Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2011, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 244-252.
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YANG Hui-min, WANG Dong-mei
[1] McGroddy M E, Daufresne T, Hedin L O. Scaling of C∶N∶P stoichiometry in forests worldwide: Implications of terrestrial Redfield-type ratios[J]. Ecology, 2004, 85: 2390-2401. [2] Niklas K J, Cobb E D. N, P, and C stoichiometry of Eranthis hyemalis (Ranunculaceae) and the allometry of plant growth[J]. American Journal of Botany, 2005, 92: 1256-1263. [3] Yang Y, Luo Y. Carbon:nitrogen stoichiometry in forest ecosystems during stand development[J]. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2011, 20: 354-361. [4] Niklas K J. Plant allometry, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry, and interspecific trends in annual growth rates[J]. Annals of Botany, 2006, 97: 155-163. [5] Niklas K J, Owens T, Reich P B, et al. Nitrogen/phosphorus leaf stoichiometry and the scaling of plant growth[J]. Ecology Letters, 2005, 8: 636-642. [6] Wright I J, Reich P B, Westoby M, et al. The worldwide leaf economics spectrum[J]. Nature, 2004, 428: 821-827. [7] Reich P B, Oleksyn J. 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