Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 36-46.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021104
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Meng-han WANG1(), Li-li DONG2, Fu-cui LI1(
), Lie-bao HAN1(
), Xiang WANG3
Fu-cui LI,Lie-bao HAN
Meng-han WANG, Li-li DONG, Fu-cui LI, Lie-bao HAN, Xiang WANG. Effects of different organic ∶inorganic nitrogen addition ratios on nitrogen distribution and transformation in a grassland soil[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(1): 36-46.
处理 Treatments | 深度 Depth (cm) | 氮素含量 Nitrogen content (g·kg-1) | ||
风干土 Dry soil | 轻组 Light fractions | 重组 Heavy fractions | ||
CK | 0~10 | 2.23±0.11a | 0.91±0.07a | 4.79±0.08a |
10~20 | 1.96±0.24a | 0.47±0.07a | 3.72±0.06a | |
N1 | 0~10 | 3.43±0.42a | 1.47±0.18a | 5.18±0.33a |
10~20 | 2.82±0.41a | 0.67±0.11a | 4.23±0.17a | |
N2 | 0~10 | 2.49±0.45a | 1.43±0.34a | 4.99±0.61a |
10~20 | 2.27±0.14a | 0.68±0.09a | 4.18±0.45a | |
N3 | 0~10 | 2.75±0.37a | 1.16±0.07a | 4.99±0.20a |
10~20 | 2.14±0.09a | 0.58±0.08a | 3.97±0.15a | |
N4 | 0~10 | 2.70±0.23a | 1.07±0.09a | 4.93±0.14a |
10~20 | 2.13±0.24a | 0.58±0.10a | 3.96±0.10a | |
N5 | 0~10 | 2.81±0.16a | 1.40±0.17a | 4.74±0.33a |
10~20 | 2.17±0.16a | 0.87±0.17a | 4.00±0.14a |
Table 1 Soil nitrogen content
处理 Treatments | 深度 Depth (cm) | 氮素含量 Nitrogen content (g·kg-1) | ||
风干土 Dry soil | 轻组 Light fractions | 重组 Heavy fractions | ||
CK | 0~10 | 2.23±0.11a | 0.91±0.07a | 4.79±0.08a |
10~20 | 1.96±0.24a | 0.47±0.07a | 3.72±0.06a | |
N1 | 0~10 | 3.43±0.42a | 1.47±0.18a | 5.18±0.33a |
10~20 | 2.82±0.41a | 0.67±0.11a | 4.23±0.17a | |
N2 | 0~10 | 2.49±0.45a | 1.43±0.34a | 4.99±0.61a |
10~20 | 2.27±0.14a | 0.68±0.09a | 4.18±0.45a | |
N3 | 0~10 | 2.75±0.37a | 1.16±0.07a | 4.99±0.20a |
10~20 | 2.14±0.09a | 0.58±0.08a | 3.97±0.15a | |
N4 | 0~10 | 2.70±0.23a | 1.07±0.09a | 4.93±0.14a |
10~20 | 2.13±0.24a | 0.58±0.10a | 3.96±0.10a | |
N5 | 0~10 | 2.81±0.16a | 1.40±0.17a | 4.74±0.33a |
10~20 | 2.17±0.16a | 0.87±0.17a | 4.00±0.14a |
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