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草业学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): 211-218.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.河北农业大学动物科技学院,河北 保定 071000;
    2.中国农业大学草地研究所,北京 100094;
    国家野外科学观测研究站,河北 沽源 076550;
    4.河北省草原监理监测站,河北 石家庄 050031
  • 收稿日期:2009-01-12 出版日期:2010-01-25 发布日期:2010-02-20
  • 作者简介:徐敏云(1977-),男,山东苍山人,讲师,在读博士。E-mail:xuminyun@sina.com
  • 基金资助:

Dynamic monitoring of grassland production in Hebei

XU Min-yun1,2,3, LI Yun-qi1, XIE Fan1, Wang Kun2,3, YU Hai-liang4,
JING Fu-jun4, LI Lian-shu4, LI Jia-xiang4, LI Xue-feng2,3   

  1. 1.Animal Science &
    Technology College, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China;
    of Rangeland Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China;
    3.National Grassland
    Ecosystem Observation and Research Station, Guyuan 076550, China;
    4.Hebei Grassland
    Supervision and Monitoring Station, Shijiazhuang 050031, China
  • Received:2009-01-12 Online:2010-01-25 Published:2010-02-20

摘要: 根据河北省2005-2007年草地地面调查,基于110个样地、990个样方的调查数据,对河北省草地产草量进行了监测估算,结果表明,1)2005-2007年河北省鲜草年均产量为62 254 697.81 t,平均单产为13 134.57 kg/hm2;干草年均产量为19 438 911.94 t,平均单产为4 101.24 kg/hm2。2)2005-2007年各类草地干草平均单产:暖性灌草丛(5 133.35 kg/hm2)>暖性草丛(4 182.22 kg/hm2)>沼泽草地(3 376.13 kg/hm2)>山地草甸(坝上高原区,3 268.35 kg/hm2)>温性草甸草原(2 665.94 kg/hm2)>山地草甸(山地丘陵区,2 111.55 kg/hm2)>低地草甸(1 872.44 kg/hm2)>温性草原(1 103.29 kg/hm2)。暖性灌草丛草地、暖性草丛草地、山地草甸草地干草产量分别占全省草地产量的56.04%,20.85%和18.13%,是河北省草地产量主体。3)2005-2007河北各地市草地干草单产:沧州7 134.40 kg/hm2>保定6 981.15 kg/hm2>承德4 850.26 kg/hm2>石家庄4 677.78 kg/hm2>邯郸2 802.83 kg/hm2>张家口2 519.58 kg/hm2>邢台2 436.47 kg/hm2>秦皇岛2 227.55 kg/hm2>唐山1 984.14 kg/hm2。承德、张家口、保定3地市草地干草产量占全省草地干草产量的84.44%,其他6地市草地干草产量占全省干草产量的15.56%。4)2005-2007年河北省草地干草年均单产与1979-1984年草地年均干草单产相比,干草单产下降36.49%,明显减产,草地干草产量平均每年下降1.46%。山地草甸、温性草原、沼泽草地、低地草甸、温性草甸草原等草地类的草地干草单产降幅属于严重减产,暖性灌丛草、暖性草丛草地类的草地干草单产降幅为明显减产。减产的草地面积占全省草地面积的91.96%,其中,严重减产的草地面积占全省草地面积的31.92%,另有8.04%的草地产量基本持平。

Abstract: Open-air survey data of 990 quadrats from 110 plots in a Hebei grassland survey from 2005 to 2007 were combined with similar survey data from 1979 to 1984 to compare grassland production and relative changes between 2005-2007 and 1979-1984. 1) Annual total yield of fresh grass from 2005 to 2007 was 62 254 697.81 tons, with an average yield of 13 134.57 kg/hm2. Total hay output of the grasslands in Hebei province amounted to 19 438 911.94 tons, with an average yield of 4 101.24 kg/hm2; 2) Grassland production (hay output) of warm temperate shrub-grassland reached 5 133.35 kg/hm2, and was the highest among all the steppe types, followed by warm temperate tussock (4 182.22 kg/hm2), marsh grassland (3 376.13 kg/hm2), mountain meadow (in Bashang plateau district, 3 268.35 kg/hm2), temperate meadow-steppe (2 665.94 kg/hm2), mountain meadow (in mountain and hilly areas, 2 111.55 kg/hm2), lowland meadow (1 872.44 kg/hm2), and temperate steppe (1 103.29 kg/hm2). The three steppes types with the largest hay production were: Warm temperate shrub-grassland, arm temperate tussock, and mountain meadow, with production accounting for 56.04%, 20.85%, 18.13% of Hebei production respectively. 3) The average yield of hay production in Hebei province by administrative districts was: Cangzhou(7 134.40 kg/hm2)>Baoding (6 981.15 kg/hm2)>Chengde (4 850.26 kg/hm2)>Shijiazhuang (4 677.78 kg/hm2)>Handan (2 802.83 kg/hm2)>Zhangjiakou (2 519.58 kg/hm2)>Xingtai (2 436.47 kg/hm2)>Qinghuangdao (2 227.55 kg/hm2)>Tangshan (1 984.14 kg/hm2). Total hay output of the grasslands in Chengde, Zhangjiakou and Baoding accounted for 84.44% the hay yield of Hebei, while hay yield of the other six administrative regions accounted for only 15.56%. 4) Compared with that of 1979-1984, the average hay yield of 2005-2007 was 36.49% less, with an annual decrease of 1.46%. The average hay output of mountain meadow, temperate steppe, marsh grassland, lowland meadow and temperate meadow-steppe was seriously reduced with a reduction of more than 50%. The relative rate of change of average hay production (R) between 2005-2007 and 1979-1984 of warm temperate shrub-grassland and warm temperate tussock declined range from -5% to -50%, indicating a significant yield reduction grade. The grassland hay area yield reduction accounted for 91.96% of the Hebei grasslands, with 31.92% of the area production seriously reduced with the extent of reduction >50%, while 8.04% of the grassland remains unchanged compared to that in 1979-1984.
