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草业学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 270-275.

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  1. 兰州大学草地农业科技学院 农业部草地农业生态系统学重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730020
  • 收稿日期:2008-12-01 出版日期:2009-10-20 发布日期:2009-10-20
  • 作者简介:李文娟(1986-),女,甘肃兰州人,在读硕士。E-mail:liwj2008@lzu.cn

Research on grassland resources yield and balance between forage resources and livestock numbers in Haidong and Haibei prefecture of Qinghai

LI Wen-juan, MA Xuan-long, CHEN Quan-gong   

  1. Key Laboratory of Grassland Agroecology System, Ministry of Agriculture, College of Pastoral
    Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730020, China
  • Received:2008-12-01 Online:2009-10-20 Published:2009-10-20

摘要: 利用青海省海东、海北两地区地面实测产草量,经过GPS定位,与MODIS植被指数数据建立天然草地资源产量反演模型,以及天然草地理论载畜量计算模型;同时,利用粮食等饲料作物和林地面积等资料,估算农林副产品的载畜量,结合青海省各地区季节放牧的实际情况,建立天然草地以及考虑补饲后的地区草畜平衡监测模型,分析两地草畜平衡状况。结果表明,1)海东、海北两地草地资源产量分别为195.30×104和4590.92×104 t,采食牧草产量分别为98.41×104和2306.07×104 t,天然草地实际利用率为50.4%和50.23%;2)两地区天然草地所能承载的最大载畜量为90.97×104和856.18×104只标准羊单位;3)综合天然草地和农业补饲各种因素后,海东、海北地区超载率分别为97.9%和-32.2%,海东地区超载较严重,海北未超载。

Abstract: Observed grassland yields from areas located by GPS in Haidong and Haibei prefecture of Qinghai, were used to design natural grassland yield estimating models with vegetation index of MODIS. Estimating models for maximum theoretical livestock carrying capacity were built. Livestock carrying capacity of added forage was calculated from by-products of farming and forest. Combing the reality of seasonal pasture in Qinghai, the models for balance between carrying capacity of natural grassland or added forage and actual number of livestock were established and the current states of both prefectures were analyzed. The grassland resources yields of Haidong and Haibei prefecture were 195.30×104 and 4 590.92×104 t, respectively. Grass forage intakes were 98.41×104 and 2 306.07×104 t, and the practical usage rates of natural grasslands were 50.4% and 50.23%. The maximum livestock carrying capacity of natural grassland in both prefectures were 90.97×104 and 856.18×104 sheep units respectively. Livestock overloading in Haidong was serious, being as high as 97.9%, but in Haibei the overloading rate was -32.2%.
