草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 1-12.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020190
张亦然1(), 刘廷玺1,2(
), 童新1,2, 段利民1,2, 吴宇辰1
Corresponding author. E-mail: txliu1966@163.com基金资助:
Yi-ran ZHANG1(), Ting-xi LIU1,2(
), Xin TONG1,2, Li-min DUAN1,2, Yu-chen WU1
Ting-xi LIU
准确、高效获取草甸地上生物量信息,对牧区农牧业生产、草地资源管理、牧草可持续利用具有重要意义。本研究基于实地采集的牧草冠层光谱反射率及同期获取的地上生物量数据,运用互信息法分别分析了微分光谱、优化植被指数与草甸地上生物量的相关性,进一步构建了极限梯度提升(XGBoost)算法与不同阶光谱植被指数数据集的草甸地上生物量模拟估算模型,并与多元线性回归(MLR)和随机森林(RF)算法建立的模型进行对比。结果表明:对光谱反射率进行一阶、二阶微分与光谱植被指数变换协同应用,有助于提高冠层光谱与地上生物量的相关性;基于原始光谱植被指数与XGBoost算法构建的草甸地上生物量模拟估算模型效果最佳,均方根误差(RMSE)为140.26 g·m-2,平均绝对误差(MAE)为97.20 g·m-2,Nash效率系数(NSE)为0.81,一致性指数(d)为0.94,其次为基于RF算法构建的模型,MLR算法构建的模型精度较差。研究认为XGBoost算法可适用于草甸地上生物量模拟估算模型的建立,为快速准确的牧草高光谱遥感监测提供了技术和方法,为区域性草地高精度大面积生产力估算奠定了基础。
张亦然, 刘廷玺, 童新, 段利民, 吴宇辰. 基于XGBoost算法的草甸地上生物量的高光谱遥感反演[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(4): 1-12.
Yi-ran ZHANG, Ting-xi LIU, Xin TONG, Li-min DUAN, Yu-chen WU. Hyperspectral remote sensing inversion of meadow aboveground biomass based on an XGBoost algorithm[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(4): 1-12.
植被指数Vegetation index | 计算公式Expression | 文献Reference |
归一化植被指数 Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) | [ | |
比值植被指数 Ratio vegetation index (RVI) | [ | |
土壤调节植被指数 Soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) | [ | |
优化土壤调节植被指数 Optimization of soil-adjusted vegetation index (OSAVI) | [ | |
增强型植被指数2 Enhanced vegetation index 2 (EVI2) | [ | |
重归一化植被指数 Renormalized difference vegetation index (RDVI) | [ | |
修改型土壤调节植被指数 Modified soil adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) | [ |
表1 植被指数及相关计算公式
Table 1 Vegetation indexes and related formula
植被指数Vegetation index | 计算公式Expression | 文献Reference |
归一化植被指数 Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) | [ | |
比值植被指数 Ratio vegetation index (RVI) | [ | |
土壤调节植被指数 Soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) | [ | |
优化土壤调节植被指数 Optimization of soil-adjusted vegetation index (OSAVI) | [ | |
增强型植被指数2 Enhanced vegetation index 2 (EVI2) | [ | |
重归一化植被指数 Renormalized difference vegetation index (RDVI) | [ | |
修改型土壤调节植被指数 Modified soil adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) | [ |
光谱 指数 Spectral index | 基于原始光谱计算 Calculation based on raw spectrum | 基于一阶微分光谱计算 Calculation based on first-order differential spectrum | 基于二阶微分光谱计算 Calculation based on second-order differential spectrum | ||||||
波段1 Band 1 | 波段2 Band 2 | 互信息度 MI | 波段1 Band 1 | 波段2 Band 2 | 互信息度 MI | 波段1 Band 1 | 波段2 Band 2 | 互信息度 MI | |
NDVI | 748RE | 752NIR | 0.43 | 533G | 751NIR | 0.55 | 549G | 747RE | 0.39 |
RVI | 748RE | 752NIR | 0.43 | 533G | 751NIR | 0.53 | 562G | 744RE | 0.43 |
SAVI | 741RE | 760NIR | 0.42 | 527G | 751NIR | 0.56 | 530G | 740RE | 0.47 |
OSAVI | 738RE | 760NIR | 0.43 | 527G | 751NIR | 0.56 | 530G | 740RE | 0.47 |
EVI2 | 769NIR | 746RE | 0.38 | 527G | 751NIR | 0.56 | 530G | 740RE | 0.47 |
RDVI | 749RE | 767NIR | 0.40 | 521G | 751NIR | 0.58 | 447B | 704RE | 0.36 |
MSAVI | 750RE | 751NIR | 0.39 | 527G | 751NIR | 0.56 | 530G | 740RE | 0.48 |
表2 最优植被指数及其波段组合
Table 2 Optimal vegetation indexes against AGB and the corresponding band combinations
光谱 指数 Spectral index | 基于原始光谱计算 Calculation based on raw spectrum | 基于一阶微分光谱计算 Calculation based on first-order differential spectrum | 基于二阶微分光谱计算 Calculation based on second-order differential spectrum | ||||||
波段1 Band 1 | 波段2 Band 2 | 互信息度 MI | 波段1 Band 1 | 波段2 Band 2 | 互信息度 MI | 波段1 Band 1 | 波段2 Band 2 | 互信息度 MI | |
NDVI | 748RE | 752NIR | 0.43 | 533G | 751NIR | 0.55 | 549G | 747RE | 0.39 |
RVI | 748RE | 752NIR | 0.43 | 533G | 751NIR | 0.53 | 562G | 744RE | 0.43 |
SAVI | 741RE | 760NIR | 0.42 | 527G | 751NIR | 0.56 | 530G | 740RE | 0.47 |
OSAVI | 738RE | 760NIR | 0.43 | 527G | 751NIR | 0.56 | 530G | 740RE | 0.47 |
EVI2 | 769NIR | 746RE | 0.38 | 527G | 751NIR | 0.56 | 530G | 740RE | 0.47 |
RDVI | 749RE | 767NIR | 0.40 | 521G | 751NIR | 0.58 | 447B | 704RE | 0.36 |
MSAVI | 750RE | 751NIR | 0.39 | 527G | 751NIR | 0.56 | 530G | 740RE | 0.48 |
图4 基于原始高光谱反射率的植被指数与草甸地上生物量的相关性矩阵
Fig.4 Correlation matrix plots of the original all available wavebands vegetation indexes and aboveground biomass (AGB) using the mutual information method
图5 基于一阶微分高光谱反射的植被指数与草甸地上生物量的相关性矩阵
Fig.5 Correlation matrix plots of the first-order differential all available wavebands vegetation indexes and AGB using the mutual information method
图6 基于二阶微分高光谱反射率光谱的植被指数与草甸地上生物量相关性矩阵
Fig.6 Correlation matrix plots of the second-order differential all available wavebands vegetation indexes and AGB using the mutual information method
图7 不同模型估算及评价RMSE、MAE、NSE、d分别代表均方根误差、平均绝对误差、Nash效率系数、一致性指数。RMSE, MAE, NSE and d respectively represent root mean square error, mean absolute error, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient and index of consistency.
Fig.7 Results of each model with related accuracy parameters
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