Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (9): 1-16.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022405
Zhi-gui YANG1(), Jian-guo ZHANG1, Jin-rong LI2, Hong-yan YU3, Li CHANG4, Shu-hua YI1, Yan-yan LYU1, Yu-zhuo ZHANG1, Bao-ping MENG1(
Bao-ping MENG
Zhi-gui YANG, Jian-guo ZHANG, Jin-rong LI, Hong-yan YU, Li CHANG, Shu-hua YI, Yan-yan LYU, Yu-zhuo ZHANG, Bao-ping MENG. Spatiotemporal dynamic variation of temperate grassland classes in Inner Mongolia in the last 20 years[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(9): 1-16.
草地类型 Grassland classes | 生活型 Vegetation life form | 优势种 Dominant grass species | 草地盖度 Coverage (%) |
荒漠 Desert | 超旱生小灌木、小半灌木Extremely xerophytic short shrubs, short semishrubs | 珍珠、松叶猪毛菜、红砂、盐爪爪、沙蒿、沙竹Lyonia ovalifolia, Salsola laricifolia,Reaumuria songarica, Kalidium foliatum,Artemisia desertorum, Psammochloa villosa | 0~20 |
草原化荒漠 Steppe desert | 强旱生半灌木和灌木、旱生草本Super xerophytic semishrubs, shrubs, and xerophytic grasses | 纤细绢蒿、白茎绢蒿、博洛塔绢蒿、合头草、琵琶柴、短叶假木贼、沙生针茅Seriphidium gracilescens, Seriphidium terrae-albae,Seriphidium borotalense, Sympegma regelii,Reaumuria soongorica, Anabasis brevifolia,Stipa glareosa | 20~30 |
荒漠化草原 Desert steppe | 强旱生多年生草本植物、旱生小半灌木Super xerophytic perennial grasses, xerophytic short semishrubs | 石生针茅、戈壁针茅、短花针茅、无芒隐子草、冷蒿、多茎葱、蒙古葱Stipa tianschanica var. klemenzii, Stipa tianschanica var. gobica, Stipa breviflora, Cleistogenessongorica, Artemisia frigida, Allium mongolicum,Allium aflatunense | 30~40 |
典型草原 Typical steppe | 旱生多年生丛生禾草、旱生小灌木Xerophytic perennial tufted grasses, xerophytic short shrubs | 大针茅、克氏针茅、本氏针茅、糙隐子草、冰草、冷蒿、锦鸡儿Stipa grandis, Stipa krylovii, Stipa bungeana,Cleistogenes squarrosa, Agropyron cristatum,A. frigida, Caragana sinica | 60~70 |
草甸草原 Meadow steppe | 中旱生多年生丛生禾草及根茎禾草Mesoxerophytic perennial tufted grasses and root grasses | 贝加尔针茅、羊草、线叶菊Stipa baicalensis, Leymus chinensis,Filifolium sibiricum | 70~90 |
Table 1 Characteristics of different grassland classes in temperate steppe
草地类型 Grassland classes | 生活型 Vegetation life form | 优势种 Dominant grass species | 草地盖度 Coverage (%) |
荒漠 Desert | 超旱生小灌木、小半灌木Extremely xerophytic short shrubs, short semishrubs | 珍珠、松叶猪毛菜、红砂、盐爪爪、沙蒿、沙竹Lyonia ovalifolia, Salsola laricifolia,Reaumuria songarica, Kalidium foliatum,Artemisia desertorum, Psammochloa villosa | 0~20 |
草原化荒漠 Steppe desert | 强旱生半灌木和灌木、旱生草本Super xerophytic semishrubs, shrubs, and xerophytic grasses | 纤细绢蒿、白茎绢蒿、博洛塔绢蒿、合头草、琵琶柴、短叶假木贼、沙生针茅Seriphidium gracilescens, Seriphidium terrae-albae,Seriphidium borotalense, Sympegma regelii,Reaumuria soongorica, Anabasis brevifolia,Stipa glareosa | 20~30 |
荒漠化草原 Desert steppe | 强旱生多年生草本植物、旱生小半灌木Super xerophytic perennial grasses, xerophytic short semishrubs | 石生针茅、戈壁针茅、短花针茅、无芒隐子草、冷蒿、多茎葱、蒙古葱Stipa tianschanica var. klemenzii, Stipa tianschanica var. gobica, Stipa breviflora, Cleistogenessongorica, Artemisia frigida, Allium mongolicum,Allium aflatunense | 30~40 |
典型草原 Typical steppe | 旱生多年生丛生禾草、旱生小灌木Xerophytic perennial tufted grasses, xerophytic short shrubs | 大针茅、克氏针茅、本氏针茅、糙隐子草、冰草、冷蒿、锦鸡儿Stipa grandis, Stipa krylovii, Stipa bungeana,Cleistogenes squarrosa, Agropyron cristatum,A. frigida, Caragana sinica | 60~70 |
草甸草原 Meadow steppe | 中旱生多年生丛生禾草及根茎禾草Mesoxerophytic perennial tufted grasses and root grasses | 贝加尔针茅、羊草、线叶菊Stipa baicalensis, Leymus chinensis,Filifolium sibiricum | 70~90 |
土地覆盖 Land cover | MCD12Q1产品类型 Types of MCD12Q1 |
草地Grassland | 稠密灌丛Dense shrub (6)、稀疏灌丛Sparse shrubs (7)、草地Grassland (10)、永久湿地Permanent wetland (11)、稀疏植被Sparse vegetation (16) |
林地Forest | 常绿针叶林Evergreen coniferous forest (1)、常绿阔叶林Broad-leaved evergreen forest (2)、落叶针叶林Deciduous needle-leaf forest (3)、落叶阔叶林Deciduous broadleaved forest (4)、混交林Mixed forest (5)、木本热带稀树草原Woody tropical savanna (8)、热带稀树草原Tropical savanna (9) |
水体Water bodies | 水Water (17) |
永久冰雪Permanent snow and ice | 雪和冰Snow and ice (15) |
其他Others | 农用地Agricultural land (12)、城市和建筑区Cities and building areas (13)、农用地和自然植被Agricultural land and natural vegetation (14) |
Table 2 Scheme of land cover types reclassification
土地覆盖 Land cover | MCD12Q1产品类型 Types of MCD12Q1 |
草地Grassland | 稠密灌丛Dense shrub (6)、稀疏灌丛Sparse shrubs (7)、草地Grassland (10)、永久湿地Permanent wetland (11)、稀疏植被Sparse vegetation (16) |
林地Forest | 常绿针叶林Evergreen coniferous forest (1)、常绿阔叶林Broad-leaved evergreen forest (2)、落叶针叶林Deciduous needle-leaf forest (3)、落叶阔叶林Deciduous broadleaved forest (4)、混交林Mixed forest (5)、木本热带稀树草原Woody tropical savanna (8)、热带稀树草原Tropical savanna (9) |
水体Water bodies | 水Water (17) |
永久冰雪Permanent snow and ice | 雪和冰Snow and ice (15) |
其他Others | 农用地Agricultural land (12)、城市和建筑区Cities and building areas (13)、农用地和自然植被Agricultural land and natural vegetation (14) |
指标Index | 重要性Importance | 累计贡献度Cumulative contribution | 指标Index | 重要性Importance | 累计贡献度Cumulative contribution |
Pre_max | 8.46 | 8.46 | Pre_mea | 2.91 | 82.43 |
Tem_med | 8.07 | 16.53 | NDVI_min | 2.30 | 84.72 |
Pre_ran | 7.05 | 23.57 | Pre_min | 1.99 | 86.72 |
Tem_max | 6.98 | 30.56 | NDVI_ran | 1.88 | 88.60 |
Tem_mea | 6.31 | 36.86 | Tem_std | 1.75 | 90.35 |
Tem_sum | 6.30 | 43.17 | Slope | 1.52 | 91.87 |
Tem_min | 5.87 | 49.04 | NDVI_std | 1.49 | 93.36 |
Pre_std | 4.90 | 53.94 | Tem_ran | 1.48 | 94.84 |
NDVI_mea | 4.22 | 58.16 | Clay1 | 1.15 | 95.99 |
NDVI_sum | 4.07 | 62.23 | Sand1 | 1.08 | 97.06 |
Pre_sum | 3.77 | 66.00 | Aspect | 0.96 | 98.03 |
NDVI_max | 3.63 | 69.63 | Sand2 | 0.95 | 98.98 |
NDVI_med | 3.42 | 73.05 | Clay2 | 0.80 | 99.77 |
DEM | 3.39 | 76.44 | Posi | 0.23 | 100.00 |
Pre_med | 3.08 | 79.52 |
Table 3 Importance and cumulative contribution of NDVI characteristics indices (%)
指标Index | 重要性Importance | 累计贡献度Cumulative contribution | 指标Index | 重要性Importance | 累计贡献度Cumulative contribution |
Pre_max | 8.46 | 8.46 | Pre_mea | 2.91 | 82.43 |
Tem_med | 8.07 | 16.53 | NDVI_min | 2.30 | 84.72 |
Pre_ran | 7.05 | 23.57 | Pre_min | 1.99 | 86.72 |
Tem_max | 6.98 | 30.56 | NDVI_ran | 1.88 | 88.60 |
Tem_mea | 6.31 | 36.86 | Tem_std | 1.75 | 90.35 |
Tem_sum | 6.30 | 43.17 | Slope | 1.52 | 91.87 |
Tem_min | 5.87 | 49.04 | NDVI_std | 1.49 | 93.36 |
Pre_std | 4.90 | 53.94 | Tem_ran | 1.48 | 94.84 |
NDVI_mea | 4.22 | 58.16 | Clay1 | 1.15 | 95.99 |
NDVI_sum | 4.07 | 62.23 | Sand1 | 1.08 | 97.06 |
Pre_sum | 3.77 | 66.00 | Aspect | 0.96 | 98.03 |
NDVI_max | 3.63 | 69.63 | Sand2 | 0.95 | 98.98 |
NDVI_med | 3.42 | 73.05 | Clay2 | 0.80 | 99.77 |
DEM | 3.39 | 76.44 | Posi | 0.23 | 100.00 |
Pre_med | 3.08 | 79.52 |
草地类型 Grassland classes | 随机森林RF | 支持向量机SVM | 人工神经网络ANN | |||
PA (%) | UA (%) | PA (%) | UA (%) | PA (%) | UA (%) | |
草甸草原Meadow steppe | 64.29 | 77.14 | 85.00 | 80.95 | 65.71 | 65.71 |
典型草原Typical steppe | 89.27 | 78.02 | 81.58 | 65.22 | 82.22 | 81.32 |
荒漠化草原Desert steppe | 78.00 | 88.64 | 75.53 | 75.00 | 71.43 | 68.18 |
草原化荒漠Steppe desert | 85.71 | 85.71 | 75.00 | 79.59 | 76.67 | 82.14 |
荒漠 Desert | 100.00 | 93.33 | 100.00 | 91.18 | 87.50 | 93.33 |
总体分类精度OA (%) | 82.16 | 79.81 | 77.00 | |||
卡帕系数Kappa | 0.76 | 0.72 | 0.68 |
Table 4 Accuracy of five grasslands based on random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM) and artificial neural network (ANN) in Inner Mongolia
草地类型 Grassland classes | 随机森林RF | 支持向量机SVM | 人工神经网络ANN | |||
PA (%) | UA (%) | PA (%) | UA (%) | PA (%) | UA (%) | |
草甸草原Meadow steppe | 64.29 | 77.14 | 85.00 | 80.95 | 65.71 | 65.71 |
典型草原Typical steppe | 89.27 | 78.02 | 81.58 | 65.22 | 82.22 | 81.32 |
荒漠化草原Desert steppe | 78.00 | 88.64 | 75.53 | 75.00 | 71.43 | 68.18 |
草原化荒漠Steppe desert | 85.71 | 85.71 | 75.00 | 79.59 | 76.67 | 82.14 |
荒漠 Desert | 100.00 | 93.33 | 100.00 | 91.18 | 87.50 | 93.33 |
总体分类精度OA (%) | 82.16 | 79.81 | 77.00 | |||
卡帕系数Kappa | 0.76 | 0.72 | 0.68 |
草地类型 Grassland classes | 验证集Validation dataset | 总计 Total | 用户精度 UA (%) | ||||
草甸草原 Meadow steppe | 典型草原Typical steppe | 荒漠化草原Desert steppe | 草原化荒漠Steppe desert | 荒漠 Desert | |||
草甸草原Meadow steppe | 27 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 35 | 77.14 |
典型草原Typical steppe | 15 | 71 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 91 | 78.02 |
荒漠化草原Desert steppe | 0 | 3 | 39 | 2 | 0 | 44 | 88.64 |
草原化荒漠Steppe desert | 0 | 0 | 4 | 24 | 0 | 28 | 85.71 |
荒漠Desert | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 14 | 15 | 93.33 |
总计Total | 42 | 79 | 50 | 28 | 14 | 213 | - |
生产者精度PA (%) | 64.29 | 89.27 | 78.00 | 85.71 | 100.00 | - | - |
Table 5 The confusion matrix of five grassland classes based on RF algorithma
草地类型 Grassland classes | 验证集Validation dataset | 总计 Total | 用户精度 UA (%) | ||||
草甸草原 Meadow steppe | 典型草原Typical steppe | 荒漠化草原Desert steppe | 草原化荒漠Steppe desert | 荒漠 Desert | |||
草甸草原Meadow steppe | 27 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 35 | 77.14 |
典型草原Typical steppe | 15 | 71 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 91 | 78.02 |
荒漠化草原Desert steppe | 0 | 3 | 39 | 2 | 0 | 44 | 88.64 |
草原化荒漠Steppe desert | 0 | 0 | 4 | 24 | 0 | 28 | 85.71 |
荒漠Desert | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 14 | 15 | 93.33 |
总计Total | 42 | 79 | 50 | 28 | 14 | 213 | - |
生产者精度PA (%) | 64.29 | 89.27 | 78.00 | 85.71 | 100.00 | - | - |
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