physical chemistry properties and microbial indexes under different fertilization treatments
处理 Treatments | 籽粒产量 Grain yield (kg·hm-2) | 土壤CO2-C排放量Carbon emission (CE, kg C·hm-2) | 全年CEE Annual carbon emission efficiency | ||
生育期Growing period | 休闲期Non-growing period | 全年Year | |||
CK | 4382.32±428.18c | 4505.41±471.55c | 1911.74±86.22a | 6417.14±507.28c | 1.46±0.86a |
NF | 11017.54±885.65a | 5966.94±776.66b | 2034.76±120.79a | 8001.70±548.89b | 0.73±0.56b |
OM | 6281.99±485.22b | 6292.70±693.68a | 2207.19±209.52a | 8499.89±919.94a | 1.35±0.14a |
ST | 5931.64±827.06bc | 6332.46±399.71a | 2417.15±899.43a | 8749.62±834.11a | 1.49±0.18a |
OMNF | 9695.02±973.22a | 5941.44±766.57b | 2236.04±67.78a | 8177.48±820.31ab | 0.86±0.18b |
表2 不同培肥处理对农田作物产量和碳排放效率的影响
Table 2 Crop yield and carbon emission efficiency under different fertilization treatments
处理 Treatments | 籽粒产量 Grain yield (kg·hm-2) | 土壤CO2-C排放量Carbon emission (CE, kg C·hm-2) | 全年CEE Annual carbon emission efficiency | ||
生育期Growing period | 休闲期Non-growing period | 全年Year | |||
CK | 4382.32±428.18c | 4505.41±471.55c | 1911.74±86.22a | 6417.14±507.28c | 1.46±0.86a |
NF | 11017.54±885.65a | 5966.94±776.66b | 2034.76±120.79a | 8001.70±548.89b | 0.73±0.56b |
OM | 6281.99±485.22b | 6292.70±693.68a | 2207.19±209.52a | 8499.89±919.94a | 1.35±0.14a |
ST | 5931.64±827.06bc | 6332.46±399.71a | 2417.15±899.43a | 8749.62±834.11a | 1.49±0.18a |
OMNF | 9695.02±973.22a | 5941.44±766.57b | 2236.04±67.78a | 8177.48±820.31ab | 0.86±0.18b |
土层 Soil layer (cm) | 处理 Treatment | 碳库活度 A | 碳库活度指数 AI | 碳库指数 CPI | 碳库管理指数 CPMI (%) | 土壤碳素效率 SCE (%) |
0~5 | ST | 0.39a | 1.78a | 1.25a | 223.07a | 27.90a |
OM | 0.38a | 1.75a | 1.21a | 212.08a | 27.53b | |
OMNF | 0.40a | 1.84a | 1.16b | 212.61a | 28.57b | |
NF | 0.32b | 1.49b | 1.15b | 171.77b | 24.46c | |
CK | 0.22c | 1.00c | 1.00c | 100.00c | 16.40d | |
5~10 | ST | 0.38a | 1.83ab | 1.19a | 217.33a | 27.35a |
OM | 0.38a | 1.84a | 1.16a | 217.18a | 27.55a | |
OMNF | 0.39a | 1.91a | 1.14a | 217.53a | 28.24a | |
NF | 0.29b | 1.39b | 1.13a | 157.49b | 22.28b | |
CK | 0.21c | 1.00c | 1.00b | 100.00c | 17.10c | |
10~30 | ST | 0.38a | 1.91a | 1.24a | 236.36b | 27.05b |
OM | 0.38a | 1.95a | 1.21ab | 235.76b | 27.68b | |
OMNF | 0.45a | 2.28a | 1.19bc | 271.08a | 30.91a | |
NF | 0.20b | 1.01b | 1.18cd | 117.69c | 16.36c | |
CK | 0.20b | 1.00b | 1.00d | 100.00c | 16.40c | |
0~30 | ST | 0.37a | 1.87a | 1.17a | 218.14b | 27.24b |
OM | 0.38a | 1.90a | 1.19a | 225.30a | 27.64a | |
OMNF | 0.43a | 2.13a | 1.07a | 227.41a | 29.98a | |
NF | 0.23b | 1.15b | 1.11a | 128.08c | 18.85c | |
CK | 0.20b | 1.00b | 1.00b | 100.00d | 16.77d |
表3 不同施肥措施对土壤碳库管理指数的影响
Table 3 Soil carbon pool management index under different fertilization treatments
土层 Soil layer (cm) | 处理 Treatment | 碳库活度 A | 碳库活度指数 AI | 碳库指数 CPI | 碳库管理指数 CPMI (%) | 土壤碳素效率 SCE (%) |
0~5 | ST | 0.39a | 1.78a | 1.25a | 223.07a | 27.90a |
OM | 0.38a | 1.75a | 1.21a | 212.08a | 27.53b | |
OMNF | 0.40a | 1.84a | 1.16b | 212.61a | 28.57b | |
NF | 0.32b | 1.49b | 1.15b | 171.77b | 24.46c | |
CK | 0.22c | 1.00c | 1.00c | 100.00c | 16.40d | |
5~10 | ST | 0.38a | 1.83ab | 1.19a | 217.33a | 27.35a |
OM | 0.38a | 1.84a | 1.16a | 217.18a | 27.55a | |
OMNF | 0.39a | 1.91a | 1.14a | 217.53a | 28.24a | |
NF | 0.29b | 1.39b | 1.13a | 157.49b | 22.28b | |
CK | 0.21c | 1.00c | 1.00b | 100.00c | 17.10c | |
10~30 | ST | 0.38a | 1.91a | 1.24a | 236.36b | 27.05b |
OM | 0.38a | 1.95a | 1.21ab | 235.76b | 27.68b | |
OMNF | 0.45a | 2.28a | 1.19bc | 271.08a | 30.91a | |
NF | 0.20b | 1.01b | 1.18cd | 117.69c | 16.36c | |
CK | 0.20b | 1.00b | 1.00d | 100.00c | 16.40c | |
0~30 | ST | 0.37a | 1.87a | 1.17a | 218.14b | 27.24b |
OM | 0.38a | 1.90a | 1.19a | 225.30a | 27.64a | |
OMNF | 0.43a | 2.13a | 1.07a | 227.41a | 29.98a | |
NF | 0.23b | 1.15b | 1.11a | 128.08c | 18.85c | |
CK | 0.20b | 1.00b | 1.00b | 100.00d | 16.77d |
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