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草业学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (6): 128-136.

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  1. 1.郑州牧业工程高等专科学校,河南 郑州 450011;
    2.河南农业大学资环学院,河南 郑州 450002;
    3.新密市农业局,河南 郑州 452370
  • 收稿日期:2009-04-08 出版日期:2009-12-20 发布日期:2009-12-20
  • 作者简介:介晓磊(1963-),男,河南临颍人,教授,博士生导师。E-mail:jiexl@163.com 陆景陵. 植物营养学(上). 北京: 中国农业大学出版社, 2003. 124-125.
  • 基金资助:

Regulation of selenium and cobalt nutrition levels of grass and animal productsby their transmission through the soil-pasture-feed-animal chain (SPFAC)

JIE Xiao-lei1,2, GUO Xiao1,2, LIU Shi-liang2, HU Hua-feng1, LI Jian-ping1,
YAO Wen-chao3, LI Qiu-ling3   

  1. 1. Zhengzhou College of Animal Husbandry Engineering, Zhengzhou 450011, China;
    2.Resources and
    Environment Institute of Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China;

    3.Xinmi Agricultural Bureau, Zhengzhou 452370, China
  • Received:2009-04-08 Online:2009-12-20 Published:2009-12-20

摘要: 经过2006-2008年在黄河滩区2年生苜蓿草地上的田间试验,研究当Na2SeO3·5H2O的用量在570~765 g/hm2和CoSO4·7H2O用量在762~1 548 g/hm2的单施和混合基施情况下,硒钴通过“土-草-饲-畜链”(SPAFC)对草畜产品营养的调控。结果表明,1)苜蓿对硒具有很强的吸收率和很高的从无机硒到有机硒的转化率,硒钴配施能增强苜蓿对肥料中硒的吸收和转化能力,提高硒的有效性和安全性。2)硒钴配量分别在765和762 g/hm2情况下,对提高牧草营养价值有显著效果,干草中粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量得到显著提高,粗纤维和无氮浸出物成分变化不显著;而其他单施和配施肥料则提高了牧草的粗纤维含量,降低了粗脂肪含量,对其他成分影响不显著。3)硒肥能显著提高青干草中Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn 4种元素的含量(P<0.05),钴与硒配施能显著增强牧草对微量元素的吸收。4)在动物日粮中添加5%的富硒和富硒钴苜蓿草粉,能显著地提高动物产品中硒的含量,其硒的含量与土壤中硒量以及牧草中硒的含量3者之间呈显著的正相关性。

Abstract: A field experiment was arranged in the Yellow River beach from 2006 to 2008 to study the regulation of selenium (Se) and Se-cobalt (Co) by basal application of combined fertilizers (Na2SeO3·5H2O-570-765 g/hm2 and CoSO4·7H2O-762-1 548 g/hm2) on the nutrition of alfalfa and animal products through the “soil-pasture-feed-animal chain” (SPAFC). Alfalfa had a strong capacity to absorb Se from soil fertilizers and to convert inorganic Se to organic Se. Se and Co combined application increased the abilities to absorb and convert inorganic Se, thus effectiveness and security of Se could be greatly enhanced. When application rates of Se and Co were 765 and 762 g/hm2 respectively, Se-Co combined fertilizer enhanced the contents of crude protein (CP) and ether extract (EE), but had no apparent effect on the crude fiber (CF) content or non-nitrogen extract (NFE), suggesting that feed value was greatly increased. Other Se and Se-Co combined fertilizers increased CF contents, reduced EE contents but had no significant effects on other nutrients. Se and Se-Co combined fertilizers significantly (P<0.05) enhanced the contents of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn. Se-Co combined fertilizers were better than Se alone fertilizers. When alfalfa meal (rich in Se and Co) was 5% of diet, Se contents of animal products were significantly enhanced. There were other significant correlations (P<0.01) between Se contents in animal products, in pasture, and in soil.
