Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (11): 198-214.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024009
Feng-yu WANG(), Guo-ling LIANG(
), Ze-long HU, Wen-hui LIU
Guo-ling LIANG
Feng-yu WANG, Guo-ling LIANG, Ze-long HU, Wen-hui LIU. Effect of geographic factors on phenotypic traits and seed yield of Elymus nutans on the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(11): 198-214.
采集编号 Collection number | 来源地 Sources | 经度 Longitude (E) | 纬度 Latitude (N) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 生境 Habitat |
15-070 | 青海省大通县Datong, Qinghai | 101°37′35″ | 37°09′10″ | 2960 | 路边Roadside |
15-087 | 青海省大通县Datong, Qinghai | 101°36′07″ | 37°08′10″ | 2810 | 路边Roadside |
15-207 | 青海省大通县Datong, Qinghai | 101°45′48″ | 37°00′38″ | 2600 | 路边Roadside |
16-121 | 青海省门源县Menyuan, Qinghai | 101°14′38″ | 37°37′03″ | 3130 | 路边Roadside |
16-177 | 青海省门源县Menyuan, Qinghai | 101°13′25″ | 37°45′13″ | 3350 | 河边滩地River beach |
16-330 | 青海省大通县Datong, Qinghai | 101°49′39″ | 36°58′48″ | 2980 | 山坡草地Hillside grassland |
16-383 | 青海省大通县Datong, Qinghai | 101°11′32″ | 37°08′08″ | 3040 | 封育草场Enclosure grassland |
17-123 | 青海省湟中县Huangzhong, Qinghai | 101°40′52″ | 36°18′09″ | 2915 | 山坡草地Hillside grassland |
17-221 | 青海省龙羊峡Longyang gorge, Qinghai | 101°03′43″ | 36°16′35″ | 3280 | 封育草场Enclosure grassland |
17-359 | 青海省玛多县Maduo, Qinghai | 98°57′36″ | 35°22′45″ | 4296 | 路边Roadside |
18-023 | 青海省贵德县Guide, Qinghai | 101°18′10″ | 35°48′38″ | 3200 | 路边Roadside |
18-114 | 青海省贵南县Guinan, Qinghai | 100°39′22″ | 35°38′45″ | 3080 | 路边Roadside |
18-175 | 青海省兴海县Xinghai, Qinghai | 100°14′49″ | 35°41′41″ | 2740 | 路边Roadside |
20-056 | 青海省河南县Henan, Qinghai | 101°20′27″ | 34°52′12″ | 3763 | 路边Roadside |
20-081 | 青海省泽库县Zeku, Qinghai | 101°31′09″ | 34°34′43″ | 3648 | 公路旁草场Grassland by the road |
20-088 | 青海省泽库县Zeku, Qinghai | 101°28′32″ | 35°13′32″ | 3894 | 路边Roadside |
20-100 | 青海省泽库县Zeku, Qinghai | 101°06′34″ | 35°16′12″ | 3527 | 路边Roadside |
20-436 | 西藏拉孜县Lazi, Tibet | 87°38′56″ | 29°05′30″ | 4010 | 农田边By the farmland |
20-439 | 西藏拉孜县Lazi, Tibet | 87°52′13″ | 29°20′13″ | 3940 | 河边滩地River beach |
20-479 | 西藏当雄县Dangxiong, Tibet | 91°27′20″ | 30°34′05″ | 4500 | 沼泽草甸Swamp meadow |
Table 1 The test materials and sources
采集编号 Collection number | 来源地 Sources | 经度 Longitude (E) | 纬度 Latitude (N) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 生境 Habitat |
15-070 | 青海省大通县Datong, Qinghai | 101°37′35″ | 37°09′10″ | 2960 | 路边Roadside |
15-087 | 青海省大通县Datong, Qinghai | 101°36′07″ | 37°08′10″ | 2810 | 路边Roadside |
15-207 | 青海省大通县Datong, Qinghai | 101°45′48″ | 37°00′38″ | 2600 | 路边Roadside |
16-121 | 青海省门源县Menyuan, Qinghai | 101°14′38″ | 37°37′03″ | 3130 | 路边Roadside |
16-177 | 青海省门源县Menyuan, Qinghai | 101°13′25″ | 37°45′13″ | 3350 | 河边滩地River beach |
16-330 | 青海省大通县Datong, Qinghai | 101°49′39″ | 36°58′48″ | 2980 | 山坡草地Hillside grassland |
16-383 | 青海省大通县Datong, Qinghai | 101°11′32″ | 37°08′08″ | 3040 | 封育草场Enclosure grassland |
17-123 | 青海省湟中县Huangzhong, Qinghai | 101°40′52″ | 36°18′09″ | 2915 | 山坡草地Hillside grassland |
17-221 | 青海省龙羊峡Longyang gorge, Qinghai | 101°03′43″ | 36°16′35″ | 3280 | 封育草场Enclosure grassland |
17-359 | 青海省玛多县Maduo, Qinghai | 98°57′36″ | 35°22′45″ | 4296 | 路边Roadside |
18-023 | 青海省贵德县Guide, Qinghai | 101°18′10″ | 35°48′38″ | 3200 | 路边Roadside |
18-114 | 青海省贵南县Guinan, Qinghai | 100°39′22″ | 35°38′45″ | 3080 | 路边Roadside |
18-175 | 青海省兴海县Xinghai, Qinghai | 100°14′49″ | 35°41′41″ | 2740 | 路边Roadside |
20-056 | 青海省河南县Henan, Qinghai | 101°20′27″ | 34°52′12″ | 3763 | 路边Roadside |
20-081 | 青海省泽库县Zeku, Qinghai | 101°31′09″ | 34°34′43″ | 3648 | 公路旁草场Grassland by the road |
20-088 | 青海省泽库县Zeku, Qinghai | 101°28′32″ | 35°13′32″ | 3894 | 路边Roadside |
20-100 | 青海省泽库县Zeku, Qinghai | 101°06′34″ | 35°16′12″ | 3527 | 路边Roadside |
20-436 | 西藏拉孜县Lazi, Tibet | 87°38′56″ | 29°05′30″ | 4010 | 农田边By the farmland |
20-439 | 西藏拉孜县Lazi, Tibet | 87°52′13″ | 29°20′13″ | 3940 | 河边滩地River beach |
20-479 | 西藏当雄县Dangxiong, Tibet | 91°27′20″ | 30°34′05″ | 4500 | 沼泽草甸Swamp meadow |
项目 Item | 性状 Trait | 平均值 Mean | 标准差 Standard deviation | 最小值 Minimum | 最大值 Maximum | 极差 Range | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation (%) | 多样性指数 H′ | 广义遗传力 H2 |
叶部性状 Leaf trait | 叶层高度TH (cm) | 13.938 | 3.052 | 8.667 | 18.667 | 10.000 | 21.898 | 1.917 | 0.986 |
旗叶长FL (cm) | 8.840 | 1.701 | 6.417 | 12.400 | 5.983 | 19.241 | 1.670 | 0.979 | |
旗叶宽FW (cm) | 0.657 | 0.098 | 0.483 | 0.889 | 0.406 | 14.894 | 1.496 | 0.945 | |
穗部性状 Spike trait | 花序长IL (cm) | 16.812 | 2.756 | 12.643 | 22.214 | 9.571 | 16.392 | 1.878 | 0.989 |
花序宽IW (cm) | 1.666 | 0.439 | 0.629 | 2.929 | 2.300 | 26.328 | 1.709 | 0.986 | |
穗轴第一节间长RL (cm) | 2.026 | 0.672 | 1.343 | 4.033 | 2.690 | 33.164 | 1.713 | 0.961 | |
小穗数SN (No.) | 35.939 | 5.650 | 27.571 | 46.400 | 18.829 | 15.722 | 1.904 | 0.977 | |
小花数FN (No.) | 3.550 | 0.387 | 2.833 | 4.000 | 1.167 | 10.889 | 1.617 | 0.916 | |
单序籽粒数SNi (No.) | 94.921 | 10.305 | 79.800 | 113.200 | 33.400 | 10.856 | 1.817 | 0.990 | |
单序籽粒重SWi (g) | 0.588 | 0.146 | 0.388 | 1.000 | 0.613 | 24.864 | 1.848 | 0.959 | |
籽粒性状 Grain trait | 内稃长LP (mm) | 9.210 | 0.647 | 7.953 | 10.353 | 2.400 | 7.023 | 1.973 | 0.958 |
外稃长LL (mm) | 9.798 | 0.643 | 8.608 | 10.888 | 2.280 | 6.560 | 1.895 | 0.951 | |
芒长AL (mm) | 14.123 | 2.567 | 9.848 | 20.753 | 10.905 | 18.179 | 1.822 | 0.985 | |
种子长SL (mm) | 6.971 | 0.390 | 6.163 | 7.962 | 1.799 | 5.601 | 1.861 | 0.866 | |
种子宽SW (mm) | 0.826 | 0.105 | 0.665 | 1.170 | 0.505 | 12.665 | 1.713 | 0.860 | |
千粒重TKW (g) | 4.119 | 0.380 | 3.567 | 4.733 | 1.167 | 9.231 | 1.805 | 0.918 |
Table 2 Genetic diversity analysis in phenotypic trait of E.nutans
项目 Item | 性状 Trait | 平均值 Mean | 标准差 Standard deviation | 最小值 Minimum | 最大值 Maximum | 极差 Range | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation (%) | 多样性指数 H′ | 广义遗传力 H2 |
叶部性状 Leaf trait | 叶层高度TH (cm) | 13.938 | 3.052 | 8.667 | 18.667 | 10.000 | 21.898 | 1.917 | 0.986 |
旗叶长FL (cm) | 8.840 | 1.701 | 6.417 | 12.400 | 5.983 | 19.241 | 1.670 | 0.979 | |
旗叶宽FW (cm) | 0.657 | 0.098 | 0.483 | 0.889 | 0.406 | 14.894 | 1.496 | 0.945 | |
穗部性状 Spike trait | 花序长IL (cm) | 16.812 | 2.756 | 12.643 | 22.214 | 9.571 | 16.392 | 1.878 | 0.989 |
花序宽IW (cm) | 1.666 | 0.439 | 0.629 | 2.929 | 2.300 | 26.328 | 1.709 | 0.986 | |
穗轴第一节间长RL (cm) | 2.026 | 0.672 | 1.343 | 4.033 | 2.690 | 33.164 | 1.713 | 0.961 | |
小穗数SN (No.) | 35.939 | 5.650 | 27.571 | 46.400 | 18.829 | 15.722 | 1.904 | 0.977 | |
小花数FN (No.) | 3.550 | 0.387 | 2.833 | 4.000 | 1.167 | 10.889 | 1.617 | 0.916 | |
单序籽粒数SNi (No.) | 94.921 | 10.305 | 79.800 | 113.200 | 33.400 | 10.856 | 1.817 | 0.990 | |
单序籽粒重SWi (g) | 0.588 | 0.146 | 0.388 | 1.000 | 0.613 | 24.864 | 1.848 | 0.959 | |
籽粒性状 Grain trait | 内稃长LP (mm) | 9.210 | 0.647 | 7.953 | 10.353 | 2.400 | 7.023 | 1.973 | 0.958 |
外稃长LL (mm) | 9.798 | 0.643 | 8.608 | 10.888 | 2.280 | 6.560 | 1.895 | 0.951 | |
芒长AL (mm) | 14.123 | 2.567 | 9.848 | 20.753 | 10.905 | 18.179 | 1.822 | 0.985 | |
种子长SL (mm) | 6.971 | 0.390 | 6.163 | 7.962 | 1.799 | 5.601 | 1.861 | 0.866 | |
种子宽SW (mm) | 0.826 | 0.105 | 0.665 | 1.170 | 0.505 | 12.665 | 1.713 | 0.860 | |
千粒重TKW (g) | 4.119 | 0.380 | 3.567 | 4.733 | 1.167 | 9.231 | 1.805 | 0.918 |
采集编号 Collection number | 穗部性状Spike trait | 叶部性状Leaf trait | 籽粒性状Grain trait | |||||||||||||
花序长 IL | 花序宽 IW | 穗轴第一节间长RL | 小穗数 SN | 小花数 FN | 单序籽粒数 SNi | 单序籽粒重 SWi | 叶层高度 TH | 旗叶长 FL | 旗叶宽 FW | 内稃长 LP | 外稃长 LL | 芒长 AL | 种子长 SL | 种子宽SW | 千粒重TKW | |
15-207 | 20.75±0.70ab | 1.45±0.42gh | 2.79±0.24ab | 31.80±3.31fghij | 3.67±0.24abc | 92.80±4.07de | 0.61±0.14bcde | 12.33±0.94efgh | 9.00±0.70cde | 0.66±0.05bcd | 8.93±0.54defg | 9.30±0.48efg | 9.85±0.58g | 6.98±0.83abc | 0.86±0.16b | 3.63±0.12c |
18-175 | 19.18±0.26bcd | 2.04±0.43bc | 1.73±0.27bcde | 34.60±1.74efgh | 3.17±0.24abc | 82.75±6.42fg | 0.73±0.16b | 16.50±0.50abc | 8.48±0.33def | 0.70±0.11bc | 9.44±0.64bcdef | 9.54±0.52defg | 12.47±0.86ef | 6.73±1.19bc | 0.89±0.21b | 4.73±0.09a |
15-087 | 22.21±0.80a | 1.83±0.33bcdef | 2.85±0.65bcd | 39.50±2.93bcde | 4.00±0.00ab | 93.00±4.06de | 0.75±0.26b | 11.75±0.25fghi | 10.50±0.94bc | 0.79±0.11ab | 9.44±0.43bcdef | 9.64±0.24cdef | 12.66±0.62de | 6.90±0.83c | 0.87±0.12b | 4.57±0.12ab |
17-123 | 20.64±1.38ab | 1.94±0.44bcd | 2.63±0.67abc | 41.17±4.41abcd | 3.33±0.24abc | 106.40±2.58bc | 0.57±0.13bcdef | 12.00±1.41fghi | 10.48±0.25bc | 0.88±0.17a | 8.35±0.61gh | 9.00±0.50fg | 12.97±0.34def | 6.16±0.34c | 0.79±0.13b | 4.15±0.05ab |
15-070 | 17.40±1.71d | 2.93±0.42a | 2.12±0.42cdef | 42.00±3.41abc | 3.17±0.24abc | 89.00±7.04def | 0.74±0.26b | 18.00±1.00ab | 11.08±0.30ab | 0.89±0.20a | 7.95±0.72h | 8.61±0.75g | 14.10±0.22cde | 7.64±0.67ab | 1.17±0.01a | 3.93±0.19ab |
16-330 | 20.13±0.89bc | 2.14±0.37b | 4.03±0.60a | 37.33±9.37cdef | 4.00±0.00ab | 113.20±3.31a | 0.60±0.08bcdef | 8.67±0.47j | 8.48±0.44def | 0.63±0.10bcd | 8.88±0.66efg | 9.03±0.62fg | 10.96±1.05fg | 6.82±0.54bc | 0.74±0.16b | 4.57±0.12ab |
16-383 | 18.58±1.12cd | 1.66±0.24defgh | 2.59±0.36ab | 35.00±3.46efgh | 3.50±0.41abc | 99.83±5.30c | 0.60±0.20bcdef | 12.50±0.50efgh | 11.14±1.59ab | 0.62±0.07bcd | 8.36±0.39gh | 9.20±0.72fg | 12.50±1.29ef | 7.22±0.79abc | 0.87±0.14b | 3.87±0.12ab |
18-114 | 17.80±0.98d | 0.63±0.19i | 1.50±0.34cdef | 34.00±2.53efghi | 2.83±0.24c | 107.50±7.43ab | 0.50±0.08cdef | 11.67±1.25fghi | 9.52±0.16bcd | 0.61±0.12bcd | 10.35±0.30a | 10.38±0.14abcd | 12.74±0.65ef | 6.72±0.43bc | 0.89±0.01b | 4.03±0.12ab |
16-121 | 15.28±1.58e | 1.43±0.12gh | 1.64±0.55fg | 30.40±1.62ghij | 3.33±0.47abc | 92.00±7.16de | 0.48±0.13def | 18.00±1.41ab | 6.42±0.25h | 0.61±0.02bcd | 9.80±0.86abcd | 10.54±0.64abc | 13.90±1.37de | 6.65±0.36bc | 0.80±0.25b | 3.80±0.16abc |
18-023 | 17.42±0.96d | 1.58±0.19efgh | 1.99±0.37defg | 35.80±4.75defgh | 4.00±0.00ab | 102.17±4.26bc | 1.00±0.22a | 16.00±1.00abc | 12.40±0.96a | 0.67±0.09bcd | 10.09±0.37ab | 10.89±0.99a | 16.65±1.01b | 7.96±0.58a | 0.81±0.10b | 4.30±0.22ab |
17-221 | 15.48±1.01e | 1.33±0.12h | 1.92±0.36cdef | 31.00±1.87ghij | 3.83±0.00ab | 86.50±1.38efg | 0.67±0.17bcd | 9.83±0.24ij | 6.68±1.03gh | 0.57±0.11cd | 9.43±0.45bcdef | 9.76±0.28cdef | 20.75±1.55a | 6.91±0.12bc | 0.72±0.06b | 3.65±0.15bc |
16-177 | 14.86±2.41ef | 1.36±0.13h | 2.08±0.33defg | 32.17±1.34fghij | 4.00±0.24ab | 107.67±1.70ab | 0.56±0.09bcdef | 18.50±0.50a | 8.60±0.87def | 0.66±0.08bcd | 9.39±0.55bcdef | 9.92±0.56bcdef | 13.91±1.37de | 7.24±0.55abc | 0.67±0.07b | 3.57±0.12bc |
20-100 | 12.64±0.95g | 1.56±0.14efgh | 1.39±0.31efg | 35.67±1.70defgh | 3.50±0.41abc | 79.80±3.06g | 0.50±0.09cdef | 11.33±0.94ghi | 7.38±0.34efgh | 0.58±0.08cd | 8.36±0.88gh | 9.20±0.79fg | 12.54±0.61ef | 7.03±0.66abc | 0.77±0.08b | 3.73±0.09abc |
20-081 | 15.26±0.91e | 1.53±0.18fgh | 1.73±0.31efg | 28.33±2.69ij | 4.00±0.00ab | 82.00±3.03g | 0.48±0.12def | 17.00±0.82ab | 8.68±0.63def | 0.68±0.08bcd | 9.20±0.49bcdefg | 9.76±0.42cdef | 13.01±0.70def | 6.91±0.35bc | 0.79±0.18b | 4.55±0.15ab |
20-056 | 14.52±0.56ef | 1.46±0.14gh | 1.52±0.18efg | 30.00±1.91hij | 3.67±0.47abc | 88.67±2.69def | 0.40±0.08ef | 11.00±0.82hi | 8.03±1.26defgh | 0.48±0.07d | 9.81±0.68abcd | 10.52±0.62abcd | 19.31±1.79a | 6.86±0.50bc | 0.87±0.05b | 4.60±0.22ab |
20-088 | 14.58±1.81ef | 1.73±0.22cdefg | 2.09±0.41defg | 36.20±2.99defg | 4.00±0.41a | 104.33±3.09bc | 0.60±0.20bcdef | 14.67±0.47cde | 10.58±1.80defg | 0.63±0.09bcd | 9.92±0.40abc | 10.75±0.35ab | 14.02±0.90de | 7.17±0.60abc | 0.86±0.06b | 4.50±0.22ab |
20-439 | 13.68±1.02fg | 1.62±0.30defgh | 1.41±0.20defg | 46.40±5.24a | 3.33±0.47abc | 106.60±1.36b | 0.40±0.12ef | 12.67±0.47efgh | 7.83±1.73defgh | 0.65±0.10bcd | 9.04±0.48cdefg | 9.57±0.68cdefg | 14.43±0.83cde | 7.08±0.44abc | 0.86±0.21b | 4.37±0.33ab |
20-436 | 13.60±0.58efg | 1.43±0.15gh | 1.36±0.10g | 45.67±3.73a | 2.83±0.85c | 93.60±2.42d | 0.54±0.13bcdef | 13.67±0.94efg | 7.20±1.21efgh | 0.63±0.13bcd | 8.96±0.75defg | 9.73±0.62cdef | 14.53±0.77cde | 6.38±0.46c | 0.81±0.09b | 3.77±0.12abc |
17-359 | 17.60±1.55d | 1.79±0.11cdef | 1.81±0.32efg | 44.17±3.48ab | 3.50±0.41abc | 89.60±2.94de | 0.65±0.21bc | 14.00±0.82def | 7.35±1.09efgh | 0.63±0.08bcd | 9.71±0.46abcde | 10.24±0.20abcde | 15.06±1.21bcd | 7.02±0.39abc | 0.82±0.04b | 4.20±0.10ab |
20-479 | 14.63±1.49e | 1.88±0.21bcde | 1.34±0.23efg | 27.57±3.70j | 3.33±0.47bc | 81.00±6.53g | 0.39±0.08f | 18.67±1.89a | 7.00±0.61fgh | 0.58±0.20cd | 8.80±0.50fg | 10.40±0.45abcd | 16.11±1.15bc | 7.05±0.43abc | 0.69±0.00b | 3.87±0.12ab |
F值F value | 22.661** | 17.194** | 6.123** | 10.393** | 2.732* | 23.592** | 5.818** | 17.275** | 11.490** | 4.279** | 5.676** | 4.880** | 16.623** | 1.611 | 1.549 | 2.798* |
Table 3 Variance analysis of phenotypic trait
采集编号 Collection number | 穗部性状Spike trait | 叶部性状Leaf trait | 籽粒性状Grain trait | |||||||||||||
花序长 IL | 花序宽 IW | 穗轴第一节间长RL | 小穗数 SN | 小花数 FN | 单序籽粒数 SNi | 单序籽粒重 SWi | 叶层高度 TH | 旗叶长 FL | 旗叶宽 FW | 内稃长 LP | 外稃长 LL | 芒长 AL | 种子长 SL | 种子宽SW | 千粒重TKW | |
15-207 | 20.75±0.70ab | 1.45±0.42gh | 2.79±0.24ab | 31.80±3.31fghij | 3.67±0.24abc | 92.80±4.07de | 0.61±0.14bcde | 12.33±0.94efgh | 9.00±0.70cde | 0.66±0.05bcd | 8.93±0.54defg | 9.30±0.48efg | 9.85±0.58g | 6.98±0.83abc | 0.86±0.16b | 3.63±0.12c |
18-175 | 19.18±0.26bcd | 2.04±0.43bc | 1.73±0.27bcde | 34.60±1.74efgh | 3.17±0.24abc | 82.75±6.42fg | 0.73±0.16b | 16.50±0.50abc | 8.48±0.33def | 0.70±0.11bc | 9.44±0.64bcdef | 9.54±0.52defg | 12.47±0.86ef | 6.73±1.19bc | 0.89±0.21b | 4.73±0.09a |
15-087 | 22.21±0.80a | 1.83±0.33bcdef | 2.85±0.65bcd | 39.50±2.93bcde | 4.00±0.00ab | 93.00±4.06de | 0.75±0.26b | 11.75±0.25fghi | 10.50±0.94bc | 0.79±0.11ab | 9.44±0.43bcdef | 9.64±0.24cdef | 12.66±0.62de | 6.90±0.83c | 0.87±0.12b | 4.57±0.12ab |
17-123 | 20.64±1.38ab | 1.94±0.44bcd | 2.63±0.67abc | 41.17±4.41abcd | 3.33±0.24abc | 106.40±2.58bc | 0.57±0.13bcdef | 12.00±1.41fghi | 10.48±0.25bc | 0.88±0.17a | 8.35±0.61gh | 9.00±0.50fg | 12.97±0.34def | 6.16±0.34c | 0.79±0.13b | 4.15±0.05ab |
15-070 | 17.40±1.71d | 2.93±0.42a | 2.12±0.42cdef | 42.00±3.41abc | 3.17±0.24abc | 89.00±7.04def | 0.74±0.26b | 18.00±1.00ab | 11.08±0.30ab | 0.89±0.20a | 7.95±0.72h | 8.61±0.75g | 14.10±0.22cde | 7.64±0.67ab | 1.17±0.01a | 3.93±0.19ab |
16-330 | 20.13±0.89bc | 2.14±0.37b | 4.03±0.60a | 37.33±9.37cdef | 4.00±0.00ab | 113.20±3.31a | 0.60±0.08bcdef | 8.67±0.47j | 8.48±0.44def | 0.63±0.10bcd | 8.88±0.66efg | 9.03±0.62fg | 10.96±1.05fg | 6.82±0.54bc | 0.74±0.16b | 4.57±0.12ab |
16-383 | 18.58±1.12cd | 1.66±0.24defgh | 2.59±0.36ab | 35.00±3.46efgh | 3.50±0.41abc | 99.83±5.30c | 0.60±0.20bcdef | 12.50±0.50efgh | 11.14±1.59ab | 0.62±0.07bcd | 8.36±0.39gh | 9.20±0.72fg | 12.50±1.29ef | 7.22±0.79abc | 0.87±0.14b | 3.87±0.12ab |
18-114 | 17.80±0.98d | 0.63±0.19i | 1.50±0.34cdef | 34.00±2.53efghi | 2.83±0.24c | 107.50±7.43ab | 0.50±0.08cdef | 11.67±1.25fghi | 9.52±0.16bcd | 0.61±0.12bcd | 10.35±0.30a | 10.38±0.14abcd | 12.74±0.65ef | 6.72±0.43bc | 0.89±0.01b | 4.03±0.12ab |
16-121 | 15.28±1.58e | 1.43±0.12gh | 1.64±0.55fg | 30.40±1.62ghij | 3.33±0.47abc | 92.00±7.16de | 0.48±0.13def | 18.00±1.41ab | 6.42±0.25h | 0.61±0.02bcd | 9.80±0.86abcd | 10.54±0.64abc | 13.90±1.37de | 6.65±0.36bc | 0.80±0.25b | 3.80±0.16abc |
18-023 | 17.42±0.96d | 1.58±0.19efgh | 1.99±0.37defg | 35.80±4.75defgh | 4.00±0.00ab | 102.17±4.26bc | 1.00±0.22a | 16.00±1.00abc | 12.40±0.96a | 0.67±0.09bcd | 10.09±0.37ab | 10.89±0.99a | 16.65±1.01b | 7.96±0.58a | 0.81±0.10b | 4.30±0.22ab |
17-221 | 15.48±1.01e | 1.33±0.12h | 1.92±0.36cdef | 31.00±1.87ghij | 3.83±0.00ab | 86.50±1.38efg | 0.67±0.17bcd | 9.83±0.24ij | 6.68±1.03gh | 0.57±0.11cd | 9.43±0.45bcdef | 9.76±0.28cdef | 20.75±1.55a | 6.91±0.12bc | 0.72±0.06b | 3.65±0.15bc |
16-177 | 14.86±2.41ef | 1.36±0.13h | 2.08±0.33defg | 32.17±1.34fghij | 4.00±0.24ab | 107.67±1.70ab | 0.56±0.09bcdef | 18.50±0.50a | 8.60±0.87def | 0.66±0.08bcd | 9.39±0.55bcdef | 9.92±0.56bcdef | 13.91±1.37de | 7.24±0.55abc | 0.67±0.07b | 3.57±0.12bc |
20-100 | 12.64±0.95g | 1.56±0.14efgh | 1.39±0.31efg | 35.67±1.70defgh | 3.50±0.41abc | 79.80±3.06g | 0.50±0.09cdef | 11.33±0.94ghi | 7.38±0.34efgh | 0.58±0.08cd | 8.36±0.88gh | 9.20±0.79fg | 12.54±0.61ef | 7.03±0.66abc | 0.77±0.08b | 3.73±0.09abc |
20-081 | 15.26±0.91e | 1.53±0.18fgh | 1.73±0.31efg | 28.33±2.69ij | 4.00±0.00ab | 82.00±3.03g | 0.48±0.12def | 17.00±0.82ab | 8.68±0.63def | 0.68±0.08bcd | 9.20±0.49bcdefg | 9.76±0.42cdef | 13.01±0.70def | 6.91±0.35bc | 0.79±0.18b | 4.55±0.15ab |
20-056 | 14.52±0.56ef | 1.46±0.14gh | 1.52±0.18efg | 30.00±1.91hij | 3.67±0.47abc | 88.67±2.69def | 0.40±0.08ef | 11.00±0.82hi | 8.03±1.26defgh | 0.48±0.07d | 9.81±0.68abcd | 10.52±0.62abcd | 19.31±1.79a | 6.86±0.50bc | 0.87±0.05b | 4.60±0.22ab |
20-088 | 14.58±1.81ef | 1.73±0.22cdefg | 2.09±0.41defg | 36.20±2.99defg | 4.00±0.41a | 104.33±3.09bc | 0.60±0.20bcdef | 14.67±0.47cde | 10.58±1.80defg | 0.63±0.09bcd | 9.92±0.40abc | 10.75±0.35ab | 14.02±0.90de | 7.17±0.60abc | 0.86±0.06b | 4.50±0.22ab |
20-439 | 13.68±1.02fg | 1.62±0.30defgh | 1.41±0.20defg | 46.40±5.24a | 3.33±0.47abc | 106.60±1.36b | 0.40±0.12ef | 12.67±0.47efgh | 7.83±1.73defgh | 0.65±0.10bcd | 9.04±0.48cdefg | 9.57±0.68cdefg | 14.43±0.83cde | 7.08±0.44abc | 0.86±0.21b | 4.37±0.33ab |
20-436 | 13.60±0.58efg | 1.43±0.15gh | 1.36±0.10g | 45.67±3.73a | 2.83±0.85c | 93.60±2.42d | 0.54±0.13bcdef | 13.67±0.94efg | 7.20±1.21efgh | 0.63±0.13bcd | 8.96±0.75defg | 9.73±0.62cdef | 14.53±0.77cde | 6.38±0.46c | 0.81±0.09b | 3.77±0.12abc |
17-359 | 17.60±1.55d | 1.79±0.11cdef | 1.81±0.32efg | 44.17±3.48ab | 3.50±0.41abc | 89.60±2.94de | 0.65±0.21bc | 14.00±0.82def | 7.35±1.09efgh | 0.63±0.08bcd | 9.71±0.46abcde | 10.24±0.20abcde | 15.06±1.21bcd | 7.02±0.39abc | 0.82±0.04b | 4.20±0.10ab |
20-479 | 14.63±1.49e | 1.88±0.21bcde | 1.34±0.23efg | 27.57±3.70j | 3.33±0.47bc | 81.00±6.53g | 0.39±0.08f | 18.67±1.89a | 7.00±0.61fgh | 0.58±0.20cd | 8.80±0.50fg | 10.40±0.45abcd | 16.11±1.15bc | 7.05±0.43abc | 0.69±0.00b | 3.87±0.12ab |
F值F value | 22.661** | 17.194** | 6.123** | 10.393** | 2.732* | 23.592** | 5.818** | 17.275** | 11.490** | 4.279** | 5.676** | 4.880** | 16.623** | 1.611 | 1.549 | 2.798* |
项目 Item | 性状 Traits | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 海拔 Altitude |
叶部性状 Leaf traits | 叶层高度TH | -0.105 | -0.065 | 0.204 |
旗叶长FL | 0.401* | 0.384* | -0.454* | |
旗叶宽FW | 0.170 | 0.278* | -0.474* | |
穗部性状 Spike traits | 花序长IL | 0.450* | 0.551** | -0.710** |
花序宽IW | 0.063 | 0.117 | -0.113 | |
穗轴第一节间长RL | 0.455* | 0.555** | -0.578** | |
小穗数SN | -0.420* | -0.294* | 0.093 | |
小花数FN | 0.482* | 0.404* | -0.083 | |
单序籽粒数SNi | 0.021 | 0.127 | -0.220 | |
单序籽粒重SWi | 0.393* | 0.441* | -0.470* | |
籽粒性状 Grain traits | 内稃长LP | 0.129 | 0.039 | 0.124 |
外稃长LL | -0.065 | -0.185 | 0.463* | |
芒长AL | -0.143 | -0.239* | 0.451* | |
种子长SL | 0.182 | 0.179 | 0.026 | |
种子宽SW | 0.124 | 0.152 | -0.304* | |
千粒重TKW | 0.108 | -0.066 | -0.004 | |
生产性能 Production performance | 种子产量SY | 0.370* | 0.380* | -0.581** |
Table 4 Correlation analysis of phenotypic traits and geographic factors
项目 Item | 性状 Traits | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 海拔 Altitude |
叶部性状 Leaf traits | 叶层高度TH | -0.105 | -0.065 | 0.204 |
旗叶长FL | 0.401* | 0.384* | -0.454* | |
旗叶宽FW | 0.170 | 0.278* | -0.474* | |
穗部性状 Spike traits | 花序长IL | 0.450* | 0.551** | -0.710** |
花序宽IW | 0.063 | 0.117 | -0.113 | |
穗轴第一节间长RL | 0.455* | 0.555** | -0.578** | |
小穗数SN | -0.420* | -0.294* | 0.093 | |
小花数FN | 0.482* | 0.404* | -0.083 | |
单序籽粒数SNi | 0.021 | 0.127 | -0.220 | |
单序籽粒重SWi | 0.393* | 0.441* | -0.470* | |
籽粒性状 Grain traits | 内稃长LP | 0.129 | 0.039 | 0.124 |
外稃长LL | -0.065 | -0.185 | 0.463* | |
芒长AL | -0.143 | -0.239* | 0.451* | |
种子长SL | 0.182 | 0.179 | 0.026 | |
种子宽SW | 0.124 | 0.152 | -0.304* | |
千粒重TKW | 0.108 | -0.066 | -0.004 | |
生产性能 Production performance | 种子产量SY | 0.370* | 0.380* | -0.581** |
项目 Item | 性状 Trait | I类Cluster I | II类Cluster II | III类Cluster III | |||
平均值 Mean | 变异系数 CV (%) | 平均值 Mean | 变异系数 CV (%) | 平均值 Mean | 变异系数 CV (%) | ||
叶部性状 Leaf traits | 叶层高度TH (cm) | 13.813 | 24.640 | 13.389 | 16.769 | 16.333 | 20.203 |
旗叶长FL (cm) | 9.398 | 19.263 | 8.280 | 14.991 | 7.175 | 3.449 | |
旗叶宽FW (cm) | 0.690 | 15.326 | 0.608 | 11.341 | 0.601 | 5.552 | |
穗部性状 Spike traits | 花序长IL (cm) | 18.311 | 12.939 | 14.046 | 6.582 | 16.113 | 13.056 |
花序宽IW (cm) | 1.694 | 33.063 | 1.555 | 7.200 | 1.833 | 3.428 | |
穗轴第一节间长RL (cm) | 2.322 | 30.310 | 1.585 | 17.806 | 1.578 | 21.049 | |
小穗数SN (No.) | 35.397 | 11.042 | 37.044 | 20.558 | 35.869 | 32.715 | |
小花数FN (No.) | 3.569 | 11.343 | 3.556 | 12.461 | 3.417 | 3.449 | |
单序籽粒数SNi (No.) | 97.735 | 9.944 | 92.500 | 12.099 | 85.300 | 7.129 | |
单序籽粒重SWi (g) | 0.650 | 21.924 | 0.487 | 16.227 | 0.519 | 35.781 | |
籽粒性状 Grain traits | 内稃长LP (mm) | 9.201 | 7.930 | 9.213 | 6.286 | 9.255 | 6.927 |
外稃长LL (mm) | 9.649 | 7.112 | 9.920 | 5.971 | 10.321 | 1.110 | |
芒长AL (mm) | 13.622 | 20.581 | 14.639 | 16.550 | 15.586 | 4.734 | |
种子长SL (mm) | 6.995 | 6.767 | 6.904 | 4.047 | 7.033 | 0.251 | |
种子宽SW (mm) | 0.839 | 15.154 | 0.827 | 5.193 | 0.753 | 12.515 | |
千粒重TKW (g) | 4.067 | 9.800 | 4.253 | 9.341 | 4.033 | 5.844 | |
生产性能Production performance | 种子产量SY (g) | 20.064 | 31.176 | 11.251 | 25.691 | 13.417 | 23.014 |
Table 5 The mean and coefficient of variation (CV) of phenotypic character in different groups
项目 Item | 性状 Trait | I类Cluster I | II类Cluster II | III类Cluster III | |||
平均值 Mean | 变异系数 CV (%) | 平均值 Mean | 变异系数 CV (%) | 平均值 Mean | 变异系数 CV (%) | ||
叶部性状 Leaf traits | 叶层高度TH (cm) | 13.813 | 24.640 | 13.389 | 16.769 | 16.333 | 20.203 |
旗叶长FL (cm) | 9.398 | 19.263 | 8.280 | 14.991 | 7.175 | 3.449 | |
旗叶宽FW (cm) | 0.690 | 15.326 | 0.608 | 11.341 | 0.601 | 5.552 | |
穗部性状 Spike traits | 花序长IL (cm) | 18.311 | 12.939 | 14.046 | 6.582 | 16.113 | 13.056 |
花序宽IW (cm) | 1.694 | 33.063 | 1.555 | 7.200 | 1.833 | 3.428 | |
穗轴第一节间长RL (cm) | 2.322 | 30.310 | 1.585 | 17.806 | 1.578 | 21.049 | |
小穗数SN (No.) | 35.397 | 11.042 | 37.044 | 20.558 | 35.869 | 32.715 | |
小花数FN (No.) | 3.569 | 11.343 | 3.556 | 12.461 | 3.417 | 3.449 | |
单序籽粒数SNi (No.) | 97.735 | 9.944 | 92.500 | 12.099 | 85.300 | 7.129 | |
单序籽粒重SWi (g) | 0.650 | 21.924 | 0.487 | 16.227 | 0.519 | 35.781 | |
籽粒性状 Grain traits | 内稃长LP (mm) | 9.201 | 7.930 | 9.213 | 6.286 | 9.255 | 6.927 |
外稃长LL (mm) | 9.649 | 7.112 | 9.920 | 5.971 | 10.321 | 1.110 | |
芒长AL (mm) | 13.622 | 20.581 | 14.639 | 16.550 | 15.586 | 4.734 | |
种子长SL (mm) | 6.995 | 6.767 | 6.904 | 4.047 | 7.033 | 0.251 | |
种子宽SW (mm) | 0.839 | 15.154 | 0.827 | 5.193 | 0.753 | 12.515 | |
千粒重TKW (g) | 4.067 | 9.800 | 4.253 | 9.341 | 4.033 | 5.844 | |
生产性能Production performance | 种子产量SY (g) | 20.064 | 31.176 | 11.251 | 25.691 | 13.417 | 23.014 |
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