草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 189-196.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020297
Corresponding author. E-mail: wanliqiang@caas.cn基金资助:
Zhen-song LI(), Li-qiang WAN(
), Shuo LI(
), Xiang-lin LI
Li-qiang WAN
为了研究苜蓿根系构型及生理特性对干旱复水后的响应,对肇东苜蓿进行盆栽控水试验。设置正常供水(CK)、轻度干旱(LS)、中度干旱(MS)和重度干旱(SS) 4个处理,在干旱处理4周后进行复水,研究各处理间根系构型及生理指标的差异。结果表明:干旱处理对根干重和根尖数有极显著影响(P<0.01),对比根长、根表面积、根体积和根密度有显著影响(P<0.05)。干旱胁迫抑制了根系的生长,降低了根干重、根长、根表面积、根体积、根密度和根尖数等形态指标,促进了比根长的增加。各处理间拓扑指数差异显著(P<0.05),干旱促进苜蓿根系从二分枝型向人字形结构转变。干旱胁迫极显著(P<0.01)增加了根系丙二醛(MDA)和超氧负离子(O2-)的含量,同时超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量也极显著增加(P<0.01),从而保持体内活性氧处于较低水平。脱落酸(ABA)含量在干旱胁迫下极显著(P<0.01)增加,通过其生理作用及信号传导途径提高苜蓿抗旱性。
李振松, 万里强, 李硕, 李向林. 苜蓿根系构型及生理特性对干旱复水的响应[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(1): 189-196.
Zhen-song LI, Li-qiang WAN, Shuo LI, Xiang-lin LI. Response of alfalfa root architecture and physiological characteristics to drought and rehydration[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(1): 189-196.
处理 Treatment | 土壤含水量 Soil moisture | |||
第1~4周 1st to 4th weeks | 第5周5th week | 第6周6th week | 第7周7th week | |
CK | 饱和含水量75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity |
LS | 饱和含水量60%~65% 60%-65% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity |
MS | 饱和含水量的45%~50% 45%-50% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的60%~65% 60%-65% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity |
SS | 饱和含水量的30%~35% 30%-35% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的45%~50% 45%-50% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的60%~65% 60%-65% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity |
表1 不同处理土壤含水量及处理时间
Table 1 Different treatment soil moisture content and treatment time
处理 Treatment | 土壤含水量 Soil moisture | |||
第1~4周 1st to 4th weeks | 第5周5th week | 第6周6th week | 第7周7th week | |
CK | 饱和含水量75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity |
LS | 饱和含水量60%~65% 60%-65% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity |
MS | 饱和含水量的45%~50% 45%-50% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的60%~65% 60%-65% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity |
SS | 饱和含水量的30%~35% 30%-35% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的45%~50% 45%-50% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的60%~65% 60%-65% water holding capacity | 饱和含水量的75%~80% 75%-80% water holding capacity |
处理 Treatment | 根干重 Root dry weight (g·plant-1) | 根长 Root length (cm) | 比根长 Specific root length (cm·g-1) |
CK | 0.79±0.09A | 618±178 | 957±64bc |
LS | 0.50±0.03B | 292±86 | 1126±224ab |
MS | 0.59±0.04B | 484±84 | 1392±71a |
SS | 0.74±0.02A | 356±162 | 641±227c |
表2 不同处理对根干重、根长和比根长的影响
Table 2 Effects of different treatments on root dry weight, root length and specific root length
处理 Treatment | 根干重 Root dry weight (g·plant-1) | 根长 Root length (cm) | 比根长 Specific root length (cm·g-1) |
CK | 0.79±0.09A | 618±178 | 957±64bc |
LS | 0.50±0.03B | 292±86 | 1126±224ab |
MS | 0.59±0.04B | 484±84 | 1392±71a |
SS | 0.74±0.02A | 356±162 | 641±227c |
处理 Treatment | 根表面积 Root surface area (cm2) | 根体积 Root volume (cm3) | 根密度 Root density (cm·cm-3) |
CK | 93.10±11.14a | 0.83±0.02a | 838.15±196.10a |
LS | 34.42±8.53b | 0.32±0.01c | 292.63±85.50b |
MS | 59.27±7.47b | 0.67±0.01ab | 577.79±49.61ab |
SS | 43.88±23.97b | 0.44±0.29bc | 356.23±151.61b |
表3 不同处理对根表面积、根体积和根密度的影响
Table 3 Effects of different treatments on root surface area, root volume and root density
处理 Treatment | 根表面积 Root surface area (cm2) | 根体积 Root volume (cm3) | 根密度 Root density (cm·cm-3) |
CK | 93.10±11.14a | 0.83±0.02a | 838.15±196.10a |
LS | 34.42±8.53b | 0.32±0.01c | 292.63±85.50b |
MS | 59.27±7.47b | 0.67±0.01ab | 577.79±49.61ab |
SS | 43.88±23.97b | 0.44±0.29bc | 356.23±151.61b |
处理 Treatment | 根尖数 Number of root tip (No.) | 拓扑指数 Topological index |
CK | 3948±764A | 0.5899±0.0068c |
LS | 1463±320B | 0.6386±0.0031a |
MS | 2298±424B | 0.6203±0.0079ab |
SS | 1520±562B | 0.6022±0.0227bc |
表4 不同处理对根尖数和拓扑指数的影响
Table 4 Effects of different treatments on the number of root tip and topological index
处理 Treatment | 根尖数 Number of root tip (No.) | 拓扑指数 Topological index |
CK | 3948±764A | 0.5899±0.0068c |
LS | 1463±320B | 0.6386±0.0031a |
MS | 2298±424B | 0.6203±0.0079ab |
SS | 1520±562B | 0.6022±0.0227bc |
处理 Treatment | 丙二醛 MDA (nmol·g-1) | 过氧化氢 H2O2 (mol·g-1) | 超氧阴离子 O2- (U·g-1) |
CK | 21.33±2.17C | 55.47±11.04 | 14.28±0.05C |
LS | 35.60±1.73B | 70.83±9.24 | 14.86±0.08B |
MS | 35.41±2.59B | 72.33±12.54 | 15.30±0.06A |
SS | 41.06±1.87A | 63.37±13.86 | 15.00±0.09B |
表5 不同处理对丙二醛、过氧化氢和超氧阴离子的影响
Table 5 Effects of different treatments on MDA, H2O2 and O2-
处理 Treatment | 丙二醛 MDA (nmol·g-1) | 过氧化氢 H2O2 (mol·g-1) | 超氧阴离子 O2- (U·g-1) |
CK | 21.33±2.17C | 55.47±11.04 | 14.28±0.05C |
LS | 35.60±1.73B | 70.83±9.24 | 14.86±0.08B |
MS | 35.41±2.59B | 72.33±12.54 | 15.30±0.06A |
SS | 41.06±1.87A | 63.37±13.86 | 15.00±0.09B |
处理 Treatment | 超氧化物歧化酶 SOD (U·g-1) | 过氧化氢酶CAT (U·g-1) | 谷胱甘肽GSH (nmol·g-1) |
CK | 2637±18C | 18.43±1.38A | 68.83±9.44C |
LS | 2697±12B | 18.16±1.53A | 125.00±7.22B |
MS | 2805±24A | 15.72±1.38A | 112.17±11.55B |
SS | 2785±26A | 9.49±1.67B | 169.00±9.91A |
表6 不同处理对超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶和谷胱甘肽的影响
Table 6 Effects of different treatments on SOD, CAT and GSH
处理 Treatment | 超氧化物歧化酶 SOD (U·g-1) | 过氧化氢酶CAT (U·g-1) | 谷胱甘肽GSH (nmol·g-1) |
CK | 2637±18C | 18.43±1.38A | 68.83±9.44C |
LS | 2697±12B | 18.16±1.53A | 125.00±7.22B |
MS | 2805±24A | 15.72±1.38A | 112.17±11.55B |
SS | 2785±26A | 9.49±1.67B | 169.00±9.91A |
图1 不同处理对根系脱落酸含量的影响不同大写字母代表各处理间差异极显著(P<0.01)。The different capital letters represent extremely significant differences between treatments (P<0.01).
Fig.1 Effects of different treatments on ABA content of roots
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