Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 27-40.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024138
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Cong-yan TIAN1(), Wen-qiang WANG1, Bo YANG1, Wen-guang HUANG2, Yong-liang LIANG3, Jun-long YANG1, Xiao-wei LI1(
Xiao-wei LI
Cong-yan TIAN, Wen-qiang WANG, Bo YANG, Wen-guang HUANG, Yong-liang LIANG, Jun-long YANG, Xiao-wei LI. Prediction of potentially suitable areas for Agropyron mongolicum to enhance its distribution[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(2): 27-40.
变量Variable | 描述Description | 单位Unit |
Bio1 | 年平均温度 Average annual temperature | ℃ |
Bio2 | 昼夜温差月均值 Monthly mean temperature difference between day and night | ℃ |
Bio3 | 昼夜温差与年温差比值Temperature difference between day and night/annual temperature difference | % |
Bio4 | 气温季节性变动系数 Seasonal variation coefficient of temperature | |
Bio5 | 最热月最高温 Max temperature of warmest month | ℃ |
Bio6 | 最冷月最低温 Min temperature of coldest month | ℃ |
Bio7 | 年温度变化范围 Temperature annual range | ℃ |
Bio8 | 最湿季均温 Mean temperature of wettest quarter | ℃ |
Bio9 | 最干季均温 Mean temperature of driest quarter | ℃ |
Bio10 | 最暖季均温 Mean temperature of warmest quarter | ℃ |
Bio11 | 最冷季均温 Mean temperature of coldest quarter | ℃ |
Bio12 | 年均降水量 Annual precipitation | mm |
Bio13 | 最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month | mm |
Bio14 | 最干月降水量 Precipitation of driest month | mm |
Bio15 | 季节性降水量 Precipitation seasonality | mm |
Bio16 | 最湿季降水量 Precipitation of wettest quarter | mm |
Bio17 | 最干季降水量 Precipitation of driest quarter | mm |
Bio18 | 最暖季平均降水量 Mean precipitation of warmest quarter | mm |
Bio19 | 最冷季平均降水量 Mean precipitation of coldest quarter | mm |
aws_class | 土壤有效水含量 Available water content of soil (AWC) | % |
s_clay | 亚表层土壤黏粒组分 Subsoil clay fraction | 重量百分比 (wt.%) |
t_bs | 盐基饱和度 Topsoil base saturation | % |
t_cacos3 | 碳酸盐或石灰含量 Topsoil calcium carbonate | 重量百分比(wt.%) |
t_cacos4 | 硫酸盐含量 Topsoil gypsum | 重量百分比 (wt.%) |
t_cec_clay | 黏性层土壤的阳离子交换能力Topsoil cation exchange capacity (CEC)(clay) | comL·kg-1 |
t_cec_soil | 表层土壤阳离子交换量Topsoil cation exchange capacity (CEC)(soil) | comL·kg-1 |
t_ece | 电导率Soil conductivity (Elco) | ds·m-1 |
t_esp | 可交换钠盐Soil exchangeable sodium (ESP) | % |
t_gravel | 表层土壤砾石含量Topsoil gravel content | 体积百分比(vol.%) |
t_oc | 有机碳含量Topsoil organic carbon | 重量百分比(wt.%) |
t_ph_h2o | 酸碱度Topsoil pH (H2O) | |
t_ref_bulk | 土壤容重Topsoil reference bulk density | g·cm-3 |
t_sand | 沙含量Topsoil sand fraction | 重量百分比(wt.%) |
t_silt | 表层土壤粉粒组分Topsoil silt fraction | 重量百分比(wt.%) |
t_teb | 交换性盐基Topsoil exchange base (TEB) | comL·kg-1 |
t_usda_tex | USDA土壤质地分类Topsoil USDA texture classification | |
elev | 海拔 Elevation | m |
slope | 坡度 Slope | ° |
aspect | 坡向 Aspect | ° |
Table 1 39 independent natural environment variables
变量Variable | 描述Description | 单位Unit |
Bio1 | 年平均温度 Average annual temperature | ℃ |
Bio2 | 昼夜温差月均值 Monthly mean temperature difference between day and night | ℃ |
Bio3 | 昼夜温差与年温差比值Temperature difference between day and night/annual temperature difference | % |
Bio4 | 气温季节性变动系数 Seasonal variation coefficient of temperature | |
Bio5 | 最热月最高温 Max temperature of warmest month | ℃ |
Bio6 | 最冷月最低温 Min temperature of coldest month | ℃ |
Bio7 | 年温度变化范围 Temperature annual range | ℃ |
Bio8 | 最湿季均温 Mean temperature of wettest quarter | ℃ |
Bio9 | 最干季均温 Mean temperature of driest quarter | ℃ |
Bio10 | 最暖季均温 Mean temperature of warmest quarter | ℃ |
Bio11 | 最冷季均温 Mean temperature of coldest quarter | ℃ |
Bio12 | 年均降水量 Annual precipitation | mm |
Bio13 | 最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month | mm |
Bio14 | 最干月降水量 Precipitation of driest month | mm |
Bio15 | 季节性降水量 Precipitation seasonality | mm |
Bio16 | 最湿季降水量 Precipitation of wettest quarter | mm |
Bio17 | 最干季降水量 Precipitation of driest quarter | mm |
Bio18 | 最暖季平均降水量 Mean precipitation of warmest quarter | mm |
Bio19 | 最冷季平均降水量 Mean precipitation of coldest quarter | mm |
aws_class | 土壤有效水含量 Available water content of soil (AWC) | % |
s_clay | 亚表层土壤黏粒组分 Subsoil clay fraction | 重量百分比 (wt.%) |
t_bs | 盐基饱和度 Topsoil base saturation | % |
t_cacos3 | 碳酸盐或石灰含量 Topsoil calcium carbonate | 重量百分比(wt.%) |
t_cacos4 | 硫酸盐含量 Topsoil gypsum | 重量百分比 (wt.%) |
t_cec_clay | 黏性层土壤的阳离子交换能力Topsoil cation exchange capacity (CEC)(clay) | comL·kg-1 |
t_cec_soil | 表层土壤阳离子交换量Topsoil cation exchange capacity (CEC)(soil) | comL·kg-1 |
t_ece | 电导率Soil conductivity (Elco) | ds·m-1 |
t_esp | 可交换钠盐Soil exchangeable sodium (ESP) | % |
t_gravel | 表层土壤砾石含量Topsoil gravel content | 体积百分比(vol.%) |
t_oc | 有机碳含量Topsoil organic carbon | 重量百分比(wt.%) |
t_ph_h2o | 酸碱度Topsoil pH (H2O) | |
t_ref_bulk | 土壤容重Topsoil reference bulk density | g·cm-3 |
t_sand | 沙含量Topsoil sand fraction | 重量百分比(wt.%) |
t_silt | 表层土壤粉粒组分Topsoil silt fraction | 重量百分比(wt.%) |
t_teb | 交换性盐基Topsoil exchange base (TEB) | comL·kg-1 |
t_usda_tex | USDA土壤质地分类Topsoil USDA texture classification | |
elev | 海拔 Elevation | m |
slope | 坡度 Slope | ° |
aspect | 坡向 Aspect | ° |
分布概率 Distributed probability | 评价等级 Evaluation level |
P<0.16 | 非适生区 Uninhabitable area |
0.16≤P<0.30 | 低适生区 Low suitable area |
0.30≤P<0.60 | 中适生区 Medium suitable area |
0.60≤P<1.00 | 高适生区 High suitable area |
Table 2 Classification of suitable areas
分布概率 Distributed probability | 评价等级 Evaluation level |
P<0.16 | 非适生区 Uninhabitable area |
0.16≤P<0.30 | 低适生区 Low suitable area |
0.30≤P<0.60 | 中适生区 Medium suitable area |
0.60≤P<1.00 | 高适生区 High suitable area |
变量 Variable | 贡献率 Percent contribution (%) | 重要值 Permutation importance |
Bio13 最湿月降水量Precipitation of wettest month | 46.8 | 41.8 |
Bio4气温季节性变动系数Seasonal variation coefficient of temperature | 33.9 | 41.0 |
t_ph_h2o 酸碱度Topsoil pH (H2O) | 7.4 | 2.6 |
Bio1 年平均温度Average annual temperature | 5.3 | 6.8 |
t_sand 沙含量Topsoil sand fraction | 2.9 | 0.7 |
elev 海拔Elevation | 2.7 | 6.1 |
Bio15 季节性降水量Precipitation seasonality | 0.6 | 0.6 |
Bio3 昼夜温差与年温差比值 Isothermality | 0.3 | 0.5 |
Table 3 8 natural environment variables and their contribution rates and important values
变量 Variable | 贡献率 Percent contribution (%) | 重要值 Permutation importance |
Bio13 最湿月降水量Precipitation of wettest month | 46.8 | 41.8 |
Bio4气温季节性变动系数Seasonal variation coefficient of temperature | 33.9 | 41.0 |
t_ph_h2o 酸碱度Topsoil pH (H2O) | 7.4 | 2.6 |
Bio1 年平均温度Average annual temperature | 5.3 | 6.8 |
t_sand 沙含量Topsoil sand fraction | 2.9 | 0.7 |
elev 海拔Elevation | 2.7 | 6.1 |
Bio15 季节性降水量Precipitation seasonality | 0.6 | 0.6 |
Bio3 昼夜温差与年温差比值 Isothermality | 0.3 | 0.5 |
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