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草业学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (9): 183-193.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2017453

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孙启忠1, 柳茜2, 陶雅1, 李峰1, 徐丽君3, *   

  1. 1.中国农业科学院草原研究所,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010;
    2.四川省凉山彝族自治州畜牧兽医研究所,四川 西昌 615042;
  • 收稿日期:2017-10-26 修回日期:2017-12-20 出版日期:2018-09-20 发布日期:2018-09-20
  • 通讯作者: E-mail: xulijun_nmg@163.com
  • 作者简介:孙启忠(1959-),男,内蒙古五原人,研究员。E-mail: sunqz@126.com
  • 基金资助:
    中国农业科学院创新工程(CAAS-ASTIP-IGR 2015-02)和国家现代农业(牧草)产业技术体系(CARS-35)资助

The history of alfalfa cultivation and utilization in the Sui and Tang Dynasties

SUN Qi-zhong1, LIU Qian2, TAO Ya1, LI Feng1, XU Li-jun3, *   

  1. 1.Grassland Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hohhot 010010, China;
    2.Animal Husbandry Institute of Liangshan Prefecture, Xichang 615042, China;
    3.Hulunber Grassland Ecosystem Observation and Research Station, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2017-10-26 Revised:2017-12-20 Online:2018-09-20 Published:2018-09-20

摘要: 秦汉以来,唐马最盛。马嗜苜蓿,苜蓿作为马的最佳牧草,为唐马的发展起到了支撑作用。采用植物考据原理与方法,以记载隋唐五代苜蓿的典籍为基础,结合现代研究成果,考查了隋唐五代时期苜蓿的种植分布与栽培利用等。结果表明,陇右8坊48监和1296个陆驿的设置,带动了唐苜蓿的发展。《陇右监牧颂德碑》记载:时在陇右牧区,“莳茼麦、苜蓿一千九百顷,以茭蓄禦冬”。考查发现,唐时期陇右、关内、河东三道、安西都、毗沙都和渭河与黄河下游流域乃至郢州等皆有苜蓿分布。《新唐书》记载:“凡驿马,给地四顷,莳以苜蓿。” 根据《唐六典》记载的驿站马匹数量,最大的都亭驿站有驿马75匹,应有种植苜蓿等饲料的驿田200 hm2,最小的驿站有驿马8匹,应有种植苜蓿等饲料的驿田21.33 hm2。驿田之性质与牧田同,这些驿田,用来种植苜蓿,解决马饲料问题。在苜蓿种植管理技术方面,在隋朝设有掌管种植苜蓿的部门,唐有苜蓿丁掌管苜蓿种植,并以律令制度对苜蓿种植进行了规定,建立了以苜蓿为主的饲草基地,解决了冬季饲草这个大规模发展畜牧业的关键问题;唐代仍沿用着汉代苜蓿分期播种技术,加强了苜蓿秋冬季的管理,苜蓿在饲用、食用、药用和香料等方面都有大的发展。隋唐五代苜蓿的管理经验和种植利用技术,对今天我国苜蓿的发展具有积极的鉴借作用。

关键词: 苜蓿, 隋唐, 栽培利用, 苜蓿史

Abstract: As one of the best available forages, alfalfa played an important role in the development of horse breeding in the Tang Dynasty that followed the Qin and Han Dynasties. The article applies the principles and methods of plant textual research to the records of the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties in order to explore the history of alfalfa’s distribution, cultivation and utilization. The results showed that during the Tang Dynasty the development of alfalfa was promoted through 8 lanes, 48 imperial offices and 1296 land stations in Longyou. “Achievements praising monument of Longyou” (Song Dynasty) recorded that the total area of wheat and alfalfa had reached 1900 ha and was typically used for livestock feeding in winter in Song Dynasty. Investigations show that, during the Tang Dynasty, alfalfa was widely distributed across Longyou, Guannei, Hedongsandao, Anxidu, Pishadu, Weihe River and the lower reaches of the Yellow River regions. The “New Tang History Book”(Song Dynasty,1975) records that 4 ha of alfalfa were used to raise horses. “Six Codes of the Tang Dynasty” records the number of horses kept at post stations, with the biggest courier station raising 75 horses on 200 ha of alfalfa farmland and the smallest raising 8 horses and 21.33 ha of farmland. Croplands were similar to grazing land, with both types of land use focusing on growing alfalfa to solve the problem of feeding horses. Special departments were established during the Sui Dynasty to administer alfalfa planting, and were followed by the “Ding organization of alfalfa” in the Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, laws were used to promote the cultivation of alfalfa and its use as fodder to solve the key problem faced by animal husbandry at that time, winter feeding. At this time, the cultivatinging technique was still used, a technique that was handed down from the Han Dynasty. Alfalfa was used not only for animal winter management but also as food, medicine and spice.The management experience and planting technologies developed during the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties continue to have a positive effect on the development of alfalfa in China today.

Key words: alfalfa, Sui and Tang Dynasties, cultivation and utilization, alfalfa history