草业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (7): 1-14.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021454
• 研究论文 •
赵翊含1(), 侯蒙京1, 冯琦胜1, 高宏元1, 梁天刚1(
), 贺金生1,2, 钱大文3
E-mail: tgliang@lzu.edu.cn基金资助:
Yi-han ZHAO1(), Meng-jing HOU1, Qi-sheng FENG1, Hong-yuan GAO1, Tian-gang LIANG1(
), Jin-sheng HE1,2, Da-wen QIAN3
Tian-gang LIANG
草地地上生物量(above-ground biomass, AGB)的遥感监测可快速且客观地对草地生长现状进行评估,对生态环境评价和草地资源利用有重要意义。为了提高遥感估算草地AGB的准确性,基于青海省门源县的地面实测数据,利用Landsat-8 OLI遥感数据计算出的植被指数分别构建了单因素回归模型和随机森林模型(random forest, RF),确定了AGB遥感估测最佳模型,并反演得到了研究区2019-2021年草地AGB空间分布。结果表明:1)在29个植被指数构建的单因素回归模型中,与草地AGB相关性较高的5个植被指数为NDVI、RBNDVI、TVI、GNDVI、MSR,R2均达0.49以上。其中,NDVI模型的精度最高,验证集R2为0.50,均方根误差(root mean square error, RMSE)为702.89 kg·hm-2。2)在RF模型中,变量筛选前R2=0.61,RMSE=621.14 kg·hm-2;经过变量筛选后模型精度有小幅度提升,R2达0.62,RMSE基本不变;二者精度均优于单因素模型,相比传统单因素最优回归模型,R2提高0.12,RMSE降低了80.95 kg·hm-2。3)门源县AGB空间分布特征为西北部较高,东南部相对较低;大体呈中部高,四周低的分布状况。2019-2021年全县天然草地总产草量介于4.2827万~8.9776 万t,平均单产介于1063.49~1484.82 kg·hm-2;草地类型以高寒草甸为主,2019-2021年产草量为4.0825万~5.6653 万t,平均地上AGB介于1060.38~1471.94 kg·hm-2;山地草甸平均AGB为1036.81~1637.43 kg·hm-2;温性草原平均AGB介于1198.72~1786.63 kg·hm-2。
赵翊含, 侯蒙京, 冯琦胜, 高宏元, 梁天刚, 贺金生, 钱大文. 基于Landsat 8和随机森林的青海门源天然草地地上生物量遥感估算[J]. 草业学报, 2022, 31(7): 1-14.
Yi-han ZHAO, Meng-jing HOU, Qi-sheng FENG, Hong-yuan GAO, Tian-gang LIANG, Jin-sheng HE, Da-wen QIAN. Estimation of aboveground biomass in Menyuan grassland based on Landsat 8 and random forest approach[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(7): 1-14.
成像日期 Data (Year-month-day) | 行列号 Path/row | 云量 Cloud cover (%) |
2019-05-28 | 132/034 | 12.49 |
2019-06-13 | 132/034 | 1.71 |
2019-07-31 | 132/034 | 25.28 |
2019-09-01 | 132/034 | 9.45 |
2020-07-01 | 132/034 | 17.82 |
2021-08-05 | 132/034 | 21.34 |
2021-07-20 | 132/034 | 5.44 |
表1 所用Landsat-8 OLI影像信息
Table 1 Landsat-8 OLI image information used
成像日期 Data (Year-month-day) | 行列号 Path/row | 云量 Cloud cover (%) |
2019-05-28 | 132/034 | 12.49 |
2019-06-13 | 132/034 | 1.71 |
2019-07-31 | 132/034 | 25.28 |
2019-09-01 | 132/034 | 9.45 |
2020-07-01 | 132/034 | 17.82 |
2021-08-05 | 132/034 | 21.34 |
2021-07-20 | 132/034 | 5.44 |
植被指数Vegetation index | 计算公式Calculation formula |
归一化植被指数Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) | (NIR-Red)/(NIR+Red) |
增强植被指数Enhanced vegetation index (EVI) | 2.5×[NIR-Red/(NIR+6Red-7.5Blue+1)] |
比值植被指数Ratio vegetation index (RVI) | NIR/Red |
绿波段归一化差植被指数Green normalized difference vegetation index (GNDVI) | (NIR-Green)/(NIR+Green) |
差值植被指数Difference vegetation index (DVI) | NIR-Red |
再归一化植被指数Re-normalized difference vegetation index (RDVI) | (NIR-Red)/ |
土壤调节植被指数Soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) | 1.5×(NIR-Red)/(NIR+Red+0.5) |
修正土壤调节植被指数Modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) | 0.5×[2×NIR+1- |
优化型土壤调节植被指数Optimization soil-adjusted vegetation index (OSAVI) | (NIR-Red)/(NIR+Red+0.16) |
绿波段土壤调整植被指数Green soil-adjusted vegetation index (GSAVI) | 1.5×(NIR-Green)/(NIR+Green+0.5) |
绿波段优化土壤调整植被指数Green optimization soil-adjusted vegetation index (GOSAVI) | 1.16×(NIR-Green)/(NIR+Green+0.16) |
转换型土壤调节植被指数Transformed soil-adjusted vegetation index (TSAVI) | 0.791×(NIR-0.791×Red-0.043)/(0.791×NIR+Red-0.791×0.043) |
垂直植被指数Perpendicular vegetation index (PVI) | (NIR-0.791×Red-0.043) / |
转换型植被指数Transformed vegetation index (TVI) | |
三角植被指数Triangular vegetation index (TVI2) | 60×(NIR-Green)-100×(Red-Green) |
改进的简单比植被指数Modified simple ratio (MSR) | (NIR/Red-1)/( |
红绿蓝植被指数Red-green-blue vegetation index (RGBVI) | ( |
可见光波段差值植被指数Visible-band difference vegetation index (VDVI) | |
绿波段比值植被指数Green ratio vegetation index (GRVI) | NIR/Green |
草地叶绿素含量估测植被指数Grassland chlorophyll index (GCI) | NIR/Green-1 |
红蓝色归一化植被指数Red-blue normalized difference vegetation index (RBNDVI) | [NIR-(Red+Blue)]/[NIR+(Red+Blue)] |
蓝波段归一化差值植被指数Blue normalized difference vegetation index (BNDVI) | (NIR-Blue)/(NIR+Blue) |
非线性植被指数Non-linear vegetation index (NLI) | ( |
改良非线性植被指数Modified non-linear vegetation index (MNLI) | ( |
绿色大动态范围植被指数Green wide dynamic range vegetation index (GWDRVI) | (0.12×NIR-Green)/(0.12×NIR+Green) |
综合效应植被指数Multi-vegetation index (MVI) | NIR-(Red+SWIR1)/NIR+(Red+SWIR1) |
全色归一化植被指数Pan normalized difference vegetation index (panNDVI) | [NIR-(Green+Red+Blue)]/[NIR+(Green+Red+Blue)] |
绿红色归一化植被指数Green-red normalized difference vegetation index (GRNDVI) | [NIR-(Green+Red)]/[NIR+(Green+Red)] |
绿蓝色归一化植被指数Green-blue normalized difference vegetation index (GBNDVI) | [NIR-(Green+Blue)]/[NIR+(Green+Blue)] |
表2 植被指数计算公式
Table 2 Calculation formula of vegetation indexes
植被指数Vegetation index | 计算公式Calculation formula |
归一化植被指数Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) | (NIR-Red)/(NIR+Red) |
增强植被指数Enhanced vegetation index (EVI) | 2.5×[NIR-Red/(NIR+6Red-7.5Blue+1)] |
比值植被指数Ratio vegetation index (RVI) | NIR/Red |
绿波段归一化差植被指数Green normalized difference vegetation index (GNDVI) | (NIR-Green)/(NIR+Green) |
差值植被指数Difference vegetation index (DVI) | NIR-Red |
再归一化植被指数Re-normalized difference vegetation index (RDVI) | (NIR-Red)/ |
土壤调节植被指数Soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) | 1.5×(NIR-Red)/(NIR+Red+0.5) |
修正土壤调节植被指数Modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) | 0.5×[2×NIR+1- |
优化型土壤调节植被指数Optimization soil-adjusted vegetation index (OSAVI) | (NIR-Red)/(NIR+Red+0.16) |
绿波段土壤调整植被指数Green soil-adjusted vegetation index (GSAVI) | 1.5×(NIR-Green)/(NIR+Green+0.5) |
绿波段优化土壤调整植被指数Green optimization soil-adjusted vegetation index (GOSAVI) | 1.16×(NIR-Green)/(NIR+Green+0.16) |
转换型土壤调节植被指数Transformed soil-adjusted vegetation index (TSAVI) | 0.791×(NIR-0.791×Red-0.043)/(0.791×NIR+Red-0.791×0.043) |
垂直植被指数Perpendicular vegetation index (PVI) | (NIR-0.791×Red-0.043) / |
转换型植被指数Transformed vegetation index (TVI) | |
三角植被指数Triangular vegetation index (TVI2) | 60×(NIR-Green)-100×(Red-Green) |
改进的简单比植被指数Modified simple ratio (MSR) | (NIR/Red-1)/( |
红绿蓝植被指数Red-green-blue vegetation index (RGBVI) | ( |
可见光波段差值植被指数Visible-band difference vegetation index (VDVI) | |
绿波段比值植被指数Green ratio vegetation index (GRVI) | NIR/Green |
草地叶绿素含量估测植被指数Grassland chlorophyll index (GCI) | NIR/Green-1 |
红蓝色归一化植被指数Red-blue normalized difference vegetation index (RBNDVI) | [NIR-(Red+Blue)]/[NIR+(Red+Blue)] |
蓝波段归一化差值植被指数Blue normalized difference vegetation index (BNDVI) | (NIR-Blue)/(NIR+Blue) |
非线性植被指数Non-linear vegetation index (NLI) | ( |
改良非线性植被指数Modified non-linear vegetation index (MNLI) | ( |
绿色大动态范围植被指数Green wide dynamic range vegetation index (GWDRVI) | (0.12×NIR-Green)/(0.12×NIR+Green) |
综合效应植被指数Multi-vegetation index (MVI) | NIR-(Red+SWIR1)/NIR+(Red+SWIR1) |
全色归一化植被指数Pan normalized difference vegetation index (panNDVI) | [NIR-(Green+Red+Blue)]/[NIR+(Green+Red+Blue)] |
绿红色归一化植被指数Green-red normalized difference vegetation index (GRNDVI) | [NIR-(Green+Red)]/[NIR+(Green+Red)] |
绿蓝色归一化植被指数Green-blue normalized difference vegetation index (GBNDVI) | [NIR-(Green+Blue)]/[NIR+(Green+Blue)] |
项目 Item | 样本数 Number of samples | 最大值 Maximum (kg·hm-2) | 最小值 Minimum (kg·hm-2) | 平均值 Average (kg·hm-2) | 标准差 Standard deviation | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation |
观测站样点Site samples | 176 | 4142.00 | 187.20 | 2061.00 | 978.91 | 0.47 |
外业采样点Field samples | 23 | 4666.67 | 637.07 | 1824.01 | 1025.44 | 0.56 |
总计Total | 199 | 4666.67 | 187.20 | 2033.60 | 987.32 | 0.49 |
表3 观测样本生物量汇总
Table 3 Biomass statistics of observed samples
项目 Item | 样本数 Number of samples | 最大值 Maximum (kg·hm-2) | 最小值 Minimum (kg·hm-2) | 平均值 Average (kg·hm-2) | 标准差 Standard deviation | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation |
观测站样点Site samples | 176 | 4142.00 | 187.20 | 2061.00 | 978.91 | 0.47 |
外业采样点Field samples | 23 | 4666.67 | 637.07 | 1824.01 | 1025.44 | 0.56 |
总计Total | 199 | 4666.67 | 187.20 | 2033.60 | 987.32 | 0.49 |
图3 随机森林模型预测值与实测值关系a、b分别为变量筛选前、后RF模型。A and B are RF models before and after variable screening respectively.
Fig.3 Relationship between predicted value and measured value of RF model
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