Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 164-180.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020501
Jia-ju ZHANG(), Jie YU, Ming-na LI, Jun-mei KANG, Qing-chuan YANG, Rui-cai LONG(
Rui-cai LONG
Jia-ju ZHANG, Jie YU, Ming-na LI, Jun-mei KANG, Qing-chuan YANG, Rui-cai LONG. Identification and functional analysis of lncRNA167 and its cleavage product miR167c in Medicago truncatula[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(1): 164-180.
引物名称Primer | 正向引物序列Forward sequence (5′-3′) | 反向引物序列Reverse sequence (5′-3′) |
qRT-Mt-miR167c | TGAAGCTGCCAGCATGATCTA | 试剂盒中反向引物 Reverse primer in kit |
U6 | CGCACAAATCGAGAAATGGTCC | 试剂盒中反向引物 Reverse primer in kit |
Table 1 Primers used in the study
引物名称Primer | 正向引物序列Forward sequence (5′-3′) | 反向引物序列Reverse sequence (5′-3′) |
qRT-Mt-miR167c | TGAAGCTGCCAGCATGATCTA | 试剂盒中反向引物 Reverse primer in kit |
U6 | CGCACAAATCGAGAAATGGTCC | 试剂盒中反向引物 Reverse primer in kit |
顺式作用元件Cis-acting element | 核心序列 Core sequence | 功能 Function |
TATA-box | TATATAA/ATTATA/TATA | 在转录开始-30左右的核心启动子元件Core promoter element around -30 of transcription start |
CAAT-box | CAAT/CAAAT | 启动子和增强子区域常见顺式作用元件Common cis-acting element in promoter and enhancer regions |
MBS | CAACTG | MYB结合位点,受到干旱胁迫诱导MYB binding site involved in drought-inducibility |
TCA-element | CCATCTTTTT | 参与水杨酸反应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting element involved in salicylic acid responsiveness |
LTR | CCGAAA | 参与低温响应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting element involved in low-temperature responsiveness |
TCCC-motif | TCTCCCT | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
TCT-motif | TCTTAC | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
I-box | GTATAAGGCC | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
Gap-box | CAAATGAA(A/G)A | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
chs-CMA1a | TTACTTAA | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
GA-motif | ATAGATAA | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
Table 2 Cis-acting element analysis of promoter of Mt-lncRNA167
顺式作用元件Cis-acting element | 核心序列 Core sequence | 功能 Function |
TATA-box | TATATAA/ATTATA/TATA | 在转录开始-30左右的核心启动子元件Core promoter element around -30 of transcription start |
CAAT-box | CAAT/CAAAT | 启动子和增强子区域常见顺式作用元件Common cis-acting element in promoter and enhancer regions |
MBS | CAACTG | MYB结合位点,受到干旱胁迫诱导MYB binding site involved in drought-inducibility |
TCA-element | CCATCTTTTT | 参与水杨酸反应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting element involved in salicylic acid responsiveness |
LTR | CCGAAA | 参与低温响应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting element involved in low-temperature responsiveness |
TCCC-motif | TCTCCCT | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
TCT-motif | TCTTAC | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
I-box | GTATAAGGCC | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
Gap-box | CAAATGAA(A/G)A | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
chs-CMA1a | TTACTTAA | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
GA-motif | ATAGATAA | 参与光响应的顺式作用元件Light responsive element |
靶基因符号 Gene symbol | 靶基因位置标签 Locus tag | 靶基因名称 Gene description | 与miRNA互补位点 Complementary sites with miRNA |
LOC11413758 | MTR_3g064050 | 生长素响应因子8 Auxin response factor 8 | miRNA 21 AUCUAGUACGACCGUCGAAGU 1 Target 1683 UAGAUCAGGCUGGCAGCUUGU 1703 |
LOC11446854 | MTR_2g018690 | 生长素响应因子6 Auxin response factor 6 | miRNA 21 AUCUAGUACGACCGUCGAAGU 1 Target 3316 GAGAUCAGGCUGGCAGCUUGU 3336 |
LOC11442326 | MTR_5g066710 | E3泛素蛋白连接酶基因 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase | miRNA 21 AUCUAGUACGACCGUCGAAGU 1 Target 11475 GAGAUCAGGCUGGCAGCUUGU 11495 |
LOC11442155 | MTR_7g077700 | RNA聚合酶Ⅱ转录中介蛋白基因 RNA polymerase Ⅱ transcription mediators | miRNA 21 AUCUAGUACGACCGUCGAAGU 1 Target 250 GAGAUCAGGCUGGCAGCUUGU 270 |
Table 3 Prediction of the target gene of Mt-miR167c by psRNAtarget
靶基因符号 Gene symbol | 靶基因位置标签 Locus tag | 靶基因名称 Gene description | 与miRNA互补位点 Complementary sites with miRNA |
LOC11413758 | MTR_3g064050 | 生长素响应因子8 Auxin response factor 8 | miRNA 21 AUCUAGUACGACCGUCGAAGU 1 Target 1683 UAGAUCAGGCUGGCAGCUUGU 1703 |
LOC11446854 | MTR_2g018690 | 生长素响应因子6 Auxin response factor 6 | miRNA 21 AUCUAGUACGACCGUCGAAGU 1 Target 3316 GAGAUCAGGCUGGCAGCUUGU 3336 |
LOC11442326 | MTR_5g066710 | E3泛素蛋白连接酶基因 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase | miRNA 21 AUCUAGUACGACCGUCGAAGU 1 Target 11475 GAGAUCAGGCUGGCAGCUUGU 11495 |
LOC11442155 | MTR_7g077700 | RNA聚合酶Ⅱ转录中介蛋白基因 RNA polymerase Ⅱ transcription mediators | miRNA 21 AUCUAGUACGACCGUCGAAGU 1 Target 250 GAGAUCAGGCUGGCAGCUUGU 270 |
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