Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 109-122.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024129
Na LYU1(), Ji-xi GAO1(), Zheng-hai LI2, Chun-he YOU1, Xiao-man LIU1, Biao ZHANG3, Yu MO2,4, Sa-ning ZHU5, Yang PENG1, Xue YANG6
Ji-xi GAO
Na LYU, Ji-xi GAO, Zheng-hai LI, Chun-he YOU, Xiao-man LIU, Biao ZHANG, Yu MO, Sa-ning ZHU, Yang PENG, Xue YANG. Effects of fertilizer application during mid-growing season on vegetation community biomass and species diversity in meadow grasslands[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(2): 109-122.
种名Species | 科Family | 群落成员型Community members | 植物功能群Plant functional group |
大穗花P. dauricum | 车前科Plantaginaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
多枝柳穿鱼Linaria buriatica | 车前科Plantaginaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
裂叶荆芥Schizonepeta tenuifolia | 唇形科Labiatae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
乳浆大戟Euphorbia esula | 大戟科Euphorbiaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
扁蓿豆Medicago ruthenica | 豆科Leguminosae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
米口袋Gueldenstaedtia verna | 豆科Leguminosae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
山野豌豆Vicia amoena | 豆科Leguminosae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
小叶锦鸡儿Caragana microphylla | 豆科Leguminosae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 灌木或半灌木 Shrub/semi-shrubs |
斜茎黄芪Astragalus laxmannii | 豆科Leguminosae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
草木樨状黄芪Astragalus melilotoides | 豆科Leguminosae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
贝加尔针茅S. baicalensis | 禾本科Gramineae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
冰草Agropyron cristatum | 禾本科Gramineae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
糙隐子草C. squarrosa | 禾本科Gramineae | 优势种 Dominant species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
草地早熟禾Poa pratensis | 禾本科Gramineae | 主要伴生种 Main companion species | 多年生根茎禾草 Perennial rhizome grass |
洽草Koeleria macrantha | 禾本科Gramineae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
羊草L. chinensis | 禾本科Gramineae | 优势种 Dominant species | 多年生根茎禾草 Perennial rhizome grass |
异燕麦Helictochloa hookeri | 禾本科Gramineae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
羽茅A. sibiricum | 禾本科Gramineae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
钝叶瓦松Hylotelephium malacophyllum | 景天科Crassulaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
长柱沙参Adenophora stenanthina | 桔梗科Campanulaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
阿尔泰狗娃花A. altaicus | 菊科Compositae | 主要伴生种 Main companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
白莲蒿Artemisia stechmanniana | 菊科Compositae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 灌木或半灌木 Shrub/semi-shrubs |
冷蒿A. frigida | 菊科Compositae | 主要伴生种 Main companion species | 灌木或半灌木 Shrub/semi-shrubs |
裂叶蒿A. tanacetifolia | 菊科Compositae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
柳叶风毛菊Saussurea salicifolia | 菊科Compositae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
麻花头K. centauroides | 菊科Compositae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
蒲公英Taraxacum mongolicum | 菊科Compositae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
柔毛蒿A. pubescens | 菊科Compositae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
丝叶苦荬菜Ixeris chinensis subsp. versicolor | 菊科Compositae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
细叶鸦葱T. pusilla | 菊科Compositae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
细叶藜Chenopodium stenophyllum | 藜科Compositae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
达乌里芯芭Cymbaria daurica | 列当科Orobanchaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
黄花列当Orobanche pycnostachya | 列当科Orobanchaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
列当Orobanche coerulescens | 列当科Orobanchaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
鳞叶龙胆Gentiana squarrosa | 龙胆科Gentianaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
棉团铁线莲Clematis hexapetala | 毛茛科Ranunculaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
细叶白头翁P. turczaninovii | 毛茛科Ranunculaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
展枝唐松草T. squarrosum | 毛茛科Ranunculaceae | 主要伴生种 Main companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
蓬子菜Galium verum | 茜草科Rubiaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
二裂委陵菜S. bifurca | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 主要伴生种 Main companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
伏毛山莓草Sibbaldia procumbens | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
菊叶委陵菜P. tanacetifolia | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
绢毛山莓草Sibbaldia sericea | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
轮叶委陵菜Potentilla verticillaris | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
星毛委陵菜P. acaulis | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
红柴胡Bupleurum scorzonerifolium | 伞形科Umbelliferae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
柄状薹草C. pediformis | 莎草科Cyperaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
寸草Carex duriuscula | 莎草科Cyperaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
黄囊苔草C. korshinskyi | 莎草科Cyperaceae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
独行菜Lepidium apetalum | 十字花科Cruciferea | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
小花花旗杆Dontostemon micranthus | 十字花科Cruciferea | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
多根葱A. polyrhizum | 石蒜科Amaryllidaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
双齿葱A. bidentatum | 石蒜科Amaryllidaceae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
山韭Allium senescens | 石蒜科Amaryllidaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
细叶韭Allium tenuissimum | 石蒜科Amaryllidaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
野韭Allium ramosum | 石蒜科Amaryllidaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
旱麦瓶草Silene jenisseensis | 石竹科Caryophliaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
石竹Dianthus chinensis | 石竹科Caryophliaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
刺藜Teloxys aristata | 苋科Amaranthaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
藜Chenopodium album | 苋科Amaranthaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
银灰旋花C. ammannii | 旋花科Convolvulaceae | 偶见种Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
粗根鸢尾Iris tigridia | 鸢尾科Iridaceae | 偶见种Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
囊花鸢尾Iris ventricosa | 鸢尾科Iridaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
野鸢尾Iris dichotoma | 鸢尾科Iridaceae | 偶见种Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
Table 1 The list of plants in the experimental area, as well as the action level and functional group of the community to which they belong
种名Species | 科Family | 群落成员型Community members | 植物功能群Plant functional group |
大穗花P. dauricum | 车前科Plantaginaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
多枝柳穿鱼Linaria buriatica | 车前科Plantaginaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
裂叶荆芥Schizonepeta tenuifolia | 唇形科Labiatae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
乳浆大戟Euphorbia esula | 大戟科Euphorbiaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
扁蓿豆Medicago ruthenica | 豆科Leguminosae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
米口袋Gueldenstaedtia verna | 豆科Leguminosae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
山野豌豆Vicia amoena | 豆科Leguminosae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
小叶锦鸡儿Caragana microphylla | 豆科Leguminosae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 灌木或半灌木 Shrub/semi-shrubs |
斜茎黄芪Astragalus laxmannii | 豆科Leguminosae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
草木樨状黄芪Astragalus melilotoides | 豆科Leguminosae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
贝加尔针茅S. baicalensis | 禾本科Gramineae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
冰草Agropyron cristatum | 禾本科Gramineae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
糙隐子草C. squarrosa | 禾本科Gramineae | 优势种 Dominant species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
草地早熟禾Poa pratensis | 禾本科Gramineae | 主要伴生种 Main companion species | 多年生根茎禾草 Perennial rhizome grass |
洽草Koeleria macrantha | 禾本科Gramineae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
羊草L. chinensis | 禾本科Gramineae | 优势种 Dominant species | 多年生根茎禾草 Perennial rhizome grass |
异燕麦Helictochloa hookeri | 禾本科Gramineae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
羽茅A. sibiricum | 禾本科Gramineae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass |
钝叶瓦松Hylotelephium malacophyllum | 景天科Crassulaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
长柱沙参Adenophora stenanthina | 桔梗科Campanulaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
阿尔泰狗娃花A. altaicus | 菊科Compositae | 主要伴生种 Main companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
白莲蒿Artemisia stechmanniana | 菊科Compositae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 灌木或半灌木 Shrub/semi-shrubs |
冷蒿A. frigida | 菊科Compositae | 主要伴生种 Main companion species | 灌木或半灌木 Shrub/semi-shrubs |
裂叶蒿A. tanacetifolia | 菊科Compositae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
柳叶风毛菊Saussurea salicifolia | 菊科Compositae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
麻花头K. centauroides | 菊科Compositae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
蒲公英Taraxacum mongolicum | 菊科Compositae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
柔毛蒿A. pubescens | 菊科Compositae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
丝叶苦荬菜Ixeris chinensis subsp. versicolor | 菊科Compositae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
细叶鸦葱T. pusilla | 菊科Compositae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
细叶藜Chenopodium stenophyllum | 藜科Compositae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
达乌里芯芭Cymbaria daurica | 列当科Orobanchaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
黄花列当Orobanche pycnostachya | 列当科Orobanchaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
列当Orobanche coerulescens | 列当科Orobanchaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
鳞叶龙胆Gentiana squarrosa | 龙胆科Gentianaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
棉团铁线莲Clematis hexapetala | 毛茛科Ranunculaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
细叶白头翁P. turczaninovii | 毛茛科Ranunculaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
展枝唐松草T. squarrosum | 毛茛科Ranunculaceae | 主要伴生种 Main companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
蓬子菜Galium verum | 茜草科Rubiaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
二裂委陵菜S. bifurca | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 主要伴生种 Main companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
伏毛山莓草Sibbaldia procumbens | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
菊叶委陵菜P. tanacetifolia | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
绢毛山莓草Sibbaldia sericea | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
轮叶委陵菜Potentilla verticillaris | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
星毛委陵菜P. acaulis | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
红柴胡Bupleurum scorzonerifolium | 伞形科Umbelliferae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
柄状薹草C. pediformis | 莎草科Cyperaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
寸草Carex duriuscula | 莎草科Cyperaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
黄囊苔草C. korshinskyi | 莎草科Cyperaceae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
独行菜Lepidium apetalum | 十字花科Cruciferea | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
小花花旗杆Dontostemon micranthus | 十字花科Cruciferea | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
多根葱A. polyrhizum | 石蒜科Amaryllidaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
双齿葱A. bidentatum | 石蒜科Amaryllidaceae | 亚优势种 Subdominant species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
山韭Allium senescens | 石蒜科Amaryllidaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
细叶韭Allium tenuissimum | 石蒜科Amaryllidaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
野韭Allium ramosum | 石蒜科Amaryllidaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
旱麦瓶草Silene jenisseensis | 石竹科Caryophliaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
石竹Dianthus chinensis | 石竹科Caryophliaceae | 偶见种 Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
刺藜Teloxys aristata | 苋科Amaranthaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
藜Chenopodium album | 苋科Amaranthaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
银灰旋花C. ammannii | 旋花科Convolvulaceae | 偶见种Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
粗根鸢尾Iris tigridia | 鸢尾科Iridaceae | 偶见种Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
囊花鸢尾Iris ventricosa | 鸢尾科Iridaceae | 次要伴生种 Secondary companion species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
野鸢尾Iris dichotoma | 鸢尾科Iridaceae | 偶见种Occasionally species | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs |
项目 Items | 处理 Treatments | 多年生根茎禾草 Perennial rhizomatous grass | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs | 灌木或半灌木 Shrub/semi-shrub | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
生物量 Biomass (g·m-2) | CK | 45.77±21.12a | 70.04±29.64b | 74.21±25.32b | 5.91±8.40a | 9.16±7.60a |
A | 43.20±26.68a | 59.72±29.68b | 103.67±24.77ab | 10.09±6.63a | 4.53±4.89a | |
B | 55.73±21.91a | 114.17±49.25a | 136.03±87.83a | 7.78±7.19a | 7.43±7.97a | |
C | 38.28±30.88a | 136.95±50.97a | 130.71±57.73ab | 5.99±6.67a | 17.34±23.06a | |
密度 Density (plant·m-2) | CK | 111.63±56.48a | 122.75±39.06a | 178.25±94.47a | 2.40±1.52a | 29.00±24.24a |
A | 84.25±46.14a | 72.13±17.22b | 184.63±42.59a | 2.75±2.61a | 14.88±9.89a | |
B | 103.88±38.88a | 97.25±37.25ab | 247.25±167.91a | 2.67±1.63a | 33.00±32.70a | |
C | 73.38±63.91a | 87.38±23.60ab | 224.00±107.12a | 3.43±2.23a | 23.75±13.58a | |
高度 Height (cm) | CK | 75.00±19.56ab | 100.63±41.32ab | 248.75±87.46a | 30.4±15.65a | 37.14±26.56a |
A | 80.13±11.52a | 87.50±16.40b | 311.63±92.28a | 36.50±15.57a | 33.38±25.39a | |
B | 58.13±24.93b | 92.75±23.61b | 271.63±62.53a | 25.33±15.25a | 33.00±27.49a | |
C | 57.25±21.74b | 124.75±30.12a | 269.38±93.87a | 22.00±10.41a | 51.75±27.97a | |
重要值 Important values (%) | CK | 19.87±7.20a | 28.93±2.46a | 41.47±2.26b | 1.95±0.86b | 5.59±1.95a |
A | 18.76±2.08a | 20.78±1.62b | 52.28±2.66a | 4.06±0.60a | 4.12±0.78a | |
B | 18.01±2.45a | 26.03±2.78ab | 48.48±4.09ab | 2.10±0.64b | 5.38±1.62a | |
C | 13.02±2.44a | 30.29±3.49a | 47.67±3.95ab | 2.08±0.56b | 6.95±1.39a |
Table 2 The biomass, density, community height, and importance value for different treatments functional groups
项目 Items | 处理 Treatments | 多年生根茎禾草 Perennial rhizomatous grass | 多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrass | 多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs | 灌木或半灌木 Shrub/semi-shrub | 1年生或2年生植物 Annuals/biennial plant |
生物量 Biomass (g·m-2) | CK | 45.77±21.12a | 70.04±29.64b | 74.21±25.32b | 5.91±8.40a | 9.16±7.60a |
A | 43.20±26.68a | 59.72±29.68b | 103.67±24.77ab | 10.09±6.63a | 4.53±4.89a | |
B | 55.73±21.91a | 114.17±49.25a | 136.03±87.83a | 7.78±7.19a | 7.43±7.97a | |
C | 38.28±30.88a | 136.95±50.97a | 130.71±57.73ab | 5.99±6.67a | 17.34±23.06a | |
密度 Density (plant·m-2) | CK | 111.63±56.48a | 122.75±39.06a | 178.25±94.47a | 2.40±1.52a | 29.00±24.24a |
A | 84.25±46.14a | 72.13±17.22b | 184.63±42.59a | 2.75±2.61a | 14.88±9.89a | |
B | 103.88±38.88a | 97.25±37.25ab | 247.25±167.91a | 2.67±1.63a | 33.00±32.70a | |
C | 73.38±63.91a | 87.38±23.60ab | 224.00±107.12a | 3.43±2.23a | 23.75±13.58a | |
高度 Height (cm) | CK | 75.00±19.56ab | 100.63±41.32ab | 248.75±87.46a | 30.4±15.65a | 37.14±26.56a |
A | 80.13±11.52a | 87.50±16.40b | 311.63±92.28a | 36.50±15.57a | 33.38±25.39a | |
B | 58.13±24.93b | 92.75±23.61b | 271.63±62.53a | 25.33±15.25a | 33.00±27.49a | |
C | 57.25±21.74b | 124.75±30.12a | 269.38±93.87a | 22.00±10.41a | 51.75±27.97a | |
重要值 Important values (%) | CK | 19.87±7.20a | 28.93±2.46a | 41.47±2.26b | 1.95±0.86b | 5.59±1.95a |
A | 18.76±2.08a | 20.78±1.62b | 52.28±2.66a | 4.06±0.60a | 4.12±0.78a | |
B | 18.01±2.45a | 26.03±2.78ab | 48.48±4.09ab | 2.10±0.64b | 5.38±1.62a | |
C | 13.02±2.44a | 30.29±3.49a | 47.67±3.95ab | 2.08±0.56b | 6.95±1.39a |
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