草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 170-180.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020085
Corresponding author. E-mail: zhyxzhww@163.com基金资助:
Shuang WU(), Yu-xiang ZHOU(
), Rou JIA, Ya-dong JIN, Wan-zong YANG
Yu-xiang ZHOU
本试验旨在研究荞麦秸秆经不同酶活纤维素酶处理对其发酵前后纤维结构、营养成分、微生物数量以及滩羊肉品质的影响。本试验分为两部分,第1部分为酶处理试验,第2部分为饲养试验。酶处理试验共设计3个组,分别为对照组(未经酶处理的荞麦秸秆),试验I组(纤维素酶I处理的荞麦秸秆),试验Ⅱ组(纤维素酶Ⅱ处理的荞麦秸秆),每组3个重复。荞麦秸秆在发酵罐中密封贮存30 d后取样,然后测定其处理前后纤维结构、营养成分和微生物数量。饲养试验选择体重相近、健康状况良好的3月龄宁夏滩羊24只,采用完全随机分组设计分为3组,每组8只。日粮精粗比为30∶70,对照组饲喂基础日粮+未经处理的荞麦秸秆,试验I组饲喂基础日粮+纤维素酶I处理的荞麦秸秆,试验Ⅱ组饲喂基础日粮+纤维素酶Ⅱ处理的荞麦秸秆。预饲期15 d,正饲期60 d。正饲期结束后,每组选择5只体重接近的羊只禁食24 h后屠宰,测定羊肉理化指标和营养成分。结果表明:1) 未经酶处理的荞麦秸秆细胞壁结构完整,经纤维素酶处理的荞麦秸秆细胞壁结构存在不同程度的破坏;2) 试验I组和试验Ⅱ组中荞麦秸秆的酸性洗涤纤维分别显著降低18.71%和13.78%,中性洗涤纤维分别显著降低19.75%和17.81%(P<0.05);3) 试验I组和试验Ⅱ组荞麦秸秆中的乳酸菌数量显著增加(P<0.05),霉菌数量显著降低(P<0.05);4)纤维素酶Ⅱ处理荞麦秸秆能够显著提高肌肉熟肉率(P<0.05),纤维素酶I和纤维素酶Ⅱ处理荞麦秸秆后使得羊肉剪切力分别显著降低9.31%和11.84%(P<0.05);5)试验I组和试验Ⅱ组的羊肉粗蛋白质含量分别为14.22%和14.23%,显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。综上所述,纤维素酶处理荞麦秸秆可以有效破坏秸秆细胞壁结构,改善秸秆营养成分,提高秸秆饲料品质和肉品质。在本试验日粮条件下,纤维素酶I处理荞麦秸秆的饲喂效果较优。
吴爽, 周玉香, 贾柔, 金亚东, 杨万宗. 纤维素酶处理荞麦秸秆对其纤维结构和滩羊肉品质的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(1): 170-180.
Shuang WU, Yu-xiang ZHOU, Rou JIA, Ya-dong JIN, Wan-zong YANG. Effects of cellulase treatment of buckwheat straw on fiber structure and meat quality of Tan sheep[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(1): 170-180.
项目 Items | 对照组 Control group | 试验Ⅰ组 Trial group Ⅰ | 试验Ⅱ组 Trial group Ⅱ |
原料Ingredients | |||
荞麦秸秆Buckwheat straw (%) | 28.00 | 28.00 | 28.00 |
玉米青贮Corn silage (%) | 42.00 | 42.00 | 42.00 |
玉米Corn (%) | 10.40 | 10.40 | 10.40 |
豆粕Soybean meal (%) | 15.80 | 15.80 | 15.80 |
麸皮Wheat bran (%) | 2.00 | 2.00 | 2.00 |
预混料Premix1) | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
食盐NaCl (%) | 0.80 | 0.80 | 0.80 |
合计Total | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 |
营养水平Nutrient levels2) | |||
代谢能Metabolic energy (ME, MJ·kg -1) | 8.75 | 9.68 | 9.07 |
粗蛋白质Crude protein (%) | 12.31 | 12.54 | 12.43 |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (%) | 53.85 | 50.20 | 50.57 |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (%) | 36.02 | 32.68 | 33.05 |
钙Ca (%) | 0.29 | 0.31 | 0.30 |
磷P (%) | 0.25 | 0.26 | 0.26 |
表1 日粮组成及营养水平
Table 1 Composition and nutrient levels of diets (dry matter basis)
项目 Items | 对照组 Control group | 试验Ⅰ组 Trial group Ⅰ | 试验Ⅱ组 Trial group Ⅱ |
原料Ingredients | |||
荞麦秸秆Buckwheat straw (%) | 28.00 | 28.00 | 28.00 |
玉米青贮Corn silage (%) | 42.00 | 42.00 | 42.00 |
玉米Corn (%) | 10.40 | 10.40 | 10.40 |
豆粕Soybean meal (%) | 15.80 | 15.80 | 15.80 |
麸皮Wheat bran (%) | 2.00 | 2.00 | 2.00 |
预混料Premix1) | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
食盐NaCl (%) | 0.80 | 0.80 | 0.80 |
合计Total | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 |
营养水平Nutrient levels2) | |||
代谢能Metabolic energy (ME, MJ·kg -1) | 8.75 | 9.68 | 9.07 |
粗蛋白质Crude protein (%) | 12.31 | 12.54 | 12.43 |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (%) | 53.85 | 50.20 | 50.57 |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (%) | 36.02 | 32.68 | 33.05 |
钙Ca (%) | 0.29 | 0.31 | 0.30 |
磷P (%) | 0.25 | 0.26 | 0.26 |
项目Items | 对照组Control group | 试验Ⅰ组Trial group Ⅰ | 试验Ⅱ组Trial group Ⅱ | P |
干物质DM | 95.57±0.64a | 27.76±0.54b | 26.47±0.20b | <0.001 |
粗蛋白CP | 3.98±0.15a | 4.26±0.30a | 4.18±0.23a | 0.268 |
粗脂肪EE | 0.75±0.07a | 0.79±0.21a | 0.80±0.21a | 0.933 |
中性洗涤纤维NDF | 67.84±1.51a | 54.44±1.51b | 55.76±3.06b | <0.001 |
酸性洗涤纤维ADF | 44.57±1.96a | 36.23±2.36b | 38.43±1.08b | 0.004 |
钙Ca | 0.39±0.02a | 0.43±0.04a | 0.42±0.02a | 0.203 |
磷P | 0.14±0.01a | 0.16±0.12a | 0.15±0.01a | 0.911 |
表2 纤维素酶处理荞麦秸秆对营养成分的影响
Table 2 Effect of buckwheat straw treated with cellulase on nutrient contents (DM basis, %)
项目Items | 对照组Control group | 试验Ⅰ组Trial group Ⅰ | 试验Ⅱ组Trial group Ⅱ | P |
干物质DM | 95.57±0.64a | 27.76±0.54b | 26.47±0.20b | <0.001 |
粗蛋白CP | 3.98±0.15a | 4.26±0.30a | 4.18±0.23a | 0.268 |
粗脂肪EE | 0.75±0.07a | 0.79±0.21a | 0.80±0.21a | 0.933 |
中性洗涤纤维NDF | 67.84±1.51a | 54.44±1.51b | 55.76±3.06b | <0.001 |
酸性洗涤纤维ADF | 44.57±1.96a | 36.23±2.36b | 38.43±1.08b | 0.004 |
钙Ca | 0.39±0.02a | 0.43±0.04a | 0.42±0.02a | 0.203 |
磷P | 0.14±0.01a | 0.16±0.12a | 0.15±0.01a | 0.911 |
项目Items | 对照组Control group | 试验Ⅰ组Trial group Ⅰ | 试验Ⅱ组Trial group Ⅱ | P |
乳酸菌Lactic acid bacteria (×105 CFU·g-1) | 2.75±1.34 b | 25.15±2.89a | 21.65±0.49a | 0.003 |
酵母菌 Yeast (×105 CFU·g-1) | 1.85±0.07a | 1.58±0.11a | 1.70±0.14a | 0.199 |
霉菌Mold (×102 CFU·g-1) | 7.90±0.14a | 0.25±0.07b | 0.45±0.07b | <0.001 |
表3 纤维素酶处理荞麦秸秆对微生物数量的影响
Table 3 Effect of buckwheat straw treated with cellulase on microorganism quantities
项目Items | 对照组Control group | 试验Ⅰ组Trial group Ⅰ | 试验Ⅱ组Trial group Ⅱ | P |
乳酸菌Lactic acid bacteria (×105 CFU·g-1) | 2.75±1.34 b | 25.15±2.89a | 21.65±0.49a | 0.003 |
酵母菌 Yeast (×105 CFU·g-1) | 1.85±0.07a | 1.58±0.11a | 1.70±0.14a | 0.199 |
霉菌Mold (×102 CFU·g-1) | 7.90±0.14a | 0.25±0.07b | 0.45±0.07b | <0.001 |
项目 Items | 对照组 Control group | 试验Ⅰ组Trial group Ⅰ | 试验Ⅱ组Trial group Ⅱ | P |
pH45 min | 6.80±0.17a | 6.65±0.04a | 6.52±0.31a | 0.221 |
pH24 h | 5.88±0.05a | 5.86±0.09a | 5.80±0.10a | 0.129 |
失水率Water loss rate (%) | 44.78±2.03a | 42.34±2.25a | 42.88±4.62a | 0.549 |
滴水损失Drip loss (%) | 2.30±0.24a | 2.12±0.60a | 2.29±0.70a | 0.833 |
熟肉率Cooked meat rate (%) | 45.31±4.29b | 49.66±1.51a | 50.09±1.85a | 0.034 |
剪切力Shear force (N) | 48.33±2.92a | 43.83±1.68b | 42.61±1.94b | 0.045 |
大理石花纹评分Marbling score | 1.60±0.55a | 2.00±0.00a | 1.80±0.45a | 0.335 |
肉色Muscle color | ||||
红度值a*-value | 19.74±1.56a | 19.92±1.90a | 18.84±0.83a | 0.489 |
黄度值b*-value | 7.29±1.23a | 8.21±1.90a | 8.11±0.64a | 0.521 |
亮度值L*-value | 42.19±2.43a | 44.04±3.21a | 45.61±2.94a | 0.212 |
脂肪颜色Fat color | ||||
红度值a*-value | 6.04±1.97a | 6.28±0.97a | 6.78±1.21a | 0.717 |
黄度值b*-value | 5.24±1.78a | 6.21±2.78a | 7.50±1.46a | 0.268 |
亮度值L*-value | 86.12±4.25a | 86.34±2.04a | 84.40±4.37a | 0.672 |
表4 纤维素酶处理荞麦秸秆对滩羊羊肉理化性质的影响
Table 4 Effect of buckwheat straw treated with cellulase on mutton physicochemical properties of Tan sheep
项目 Items | 对照组 Control group | 试验Ⅰ组Trial group Ⅰ | 试验Ⅱ组Trial group Ⅱ | P |
pH45 min | 6.80±0.17a | 6.65±0.04a | 6.52±0.31a | 0.221 |
pH24 h | 5.88±0.05a | 5.86±0.09a | 5.80±0.10a | 0.129 |
失水率Water loss rate (%) | 44.78±2.03a | 42.34±2.25a | 42.88±4.62a | 0.549 |
滴水损失Drip loss (%) | 2.30±0.24a | 2.12±0.60a | 2.29±0.70a | 0.833 |
熟肉率Cooked meat rate (%) | 45.31±4.29b | 49.66±1.51a | 50.09±1.85a | 0.034 |
剪切力Shear force (N) | 48.33±2.92a | 43.83±1.68b | 42.61±1.94b | 0.045 |
大理石花纹评分Marbling score | 1.60±0.55a | 2.00±0.00a | 1.80±0.45a | 0.335 |
肉色Muscle color | ||||
红度值a*-value | 19.74±1.56a | 19.92±1.90a | 18.84±0.83a | 0.489 |
黄度值b*-value | 7.29±1.23a | 8.21±1.90a | 8.11±0.64a | 0.521 |
亮度值L*-value | 42.19±2.43a | 44.04±3.21a | 45.61±2.94a | 0.212 |
脂肪颜色Fat color | ||||
红度值a*-value | 6.04±1.97a | 6.28±0.97a | 6.78±1.21a | 0.717 |
黄度值b*-value | 5.24±1.78a | 6.21±2.78a | 7.50±1.46a | 0.268 |
亮度值L*-value | 86.12±4.25a | 86.34±2.04a | 84.40±4.37a | 0.672 |
项目Items | 对照组Control group | 试验Ⅰ组Trial group Ⅰ | 试验Ⅱ组Trial group Ⅱ | P |
水分Total water | 77.60±0.69a | 76.37±0.88a | 76.49±1.45a | 0.357 |
粗蛋白质CP | 13.61±0.34b | 14.22±0.43a | 14.23±0.34a | 0.009 |
粗脂肪EE | 7.64±0.73a | 8.04±1.02a | 8.25±0.58a | 0.572 |
表5 纤维素酶处理荞麦秸秆对滩羊羊肉营养成分的影响
Table 5 Effect of buckwheat straw treated with cellulase on mutton nutritient contents of Tan sheep (%)
项目Items | 对照组Control group | 试验Ⅰ组Trial group Ⅰ | 试验Ⅱ组Trial group Ⅱ | P |
水分Total water | 77.60±0.69a | 76.37±0.88a | 76.49±1.45a | 0.357 |
粗蛋白质CP | 13.61±0.34b | 14.22±0.43a | 14.23±0.34a | 0.009 |
粗脂肪EE | 7.64±0.73a | 8.04±1.02a | 8.25±0.58a | 0.572 |
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